Royal Wedding: Prince William Marries Kate Middleton & Jokes to Father in Law … “We’re supposed to have just a small family affair”.

Every media outlet is covering the Royal Wedding except ESPN and the the Golf Channel and frankly I was not going to post on it at all as I frankly just don’t see the fascination, especially when there is so much other news in the world and the United States, namely the damage, death and missing persons following the horrific tornadoes that swept through the South this week, increased gas prices and the US economy.

However, we will report the following only because it makes the “Royals”, namely Prince William a little more like us and human. According to a lipreader from the UK Mirror, Prince William said the following to Kate at the alter of Westminster Abbey, “you look beautiful”. However, better than that, William joked  to his Father-in-Law … “We’re supposed to have just a small family affair”. HAHAHA. Good for you William. I will give them this, Kate Middleton did look classically beautiful ala Grace Kelly and with a sense of humor, that will take you a long way in providing perspective in life.

Prince William and Kate arrive at Grandma’s Buckingham Palace

I will make this comment in the brief moments I saw of the wedding seeing that every channel had it on this AM, what a contrast William and Kate are to Lady Di Charles. Finally, what is a “Royal” wedding without new “Royal” titles:

Prince William thus becomes His Royal Highness The Duke of  Cambridge and Miss Catherine Middleton on marriage will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.

We wish the Royal Couple well and now on to the news …

Posted April 29, 2011 by
World | no comments

Right After Barack Obama Lectured America That We Need to be Serious … Obama Plays the Class Clown and Runs off to Oprah and Fund Raisers

How can any one take Barack Obama serious when he lectures Americans about being serious and that serious times call for serious people when he then takes off and plays the clown on the Oprah Show and multiple fundraisers in New York.

So Obama goes from making comments like the United States does not need “carnival barkers” and we need serious people, yet them he goes on Oprah and does his best imitation of being the class clown and making jokes about his birth certificate. Didn’t Obama just say that this should not be a topic and should be a done deal? Obama stated that it was a distraction, yet Obama is the only one still talking about it.

Then what did Obama do, he jetted off to NYC and attended a bevy of fund raisers and continually brought up the distraction of the berth certificate and made jokes. So much for the serious President.

Marist Poll: Obama’s Job Approval on Economy Hits All Time Low at 40%

Democrats and Independents  are abandoning Obama in economy job approval …

A new McClatchy-Marist Poll finds that just 40% of Americans approve of the job that President Barack Obama is doing in handling the economy. The 40% job approval rating represents Obama’s lowest rating, while 57% disapprove with his handling of the economy. Obama’s poll numbers are in free fall as the poll numbers for January 2011 was 44% approve, 48% disapprove.

Registered voters nationally are not satisfied with how President Barack Obama is handling the nation’s economy.  According to this McClatchy-Marist Poll, four in ten voters — 40% — approve of how the president is dealing with the country’s economy while nearly six in ten — 57% — disapprove.  Only 3% are unsure.  Mr. Obama’s approval rating on the economy is the lowest of his presidency.  His previous low was last September when just 41% gave him a thumbs-up on the issue.

As the economy gets no better, gas prices continue to rise and the job market gets no better, all spell trouble for Barack Obama and his reelection bid for 2012. When gas prices hit $5 a gallon, Obama will be below 40%. The downward trending with Democrats and Independents should cause concern for Obama. One would think at some point he would do the right thing and get the economy going rather than sticking to his liberal agenda that is failing miserably.

There has been a change among Democrats and independents on this question.  While 71% of Democrats approve of how the president is handling the economy, 27% disapprove.  This is a 12 percentage point increase in the proportion of Democrats who disapprove since JanuaryAmong independent voters, 34% approve while more than six in ten — 63% — disapprove. Here, too, there has been a jump in the proportion of voters who are dissatisfied with how Mr. Obama is dealing with the economy.  In January, half — 50% — shared this view.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, April 28th, 2011 – Dipstick of the Week

  • The award goes to a man in Florida who urinated on an aisle of cough drops in a pharmacy.
Daily Commentary – Thursday, April 28th, 2011 – Dipstick of the Week [1:10m]: | Download
Posted April 28, 2011 by
Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments

Obama’s Serious Job Creation: Initial Jobless Claims Up 25,000 to a Seasonally Adjusted 429,000 … Inflation Up, Gas Prices Up …

Hey Barack Obama … WHY SO SERIOUS?

President Barack Obama’s serious job creation and Obamanomics takes another blow. Initial jobless claims rose 25,000 this week for a season adjusted 429,000. Of course these are the results from a “serious” President who has a serious plan to get Americans back to work.

More people sought unemployment benefits last week, the second rise in three weeks, a sign the job market’s recovery is slow and uneven.

Applications for unemployment benefits jumped 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 429,000 for the week ending April 23, the Labor Department said Thursday. That’s the highest total since late January.

The four-week average of applications, a less volatile measure, rose to 408,500, its third straight rise and the first time it has topped 400,000 in two months.

So first time unemployment claims rise, GDP and economic growth slows to 1.8%, the value of the US$ continues to slide, inflation is on the rise, gas prices heading toward $5 a gallon and president Barack Obama is getting serious. Why because he told us so. The US economy is a disaster and Obama says its time to get serious and rid ourselves of “Carnival Barkers”. Don’t look now Barack, but during the 2008 Presidential campaign, you were that same “carnival barker” that you are referring to today.

But of course our serious president who lectured us all yesterday went and did what? With all the serious issues that Barack Obama talked about yesterday while provided his “long form” certificate of live birth … Obama then went to Chicago to do the Oprah Show and then went to NYC to attend three fund raisers. American, aren’t you glad we have such a serious President?

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