Speed Bump in the Road President Obama … The Job Chart Looks Like You have Taken Us from the Ditch and Drove off the Cliff


Barack Obama tied to down play the recent terrible jobs picture by stating that it was merely a “speed bump” in the road. Really Mr. President, a speed bump? Unemployment for May 2011 just increased .01% to 9.1%. It is the second month in a row that the unemployment rate went up. Oh, and by the way President Obama, those “speed bumps” you are referring to are Americans out of work, not a cute metophor used to lessen the dire economic situation.

Speed bump … Obama has driven the economy over the cliff. Obama’s policies have failed miserably. You can’t blame this on GWB and the American people will finally hold you responsible in 2012.

Does this Look Like a Speed Bump in the Road?

Chart: Via Business Insider

However, this so-called speed bump is much more worse than the president would lead you to believe. As stated at OTB, the speed bump is “the scariest jobs chart you’ll ever see, and every month it gets updated it just looks worse.” The data comes from Business Insider and should make everyone take time to pause.

In other words, we are in the worst jobs recession since the Great Depression and we’ve just recently reached the lowest point of the previous worst jobs recession

Listen to the excuses of Obama’s minion, economic adviser  Gooslbee. Blame the poor job growth on anything but Obama’s policies. Unbelievable. Didn’t these people say that the stimulus package would fix all this?

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  • Comments

    5 Responses to “Speed Bump in the Road President Obama … The Job Chart Looks Like You have Taken Us from the Ditch and Drove off the Cliff”

    1. Greg the Great on June 6th, 2011 7:12 am

      Gooslbee is a joke. The truth can be distorted but in the end it will expose the lairs and crooks.

    2. buster on June 6th, 2011 8:19 am

      Wow that was a beautiful Mexican HAT DANCE !!!

    3. Flippy on June 6th, 2011 11:23 am

      Is there a chart for how many jobs are being created overseas by US companies during this time? A major difference between this recession and the past ones is that even as the economy recovers, the jobs that are being created don’t seem to be local; and that is a BIG problem. I don’t have the data on it, but in industry that is the trend, no doubt about it.

      My partners and I employ 14, all in the US, but my largest customer wants lower costs and the only way I can pull off what they want is to start talking to the Chinese or Indians and start expanding engineering staff there. Otherwise, my customers have made it clear that they will go somewhere else, and all 14 of us will be looking for work.

      I hate to play the blame-game, and it would be hard to assign anyway (NAFTA, Bush Tax Cuts for overseas subsidiaries, the inevitability of a global economy, list goes on).

      But, the problem is that once these jobs are eliminated in modern times, and factories go idle, its cheaper to bootstrap somewhere else when things get better.

      How to fix it?

    4. PaMom on June 6th, 2011 11:25 am

      Wish I knew someone who got one of these jobs. All I know are unemployed people. Many of them have exhausted their unemployment benefits. They want to work, but there are no jobs in sight. When it comes to voting this time, I hope that people are looking around them. The evidence is everywhere I see. We need jobs!

    5. RT on June 7th, 2011 8:00 am

      It is not a speed bump. It is more like a pothole, the size of the Grand Canyon, that is taking the wheels off the economy.

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