Gallup Says Unemployment Rate Will Tick Upwards for February to 8.6% … Economy Getting Better?


Gallup survey indicates that unemployment will rise to 8.6% adjusted, 9.1% without seasonal adjustment.  This would hardly indicate a jobs/economy improving even though Barack Obama, his minions and the MSM will spin it as so.

Gallup finds U.S. unemployment, as measured without seasonal adjustment, to be 9.1% in February, based on almost 30,000 interviews with a random sample of Americans. When Gallup applies the 0.5-percentage-point seasonal adjustment that the government applied to its unadjusted data for February last year, it produces an adjusted unemployment rate for February 2012 of 8.6% — a substantial increase from the 8.3% adjusted rate the government reported for January.

A the American Thinker reminds us, with so many Americans discouraged about finding work that the BLS isn’t even counting,  once those people start to filter back into the job market, the rate of unemployment is bound to rise.  This is going to occur right in the midst of a Presidential election, where it will look fool-hearty for Obama to claim credit for an improving economy when so many millions of Americans are out of work.

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