Gallup Poll: US Military Veterans & Currently Active Military Duty Give President Obama Low Job Approval Marks


Oh contraire MSM’s Time mag Joe Kline (VIDEO), Obama hardly has a better relationship with the military than George W. Bush. Although the MSM would like to brainwash certain American “sheeple” into believing such nonsense exists. In the video above Chris Matthews and his band of libs actually try and portray that the military likes Obama better than Bush. What a joke.

On this Memorial Day 2011, a recent Gallup poll has some troubling news for Commander in Chief,  Barack Obama. It would appear that military veterans and those on current ilitary duty gibe Obama low job approval marks at 37%. So much for the MSM’s attempt of trying to BS the American people.

U.S. military veterans and those currently on active military duty are less likely to approve of President Obama’s job performance than are Americans of comparable ages who are not in the military.

These results are based on an analysis of more than 238,000 interviews conducted as part of Gallup Daily tracking from January 2010 through April 2011. Respondents were classified as veterans/active-duty military based on responses to a series of questions probing whether any member of the household had served in the U.S. military, and whether the respondent himself or herself had served and, if so, whether the respondent was currently on active duty. Americans currently serving in the military overseas or on ships at sea would not be included in this national cell and landline telephone sample.

Maybe these low military polling numbers are the reason why Barack Obama actually decided to grace Arlington National Cemetery this Memorial Day with his presence. He didn’t last year.

More from BLACKFIVE with regards that Obama is more popular with the military than GWB … “So, no, Joe; I don’t believe this President is more popular with the military than the last one, and neither does anyone else with at least three firing neurons.” Check on the VIDEOS that obviously show the obvious, rather than a liberal MSM type pontificating the absurd.

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  • Comments

    16 Responses to “Gallup Poll: US Military Veterans & Currently Active Military Duty Give President Obama Low Job Approval Marks”

    1. Flippy on May 30th, 2011 11:54 am

      Where you count the “no opinion” answers swings these polls either way. They said that active duty soldiers are more likely to express “No Opinion”. Is that also unique for Obama, or is it part of the culture/training of active military?
      SM: Hardly, even is one splits the vote, the poll remains the same. However, its most likely that they are against him otherwise there would be no reason to fear responding to a poll.

      Also, nothing is unique to Obama, maybe the active military do not want to be branded racists. Most likely, if an active military is more inclined to be against the current President they would be most likely to say “no opinion”. Why would they want retribution.

    2. flippy on May 30th, 2011 1:12 pm

      Hardly, even is one splits the vote, the poll remains the same.
      Um…no it doesn’t. The graph only shows “% approve”, so if you split the vote, as you suggest, his numbers would go up about 10% for active duty (to about 45-47%ish). You might say that isn’t good either, but its not the same.

      And I really wasn’t directing the question to racism; though it goes there too often, everyone else doesn’t really need to do so as well.
      SM: The racism comment was a joke as anyone who dares not side with Obama is deemed a racist.

      I will rest on my previous argument. Any one who is in favor of Obama in this poll would have no issues saying so, it is most likely those that did not support The One would state “no opinion” so not to get in trouble. It’s fairly safe to say that the Military does not support him, no different than any of Democrat president. One Seal team incursion does not a Hawk president make.

      The military needs to loom no further than when Obama was against the surge in Iraq. Um, the GOP GWB plan that actually was a turning point in the war.

      Sorry, Obama might have certain constituencies, the military is not one of them.

    3. A Texas Grandfather on May 30th, 2011 1:46 pm

      It would be interesting to see the response of the vetrans only.

      SM is right, active duty people are told to either use no opinion or agree to support the President. This type response keeps them out of trouble. There is no free speech in the military.

      This whole poll is an effort to scam the public into thinking that the military support Barry and his minions.

    4. Flippy on May 30th, 2011 2:47 pm

      The racism comment was a joke as anyone who dares not side with Obama is deemed a racist.
      I realize you meant it as a joke.

      It wasn’t that long ago that anyone who dared not side with GWB was deemed unAmerican and possibly a traitor of some sort. All of these labels are counterproductive and lead to partisan-induced tunnel vision.
      SM: Oh, like you mean when Democrats said it was ok to protest and then said quite a different story once Obama got into office. Don’t even try an play that game … I can go on forever.

