Jay Leno’s Turn to Rip Barack Obama: “Obama’s Better Off Smoking Crack Than Passing ObamaCare, Would Have Been Up 10 Points.” (Update: Carville Says Obama Should Take a Hit on Ford’s Crack Pipe)


Exactly why is Jay Leno losing his show, he has never been funnier. CRACK  OBAMACARE IS WHACK!!!

Comedian Jay Leno just shredded Barack Obama and joked about Obama’s falling poll numbers …  “Latest polls show President Obama’s approval rating down to 39%. And Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s approval rating went up to 49%. How does this make Obama feel? He’s better off smoking crack than passing ObamaCare, would have been up ten points. OUCH, THAT’S GOING TO LEAVE A MARK!!!

Just how bad is Obamacare when crack ranks above it? Obama, the “Comedian” in Chief should get a good laugh out of this one, or does he not find it humerus when he is the brunt of the joke?

From NewsBusters:

JAY LENO: And President Obama saw gravity today – not the film, his poll numbers, not good. [Light laughter] Latest polls show President Obama’s approval rating down to 39 percent. And Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s approval rating went up to 49 percent. How does this make Obama feel? He’s better off smoking crack than passing ObamaCare – would have been up ten points. Would have been ten points higher. [Applause]

Actually, have you noticed the president backtracking a little bit on this whole deal? Like at a fundraiser earlier this week, President Obama said, no, no, no. What he promised was that you could keep your healthcare plan if it hasn’t changed since the law has passed. You know, he’s such a good speaker, he almost believed it himself [Light laughter] and then his pants caught fire. That’s when I knew. [Laughter and applause] When I saw the pants caught fire.

UPDATE I: Democrat strategists tells Obama to take a hit off Toronto Mayor Ford’s crack pipe.

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  • Comments

    One Response to “Jay Leno’s Turn to Rip Barack Obama: “Obama’s Better Off Smoking Crack Than Passing ObamaCare, Would Have Been Up 10 Points.” (Update: Carville Says Obama Should Take a Hit on Ford’s Crack Pipe)”

    1. rob on November 11th, 2013 1:28 pm

      Maybe his whole adminstration IS smoking crack. At least that would explain it.

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