Rick Santorum’s Youngest Daughter Bella Hospitalized … Cancels All Florida Events … Say a Prayer


File this one under having the correct priorities in life.

There was a news story out on Friday that Republican Presidential primary hopeful Rick Santorum had left Florida and gone home to Pennsylvania. Many speculated that maybe Santorum was getting out of the race. However, the story is much more important than any political election. It is now being reported that Rick Santorum’s youngest daughter Bella was hospitalized. Santorum had canceled all of his political events to be with his family and his daughter.

Rick Santorum’s 3-year old daughter has been hospitalized in Philadelphia, his campaign said Saturday.

“Rick and his wife Karen are admitting their daughter Bella to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia this evening,” Santorum spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement.

Isabella Santorum, one of the presidential candidate’s seven children, has a genetic disorder known as Trisomy 18 that causes people to be born with an extra copy of the 18th chromosome. The disorder causes developmental abnormalities, and half of infants born with the condition do not survive for more than a week after birth, according to the National Institutes of Health.

It was not initially stated why she was hospitalized; however, as reported at ABC News, Bella was admitted to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA with pneumonia.

The reason Bella Santorum was admitted to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Saturday night is because she has pneumonia in both of her lungs, a campaign aide told ABC News.

The 3-year-old, who has the serious genetic disorder Trisomy 18, is not on a ventilator, though, which is a very good sign.
Please all say a prayer for the Santorum’s and their precious three year old daughter Bella.

Please say a prayer for the Santorum family and little Bella. Let me also say, KUDOS to Rick Santorum for having the proper priorities. No political office is more important than the health of a child. None. Get well soon Bella!!!

BTW Newt, forget Santorum dropping out, maybe you should! Stop worrying about others and worry about yourself. You are getting trounced in Florida and it has nothing to do but anyone but yourself.

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