Infamous Boston Crime Boss Whitey Bulger Arrested in Santa Monica, California


After all these years … James “Whitey” Bulger has been arrested!

81 year old legendary infamous James “Whitey” Bulger was arrested by the FBI in Santa Monica, CA without incident. After 16 years on the run, Bulger, former crime boss of the Winter Hill gang, has been bagged. According to news reports, Bulger was arrested with his long time gal pal Catherine Greig. “Whitey” Bulger, one of the most noted legendary Boston crime bosses, who was the inspiration to the movie, The Departed”, was indicted in 19 murders and who is was on the FBI’s top 10 Most Wanted list.

Pic: FBI

Legendary Boston crime boss James “Whitey” Bulger, who has been on the run for more than a decade, was arrested Wednesday in Santa Monica, multiple law enforcement sources told The Times.

Bulger, 81, has been the subject of several books and was the inspiration for “The Departed,” a 2006 Martin Scorsese film staring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson.

Bulger fled Boston in late 1994 as federal agents were about to arrest him in connection with 21 killings, racketeering and other crimes that spanned the early 1970s to the mid-1980s.

FBI’s assistant director in charge in Los Angeles, issued the following statement late Wednesday:

“FBI Agents have arrested Top Ten Fugitive, James J. “Whitey” Bulger, and his companion, Catherine Greig, in California. Recent publicity produced a tip which led agents to Santa Monica where they located both Bulger and Greig at a residence early this evening. The two were arrested without incident. Both are currently scheduled for an initial appearance in U.S. District Court in the Central District of California (downtown Los Angeles) on Thursday.”

Much more at the NY Times on the life, times and capture of ex-mob boss Whitey Bulger. Recently the FBI began a campaign to get Bulger via his girl friend through a stepped up ad campaign. looks like the FBI have finally got their guy, and girl.

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  • Comments

    5 Responses to “Infamous Boston Crime Boss Whitey Bulger Arrested in Santa Monica, California”

    1. southernsue on June 23rd, 2011 8:10 am

      the man is 81 years old? wt?

      what’s up with the FBI rounding up all these old men mobsters? remember, the FBI rounding up all those old mobsters, i think in ny or chicago. all aged men. why couldn’t they get them when they committed the crimes?

      oh yes, they are all white men, mmmmmmm.

    2. Greg the Great on June 23rd, 2011 12:28 pm

      Got James “Whitey” Bulger just before he croaks. :-D

    3. NGBoston on June 25th, 2011 12:38 pm

      Make no mistake that James Bulger has murdered more than 19 men. He is a ruthless Scumbag who also was a paid informant by the FBI.

      He will undoubtedly rot in jail like Connolly, but based upon his weasely nature, think he will rat some other long gone corrupt inside people out on the way down. He seems to be enjoying this.

    4. NGBoston on June 27th, 2011 5:31 pm

      For Bostonians—and particularly folks in South Boston—the capture of Whitey Bulger is a story with immediacy. People who grew up here have their own Whitey stories, or tales of family encounters with the Winter Hill Gang back in the day.

      But outside Massachusetts, this isn’t a story about the old days. It’s a story about us. Today.

      All over the country, people are watching the news coverage about a mob killer charged with 19 deaths, a violent borderline psychotic who enjoyed cutting up women, a career criminal who openly ran the biggest mob organization in Boston in the 1980s—and then they’re hearing “And all the while, his brother was the powerful state senate president, Billy, who went on to become president of the University of Massachusetts.”

      And when they’re done cleaning up the coffee they just spit all over the breakfast table, these non-Bay-State Americans are shaking their heads and muttering “Only in Massachusetts.”

      In the rest of the US, the concept of a Billy Bulger is unfathomable. One of the three most powerful politicians in the state, and he has to plead the 5th before Congress when they ask him about his murdering mob-boss brother? A guy who—while he was Senate prez and his brother was cutting off people’s fingers, said of Whitey “There is much to admire.”

      All this, and Bill Bulger is still a respected member of the Massachusetts political culture?

      It’s like a poorly-written political thriller, only here it’s real life.

      And don’t forget that, outside Southie, the arrest of Whitey is happening with the DiMasi scandal as a backdrop. Three consecutive crooked speakers, the latest busted for corruption and kickbacks? Now they’re finding out two of those speakers served across the hall from a Senate President whose brother ran the local mob?

      Add the fact that all this is happening in the place most Americans view as “Kennedy Country,” plus high-profile (and repeatedly re-elected) hacks like Barney Frank, and is it any wonder that the rest of America looks at Massachusetts as a corrupt, inbred political backwater?

      Unfair? Maybe. But it’s certainly understandable.

      Around here, Whitey Bulger is THE Massachusetts crime story. Out in the US, it’s just the latest one.

    5. Boston Gangster James “Whitey” Bulger Sentenced to Two Life Sentences Plus 5 Years in Prison | Scared Monkeys on November 14th, 2013 9:24 pm

      [...] Bulger, 84, was convicted earlier this year of charges that he participated in 11 murders, drug trafficking, racketeering, money laundering, extortion, and other crimes. Bulger fled Boston shortly before his 1995 racketeering indictment. One of the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted — along with Osama bin Laden — he eluded a worldwide manhunt until he was captured in June 2011 in Santa Monica, Calif. [...]

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