Registered Sex Offender Jerry Andrew Active Savagely Murders Elderly Couple Then Rapes Their 2 Year Old Great-Granddaughter Hours After Jail Release in Anchorage, Alaska
24 year old Jerry Andrew Active, a registered sex offender and who has had multiple arrests for sexual assault, escalated his life of crime and murdered an elderly Anchorage couple, then raped their 2 year old granddaughter just hours, yes hours after he was released from prison. WTF!!! From the Anchorage Daily News, “Less than twelve hours later, the 24-year-old is alleged to have killed an elderly couple and sexually assaulted their 2-year-old great-granddaughter after slipping through an open window at the family’s Mountain View apartment”. UNREAL!!! Active has been charged with murder, sexual assault, sexual abuse of a minor and burglary. A judge set his bail at $1.5 million on Sunday. There should not have even been a bail set for this danger to society.
Alaska Double Murder: Jerry Active, 24, charged with killing elderly couple, sexually assaulting toddler … arrested running away from scene in his boxers.
Jerry Andrew Active was arrested Saturday night as he fled the east Anchorage homicide scene dressed only in boxer shorts and socks. He is charged with first and second-degree murder, sexual assault and burglary in the deaths of Touch Chea, 71, and his wife, Sorn Sreap, 73. Police said Sreap and the toddler were raped.
A man suspected of beating an elderly Alaska couple to death and sexually assaulting their 2-year-old great-granddaughter over the weekend had been released from jail just hours earlier, according to Alaska Department of Corrections records.
Jerry Andrew Active, 24, was released from the Anchorage Correctional Complex where he was doing time for a probation violation shortly after 8 a.m. Saturday, according to the Anchorage Daily News. The attacks on the couple and the toddler occurred less than 12 hours later after he got into an apartment on the east side of the city by climbing in through an open window, police said.
This POS has been in and out of jail since 2007 and each time been given a slap on the wrist as I guess molesting and sexually assaulting minors is no big deal in Alaska! WHAT PART ABOUT THIS PIECE OF GARBAGE IS A SEX OFFENDER AND A THREAT TO SOCIETY DIDN’T ANY ONE GET?
- In 2009, he was arrested for sneaking into a Togiak home and attempting to sexually assault an 11-year-old girl while the family slept, then assaulting three members of the household.
- He was convicted the next year in a Dillingham court on charges of attempted sexual abuse of a minor and trespassing. He was released on Oct. 2, 2011 and put on probation
- violated his probation repeatedly, sometimes being re-arrested on the very day he got out of jail.
WTF … I refer to the following as the Failed System axiom for sexual predators. How many times did this sexual predator have to assault innocent victims and violate his parole? Obviously, he needed to murder before he would be taken seriously. Sad, so very sad.
- A sexual predator exposes himself to a little girl and we give him a slap on the wrist as say, well at least he didn’t touch her.
- A sexual predator touches and molests a little girl and we give him a slap on the wrist as say, well at least he didn’t rape her.
- A sexual predator rapes a little girl and we give him a slap on the wrist as say, well at least he didn’t kill her.
- Then he kills her and we are outraged at how such a thing could happen.
Posted May 29, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Arrest, Assault, Child Endangerment, Child Welfare, Crime, Facebook, molestation, Murder, Rape, Sex Offender, Sexual Assault, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Krauthammer Says Holder’s Going to Have to Go Because He’s a Liability to the President … Obama May Have to Get a Second Bus
Can Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder survive? From the Most Transparent White House Ever …
Not according to syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer, who last night stated on ‘The O’Reilly Factor,’ I think Holder is going to have to go because he is a liability to the President. Its all about the president. Its all about whether there is space under the bus.” Krauthammer thinks Holder is toast. Of course this is the same Holder that has been responsible for past scandals like Fast & Furious, the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case, and now the AP and Fox News Rosen debacle. It is hard to believe that Holder can survive this. And when that happens, the Obama administration admits as Joe Biden is so famous for saying … “Its a big F’n deal”.
“Holder’s going to have to go because he’s a liability to the president. It’s all about the president.
