Missing, AWOL Wisconsin Democrat Law Makers Found Hiding Out At Best Western in Rockford, IL


So this is democracy? Wisconsin state Democrats hiding out, AWOL, and not doing their jobs?

As the protests go on at the state House in Madison, WI over angry union folks upset over the fact that they will have to contribute more for their healthcare and pensions, like regular workers, the Wisconsin state 14 Democrat law makers skilled town to avoid a vote. NICE. Please tell me that state tax payers do not have to pay them for them not showing up to work? Not so great moments in Deomcracy … when the going gets tough, the Demcorats flee the state.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

However, as reported at the Gateway Pundit, the missing, AWOL 14 democrats were found hiding out in a Clock Tower Best Western in Rockford, IL. They fled the state? What is this a new version of The Fugitive? Are democrats blaming a one arm man for their actions? How absurd can these people get? How bad you ask? When Hot Air can use an 80′s Bon Jovi video of “Runaway” as a comparison … one knows they have reached a new level of ridiculousness. Oh my, an even more absurd comparison comes from Sundries Shack with a Monty Python reference. Nice!

Our sister station in Rockford, WREX spoke with lawmakers there. WREX reports one lawmaker said, “It’s kind of everyone for themselves.”

Democratic Sen. Tim Cullen said, “We felt that this was our only way to delay the legislation for at least a couple days to get people to better understand it; people of all walks of life to understand it.”

 Are you serious? Instead of doing their job and participating in a vote to help save the state form a fiscal catastrophe, the turned tail and ran. This is priceless, also reported by Jim Hofts … the Rockford Tea Party just chased the Wisconsin democrats out of the Best Western and are tracking their bus. You can run democrats, but you cannot hide.

Believe it or not protesters, to quote President Barack Obama, elections have consequences. Governor Walker won by quite a bit and the GOP was swept into office in the 2010 elections in Wisconsin for a reason.

From the Rockford Tea Party comes the following VIDEO confronting AWOL Democrats. Nice that the WI democrats could take a road trip. How sad is this that we have teachers performing an illegal strike and school children not receiving an education, democrat law makers neglecting their responsibilities and not doing their job and a President who cannot but out of state affairs who are trying to balance a budget, unlike Obama’s lame budget.

If you liked this post, you may also like these:

  • Recall Process begins for Seven Wisconsin AWOL “Fleebagger” Lawmakers
  • 67% Disapprove of Wisconsin Legislator Fleebaggers Going AWOL to Avoid Vote
  • LOCAL BLOGGER DONE GOOD … Jim Hofts, The Gateway Pundit Rocks WISCONSIN
  • Wisconsin Unions and Democrats Lose as Senate Voted Wednesday Night to End Nearly all Collective Bargaining Rights from Public Workers

  • Comments

    22 Responses to “Missing, AWOL Wisconsin Democrat Law Makers Found Hiding Out At Best Western in Rockford, IL”

    1. super dave on February 18th, 2011 8:10 am

      i wonder what they were all doing in the same room ? i bet they were having a [edit} off
      contest !

    2. Greg the Great on February 18th, 2011 9:17 am

      The Governor needs to promote home school programs since the teachers have stopped teaching in Wisconsin. I’m sure they could be replaced?
      Average salary below not including health insurance and retirement plans.

      * Green Bay: $55,110
      * Kenosha: $68,400
      * Madison: $50,770
      * Milwaukee: $54,620
      * Racine: $49,710

    3. Dolf on February 18th, 2011 10:24 am


      they won’t be replaced because under the GOP budget cuts there will be no money anymore to hire them.

    4. RealitySucks on February 18th, 2011 11:09 am

      There is no such thing as a “Democrat” law maker; that would be a “Democratic” law maker.

      Foolish simplistic wordplay indicates a lack of seriousnous, IMO.

    5. super dave on February 18th, 2011 12:16 pm

      what a bunch of chicken littles !! they are now
      bussing in kids and anyone else that they can pay
      to hold a sign. half of them probably can’t
      even read the sign they hold. i guess these people are trying to get fired so they can sit at home and draw a government check like the majority of democrat supporters. what amazes me is that these people would jump off a cliff for obamacare but would not help the state balance the budget to keep their jobs ?
      the ignorance is astounding ??

    6. nun on February 18th, 2011 2:18 pm

      Not even an original idea. Texas dems did it 2003.

      Lets see, how much per diem are these guys making plus daily salary? Demand for it to be returned to the State!

    7. miklo on February 18th, 2011 2:41 pm

      A temper tantrum!

      GROW UP!

    8. rightknight on February 18th, 2011 3:36 pm

      Purposefully jeopardizing Wisconsin’s Legislature
      by running away from their sworn responsibilities
      is a crime that should amount to severe penalties
      and/or firing for illegal non-performance of duty.

    9. Steve on February 18th, 2011 4:29 pm

      Well, if you had more reliable sources, or even used exactly what they said without editing it to bolster a narrow interpretation, you’d end up being more accurate. The real reason the protests are happening, and why the Dem State Senators left the state in order to represent their constituents (also called doing their job), is the near complete trashing of union bargaining rights and other current union rights.

      The unions are on record as willing to concede, at least temporarily, the (tax) increases for their pension and healthcare. But for the Governor and GOP controlled Legislature to attempt such unprecedented labor rights evisceration, which is not a part of the budget, is a power grab. It is obvious they know exactly what this is, as they were trying to rush it into law in less than 7 calendar days, allowing a single public hearing to allow for ‘public input’. Well, they did get their public input, about 48 hours worth of it.