      BTW, get back on thread with comments of this post.

    5. Elmer on May 30th, 2011 8:08 pm

      You just couldn’t let Memorial Day be about service and sacrifice and remembering those who gave their lives for us, could you? Had to make it all about Sarah Palin and Obama and your agenda.
      SM: We had a separate post regarding Memorial Day … however, this poll is news. Sorry if its not the news you agree with.

      I guess you missed this post conveniently …

    6. SUPER DAVE on May 31st, 2011 6:37 am

      so, what did your great Obama accomplish on Memorial Day elmer ?? spend more money ? borrow more money from china ? commit a few more crimes ?
      i’d say all the above.

    7. Elmer on May 31st, 2011 7:44 am

      Re #6: Dave, I don’t believe for a minute that you’re anything more than a Democratic “mole” trying to make true conservatives look bad. And you’re doing a pretty good job of it.

    8. SUPER DAVE on May 31st, 2011 1:24 pm

      or, did obama play golf ? i do believe he played golf.

    9. thorn on June 1st, 2011 5:59 am

      there is no substantial difference between obama and bush.. we still have a “patriot”(sic) act (which destroyed the us bill of rights without a legitimate amendment (very definition of treason))
      we’re still occupying or waging war in countrys that have little or nothing to do with the usa other than oil companys desiring pipelines or oil thru them, or impacting the cia’s drug trade. no one has gone to jail for the greatest theft of wealth in world history.. making obama an accomplice after the fact at least. there are two chutes to the slaughter house.. one labled left.. one labled right.. doesnt matter which chute u shovel the cattle into.. as they both merge before the slaughter. right and left are mythical choices offered americans.. there is only one party here and it’s the one that wants perpetual war against a percieved enemy for the sake of corporate profits.. people who think there is an difference between any president since JFK.. other than color and fluff and gotta include intelligence since bush is a factor.. is a perfect sheep being lead to slaughter.
      SM: There might be a little difference.

    10. Rusty Bridges on June 1st, 2011 7:20 am

      Gotta’ agree with thorn, seems each party tries to get the other to be the bad guy and then act like the savior when people have had enough. Proof in point is the sand bagging by the GOP in the last, and so far in this coming election.

    11. SUPER DAVE on June 1st, 2011 10:49 am

      AW ELMER !!!! if you diss Sarah Palin, i will come back on you every time. it amazes me that so many men fear her because she is strong and has more guts than the deomcrat party as a whole.

    12. Scott on June 1st, 2011 11:44 am

      Elmer – you should be on your knees thanking our wonderful service of our men and women in the military…they gave embecils like you the freedom of speech to post on sites like this with your libtard drivel.

      I know…it’s ok…you thought Obama was going to be a centrist because you fell for his slick talk during the campaign and now you and other libtards have buyer’s remorse because things have gotten MUCH MUCH worse under Obama….I know it drives you crazy that you can not counter-act relying on Obama’s record so far to date as President.

      Why isn’t his administration really trying to stop the housing market collapse that is getting worse by the month? The bubble burst on the housing market created by Frank and Dodd and the libtards is what started this whole economic mess.

      It makes you wonder why they have only used patch work to fix the housing market…..

    13. Elmer on June 2nd, 2011 7:23 am

      Re #12: I asked why we couldn’t have one day of memory and respect for those who died that we might be free – unencumbered by political rhetoric. And you obviously have a problem with that. And the “libtard” line is getting tiresome, Scott. Makes you look a bit like Larry Flynt.

    14. The Obama Presidency - Page 882 on January 1st, 2012 6:52 pm

      [...] [...]

    15. The Obama Presidency - Page 883 on January 1st, 2012 6:56 pm

      [...] Obama’s job performance than are Americans of comparable ages who are not in the military. Gallup Poll: US Military Veterans & Currently Active Military Duty Give President Obama Low Job … • Scared Monkeys webpage – ha … I'd rather be drugged and dragged naked across a field [...]

    16. The Obama Presidency - Page 884 on January 1st, 2012 7:19 pm

      [...] Posted by Otiumdignitate So, where is your evidence that this GALLUP poll is fraudulent? Gallup Poll: US Military Veterans & Currently Active Military Duty Give President Obama Low Job … Cool it native, I accept the poll. I was just reminding Dan that the two left wing talking point [...]

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