President Barack Obama Says, If GOP Wants Me ‘To Walk the Dog or Wash Their Car, I’m Happy to Do It’
The United Stated economy is headed over the cliff and the Middle East is on fire and Obama is still in the silly season as the most partisan and divisive President ever now says, can’t we all just get along. Obama lower the federal deficit? Since when has Obama ever been concerned with lowering the deficit? Obama promised in 2008 he would reduce the deficit in half, all he has done is increase it like no other president before him. Actually like almost all other presidents combined before him.
Even though under Obama’s first term in office the United States has had 43+ consecutive months of unemployment over 8%, record federal debt including over $5 trillion under this president, record number of people on food stamps and Obama makes the following foolish comment, “If GOP Wants Me ‘To Walk the Dog or Wash Their Car, I’m Happy to Do It”. After nearly four years of not listening to Republicans, after nearly four years of Obama and Democrats insulting and calling the GOP Nazi’s and that the GOP wants to harm old people, children and pollute the air … 50 days out from an election Obama now wants to play nice? Give me a break.
President Barack Obama, on the stump in the swing state of Ohio on Monday, said that in working with Republicans to reduce the deficit, he was willing to show “more love” and even “wash their car” to get the job done.
While speaking in Cincinnati on Monday, Obama said, “The only thing they [Republicans] can do is keep trying to bluff their way through until November, and hope that you won’t call them on it. But understand Cincinnati, look, I want to work with them to reduce the deficit. I’ve said if the Republicans need more love, if they want me to walk the dog or wash their car, I’m happy to do it.”
Obama wants to work with the GOP like when he and Democrats did with ramming Obamacare down the throats of Americans against the will of the people? How about like that Obama $1 trillion stimulus package that was so bi-partisan?
The Lonely Conservative nails it with the best line of the day, “The guy who goes out of his way to skirt Congress every chance he gets. He’d eat their dogs before he’d work with Republicans, at least the ones with principles.” Amen Sister!
Posted September 18, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Budget Deficits, Campaigner in Chief, class warfare, Economy, Food Stamps, Jobs, National Debt, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Presidential Election, Recession, Unemployment | 6 comments |
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6 Responses to “President Barack Obama Says, If GOP Wants Me ‘To Walk the Dog or Wash Their Car, I’m Happy to Do It’”
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i’d prefer him to step down and go back to Africa where he came from.
Obama should be removed and arrested for all of his evil crimes, also with the blatant lies from Day One, his deceitfulness, who in their right mind could possibly trust such an evil CRIMINAL. He is a menace to this country and should be removed IMMEDIATELY!!!
Remember wht BO was supposed to teh the first post racial, partisan President?
What a joke.
Not only should Obama be tossed out of office, the MSM should be arrested for the criminal act of conspiracy and colusion to defraud and misrepresent the America people with their corrupt support of Obama.
[...] Dog whistles: President Barack Obama, on the stump in the swing state of Ohio on Monday, said that in working with Republicans to reduce the deficit, he was willing to show “more love” and even “wash their car” to get the job done. [...]
Obama wants to work with the GOP like when he and Democrats did with ramming Obamacare down the throats of Americans against the will of the people? How about like that Obama $1 trillion stimulus package that was so bi-partisan
Obamacare was voted on and passed, not “rammed down the throats of Americans against the will of the people” What is being rammed is the 30 votes to repeal it, all for show, NO chance at passing and the whole time not even allowing the presidents jobs bill to be introduced. The landslide is coming, we will have a mandate to go forward, not backward
Obama doesn’t want to work with anyone, that surely has to be clear. His background and history clearly denotes that he is a Muslim, not an American.