Arizona Gun Store’s Sign Declares “If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome” … “You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.”


Well, if the shoe gun fits, wear it, or not in this case. 

As reported at CNS News, Cope Reynolds, the owner of Southwest Shooting Authority, a gun store located in Pinetop, Arizona, posted a sign in the window stating that if you were an Obama supporter, he did not want your business. Not only did he buy an ad in  a local newspaper that read: “If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome.” He also posted a sign in his store window that said, ”If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.” And? Reynold’s might have a point when it comes to the responsibility issue. Obviously, it would be impossible to enforce and it was meant to be more of a political statement.

It was reported over the weekend that the owner of a gun store in Arizona is telling Pres. Obama’s supporters he doesn’t want their business.

Cope Reynolds, the owner of Southwest Shooting Authority, a gun store located in Pinetop, Arizona, took out a full page ad in a local newspaper that read: “If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome.”

The New York Daily News reports that Mr. Reynolds also posted a sign on the store’s front door:

“If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.”

I am sure it will not be long before some one calls him a racist.

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  • Comments

    6 Responses to “Arizona Gun Store’s Sign Declares “If you voted for Barack Obama your business is not welcome” … “You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.””

    1. Katts on November 18th, 2012 11:45 pm


    2. VP Joe Biden to Hurricane Victims: “You’ve Got a Homeboy in the Deal Who Gets It” | Scared Monkeys on November 19th, 2012 7:22 am

      [...] Elections certainly do have consequences. Barack Obama’s VP Joe Biden told Hurricane Sandy victims in New Jersey over the weekend while inspecting storm damage weeks after the super storm, “You’ve got a homeboy in the deal who gets it.” Huh, a home boy? Wow Joe, how fly. Yup, no double standard here, imagine if Biden was not a democrat? Think his “hommie” would have gone unnoticed?  So this is how Obama/Biden connected with Americans. Unreal. Thanks America for voting this guy a heart beat away from the presidency. I think the gun shop owner in Arizona may have gotten it 100% correct. [...]

    3. Katts on November 19th, 2012 8:02 am


      Such a term of endearment. So “street”, so ghetto. But then .. welcome to the new America.
      where low is “go”

    4. PublicEnemy2u on November 19th, 2012 3:39 pm

      mexican cartel straw men gun buyers always welcome

    5. Katts on November 20th, 2012 10:15 am


      Why would the Mexican cartels frequent this little shop. They get superior, free weapons from the US government?

    6. PublicEnemy2u on November 21st, 2012 12:11 pm

      Katts, because it’s Ar15zona, you do know how the guns in the F&F were aquired don’t you? Makes for a good story even without the “impeach obama, fire holder” chapters that wern’t include in the final draft. Your should read it

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