CNN Poll: 71% of Americans Against Obama Backed Military Strike Against Bashar al-Assad Regime in Syria


Bi-partisan support against Barack Obama’s military action against Syria …

As President Barack Obama sets out to do a media campaign blitz for a military strike against the Bashar al-Assad Regime in Syria  to win over the America people, a CNN poll shows that “We the People” resoundingly oppose it.  Obama has so miserably handled the run up to a military strike and Obama has failed to convince the American people that a strike is in our best interest. Americas are also  tired of war in the Middle East and fighting for people that hate us, that 71% of Americans oppose any military strike what so ever. Only 27% support it. Most people believe that Assad did use chemical weapons against his people; however, they want no part of any military action.

Obama has no International support, he has no domestic support … will Democrats be willing to defy the will of the people just to support this president and have him save face from his “red line” comments?


As President Barack Obama presses his case for a strike on Syria, a new national survey shows him swimming against a strong tide of public opinion that doesn’t want the U.S. to get involved.

The CNN/ORC International poll released Monday shows that even though eight in 10 Americans believe that the Bashar al-Assad regime gassed its own people, a strong majority doesn’t want Congress to pass a resolution authorizing a military strike against the regime.

More than seven in 10 say such a strike would not achieve significant goals for the U.S. and a similar amount say it’s not in the national interest for the U.S. to get involved in Syria’s bloody two-year long civil war.

And if this fails in Congress Obama will not have the GOP to blame. Democrats in mass, including is soundly against any military strike in Syria. Also, it shows a fail of leadership of this president as four 5 years he has done nothing but demonize Republicans. Now, Obama suddenly wants their support .

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  • Comments

    4 Responses to “CNN Poll: 71% of Americans Against Obama Backed Military Strike Against Bashar al-Assad Regime in Syria”

    1. A Texas Grandfather on September 9th, 2013 9:54 am

      We don’t have a competent person sitting in the office of POTUS. We have a community organizer with a little on the job training.

      This man is dangerous to our country and the world. We should NOT be placing the country in such a position regarding Syria.

    2. Tamikosmom on September 9th, 2013 10:01 am

      Democrat Plants? Republican sell-outs?

      Tallying the House Vote on Syria
      September 9, 2013 4:00 AM

      Tallying the House Vote on Syria Right now, the number of House Republicans planning to back the Syria resolution is stuck at about two dozen, according to the unofficial count several aides are keeping. …

      Boehner, like Cantor, is supportive of the president’s proposal, but he has been more hands-off in dealing with House Republicans than the majority leader has

      Sources close to him say he’ll try to bolster GOP support without strong-arming anyone. CASE IN POINT: His staff is advising White House chief of staff Denis McDonough about what the president needs to say on Tuesday to win Republican votes.

      The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves” – Vladimir llyich Leni

    3. kashekamon on September 9th, 2013 10:11 am

      Can you only imagine a**hole handling the 911 crisis and aftermath….OMG….he’s just wanting to save face….forget it obama, you’ve already been a long time disgrace….and your mouth looks like michelle gave you a whopper!!!!

    4. Anonymous on September 10th, 2013 1:32 am

      When will the violence in the Middle East END?

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