Staffers of VP Joe Biden Confined ORLANDO SENTINEL Reporter Scott Powers in Closet During Fund Raiser … Biden Folks Apologize


Nobody puts Baby in a corner … or is it a pool reporter in a closet.

Ealier this week, as reported at the Drudge Report, staffers of Vice President confined Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers in a closet during a fund raiser. It was done to prevent Powers from mingling with high-powered guests gathered for a Democratic fundraiser. So much for Freedom of the Press. Or how about the use of just plain common sense and decency.

Reporter Scott Powers was the designated “pool reporter” for the vice president’s Wednesday visit to the massive Winter Park, Fla., home of developer and philanthropist Alan Ginsburg. The veep hadn’t arrived yet but most of the 150 guests (minimum $500 donation) had. They were busy noshing on caprese crostini with oven-dried mozzarella and basil, rosemary flatbread with grapes honey and gorgonzola cheese and bacon deviled eggs, before a lunch of grilled chicken Caesar and garden vegetable wraps.

Not so for Powers. A “low-level staffer” put Powers in a storage closet and then stood guard outside the door, Powers told the DRUDGE REPORT. “When I’d stick my head out, they’d say, ‘Not yet. We’ll let you know when you can come out.’”

Now Biden’s folks are apologizing for forcing a reporter to remain in the closet. Isn’t the the transparent administration who wanted to repeal DADT? Seems to be a contradiction when they forced their report to stay in the closet. As stated by the Lonely Conservative … Biden should be providing the apology personally.

“Scott – You have our sincere apologies for the lack of a better hold room today,” wrote Vice President Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander last Wednesday to Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers.

“Lack of a better hold room” is an interesting way of putting it. In order to keep Powers from mingling with guests at a Democratic fundraiser last Wednesday, Powers was escorted into a storage closet by a Biden staffer.

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  • Comments

    5 Responses to “Staffers of VP Joe Biden Confined ORLANDO SENTINEL Reporter Scott Powers in Closet During Fund Raiser … Biden Folks Apologize”

    1. Greg the Great on March 28th, 2011 7:41 am

      Dear Vice President Biden,

      You have just used up your free pass privileges with the Press and the American people. You can not hide or lie about the Obama “Share Our Wealth programs” that you helped pushed down Americans throats. Which has turned into a “lets Bankrupt America plan!”
      Your a corrupt politician who has destroyed our economy, and refused to take responsibility for your past and current actions. I bet you will leave politics worth 200 million? You fake, crook!

    2. Jayne (on the left coast) on March 28th, 2011 11:35 am

      If this had been Cheney, he would have been arrested and charged with kidnapping, plus the lame media would report it 24/7. I thought Biden was the foreign policy expert in this Admin. Haven’t heard a peep from him over this “kinetic mission” in Libya.

    3. NGBoston on March 29th, 2011 7:20 pm

      Let’s lock Joe in a Bank Vault and send the combination to be buried somewhere on planet Mars.

      Windbag would probably blow his way out of there, anyway.

      Joe is a crook, a liar and has done nothing but prove all of these allegations with his actions or mostly inactions as VP.

      VP Joe Biden, respectfully, Sir- YOU SUCK almost as much as your Boss.

    4. super dave on March 30th, 2011 11:18 am

      joe bin biden acts just like an alcoholic blowhard.

    5. NGBoston on April 1st, 2011 11:56 am

      #4- SD—Uhmn, yes maybe that’s because he IS ONE.


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