It’s all about is there space under the bus. So there are a lot of people. He may have to get a second bus.
Remember Obama says he trusts Holder 100%. And now he learns that he did not say they truth.”
Video Hat Tip – The Gateway Pundit
The Hill is reporting that, The House Judiciary Committee is investigating whether Attorney General Eric Holder lied under oath during his May 15 testimony on the Justice Department’s (DOJ) surveillance of reporters. It would appear that the House does not trust Eric Holder investigating, Eric Holder. Which is exactly what Barack Obama ordered Holder to do in the wake of the AP/Rosen scandal. How did he not lie under oath?
The panel is looking at a statement Holder made during a back-and-forth with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) about whether the DOJ could prosecute reporters under the Espionage Act of 1917, an aide close to the matter told The Hill.
“In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material — this is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy,” Holder said during the hearing.
However, NBC News reported the following week that Holder personally approved a search warrant that labeled Fox News chief Washington correspondent James Rosen a co-conspirator in a national security leaks case.
The panel is investigating whether NBC’s report contradicts Holder’s claim that he had not looked into or been involved with a possible prosecution of the press in a leaks case.
PJ Tatler had a caption contest on whether Holder should resign. We added this link as it plays right into the vision of “Scared Monkeys” … the #2 was ‘Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Also known as the Helen Keller Defense of tyranny’.
Posted May 29, 2013 by Scared Monkeys AG Eric Holder, AP Telephone Scandal, Barack Obama, Benghazi-Gate, Fast & Furious, Scandal, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Daily Commentary – Wednesday, May 29, 2013 – Fox News Answers 5 Common Tech Questions
- Has answers to some of the top tech questions asked
Daily Commentary – Wednesday, May 29, 2013 Download
Posted May 29, 2013 by Klaasend Dana Pretzer, FOX NEWS, Media, Scared Monkeys Radio, Technology | no comments |
US. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) Will Not Seek Reelection in 2014
Representative Michele Bauchmann announced on her web site this morning that she would not be seeking reelection in 2014 for the 6th District of Minnesota. Bauchmann also ran for the GOP nomination for president in 2012. Bauchmann stated that just like the president who is limited to 8 years, so should she as a Congressman. Buachmann has been a staunch conservative voice in the House and it shall be missed. Personally, I am a believer that it should be mandatory that both the House and Senate should have term limits. Our Founders never intended for career politicians.
Bauchmann went on to say, “I promise you I have and I will continue to fight to protect innocent human life, traditional marriage, family values, religious liberty, and academic excellence.”
More from CNN:
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann will not seek reelection next year. But, said the former presidential candidate, she has no plans to fade from public view.
“Looking forward, after the completion of my term, my future is full, it is limitless, and my passions for America will remain,” she announced in a video posted to her campaign website early Wednesday.
Bachmann, who served four terms representing Minnesota’s 6th District, promised that there “is no future option or opportunity” that she “won’t be giving serious consideration if it can help save and protect our great nation for future generations.”
And more from the Politico which is probably one of the liberal MSM outlets that Bauchmann was referring to regarding spinning the reason why she is leaving. Add the WAPO to the list as well.
“And rest assured, this decision was not impacted in any way by the recent inquiries into the activities of my former presidential campaign or my former presidential staff. It was clearly understood that compliance with all rules and regulations was an absolute necessity for my presidential campaign. And I have no reason to believe that that was not the case. …
”I fully anticipate the mainstream, liberal media to put a detrimental spin on my decision. … But I take being the focus of their attention of their disparagement as a true compliment of my public-service effectiveness. … To m my detractors, my work continues for YOUR best interest as well. … God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.”
Posted May 29, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Conservatives, Government, House of Representatives, Michele Bachmann (MN-R), Presidential Contenders, Republican, Tea Party | 3 comments |
Daily Commentery – Tuesday, May 28, 2013 – Donald Trump for President in 2016?
- Trump spends $1 million researching the possibility
Daily Commentery – Tuesday, May 28, 2013 Download
Posted May 28, 2013 by Klaasend 2016 Elections, Celebrity, Dana Pretzer, Donald Trump, Scared Monkeys Radio | 4 comments |