      Then there is the so-called fiscal catastrophe, the budget that needs repairing. As of 2 weeks ago, the legislative Fiscal Bureau (our state CBO) informed the joint Finance committee heads that the budget outlook was a surplus of $121 Million. Wait, you say, where’s the crisis?????

      Well, it is because Gov Walker put forth legislation that cost $140 million in new spending. And of course, he didn’t include any proposal to pay for his largess. He wants to pass the cost of these new programs to union workers, because it is their . . . wait a minute. It is NOT their fault. It is typical GOP spend and tax. They spend money they don’t have, and tax average citizens to pay for it.

      I guess they are just idolizing their big brother Congressional GOP’ers. They are experts in passing bills that send major money to the wealthy and very very wealthy, and they pay for if by just adding it to the deficit. Then they claim it’s not really part of the deficit. Pure masters.

    10. Steve on February 18th, 2011 4:33 pm


      You can lie about this all you want, but don’t think that anyone who knows the facts on this story falls for your BS. Quit while you’re ahead.

      Oh, you did have a bit of truth there. As far as what you’ve said: “the ignorance is astounding“. Maybe bottomless?

    11. PA Mom on February 18th, 2011 11:26 pm

      What is it that people don’t get about the word, “Broke”? Three years ago my family lived on $70,000. a year. My husband lost his irreplaceable job and now his unemployment. Our income is now $32,000. a year. We’ve had to completely change our life style. Why is it that only people in the private sector have to suffer with this recession. My tax money pays for other peoples pensions. My own pension is gone. My tax money pays for other peoples health-care. My family has none. These are the facts.

    12. Steve on February 19th, 2011 11:55 am


      Are you saying that, if a public employee was in your situation, they would still have health care from their lost job? You forgot to mention that you pay taxes for their job as well. Do you want others to lose their job whenever a taxpayer loses theirs? If you were under contract to receive specified benefits as a part of your employment, under what circumstances would you be in favor of losing those benefits?

      Do you realize that unions are prepared to sit-down and discuss contract changes for their benefits? That some are willing to compromise and meet the financial changes the Gov proposes? That this protest is not about the finances, but is push-back to the Gov proposal to basically destroying the unions themselves? And this is what the Gov calls a “modest” proposal. Right!

      As the Gov and GOP controlled legislature are moving in on unions, where is the shard sacrifice for other state residents? Where is the shared pain? I can tell you where it isn’t; with the wealthy. Taxpayers with incomes above $100K are not even being asked to help their state out in this “crisis”. Today, tax rates for a couple are 6.15% for income above $13,420, and only 7.75% for income above $295,590. That’s only a gap of 1.6% across a huge income range. If their state was in crisis, maybe the Gov could ask those who would feel no pain to help out.

      Several thousand dollars taken out of a household income in the $45-65K range is an immediate, direct change to their budget. Five-fifteen thousand dollars from incomes above $150K are not good, but have a less dramatic impact because overall income remains very good. Incomes above $500K and even $1,000K are much better off that there should be no pain if they had to help fix the state with taxes increased by tens up to a hundred thousand dollars. May sound drastic, but at these income levels, especially if sustained year over year, provides substantial resources that could help their state in a time of need. Shares sacrifice and pain (maybe!).

      I know some may think these are draconian measures, but after all, this is a temporary crisis, and all should do there fair share to fix the problem. If only Gov Walker was asking anything of these people. No word has come out saying that is the case. Only the Unions are necessary to fix the states problems, not the legislature of the citizens.

      BTW, I doubt that Walker has any intention of slamming the unions temporarily; they need to be broken now and forever. Who’s next?

    13. NGBoston on February 19th, 2011 4:01 pm

      Another WTF moment for the Politicians Libtards elect in to office.

      For the sake of fairness—there are plenty of lame ass REP’s as well.

      (((((( Sigh)))))))))))))))))))))

      They are all wearing me out. Where is a group of those who stand out due to the content of their character.

      I would love to sign on to SM one day and read more about some of the good men and women out there. We know both sides of the aisles are filled with Morons, got to be realistic about it—-just about even, IMO.

      But, again—-how do we know when a Politican is lying?

      When their lips are moving.


      It all starts with we, the people.

    14. Mike on February 20th, 2011 11:09 am

      I worked for over 40 years. I never had collective bargaining for benefits. My employers figured out what they could afford and offered it to us. If you didn’t like it you were free to go somewhere else — which I did and got a much better deal. It’s called competition for jobs! No one is ever forced to accept an employer’s offer. You are ALWAYS free to go somewhere else.

    15. LOCAL BLOGGER DONE GOOD … Jim Hofts, The Gateway Pundit Rocks Wiscosin | Scared Monkeys on February 20th, 2011 7:59 pm

      [...] And a fantastic job he did. A note to President Obama, Democrats, the MSM, the LEFT and the “Flee Baggers” … take a good look at what a grassroots movement really looks [...]

    16. Dolf on February 22nd, 2011 3:29 am


      you can thank the unions for that.
      they were important back in the day
      SM: Unions did serve a purpose at one pint in time, I will agree. However, now they serve none. They have long served out their usefulness and are a hinderence to the economy and a crutch for less than par employees.

    17. Dolf on February 23rd, 2011 5:57 am

      Thats why they have been steadily declining (at least here in NL)
      But we have a different set up.

      We have the SER (social economical counsil)
      Goverment, Employees and Employers
      Who meet and talk about whats best for the country.

    18. 67% Disapprove of Wisconsin Legislator Fleebaggers Going AWOL to Avoid Vote | Scared Monkeys on February 24th, 2011 7:26 pm

      [...] a recent Rasmussen poll, 67% of registers voters disapprove of the Wisconsin legislator “Fleebaggers” who first bolted Madison and then the state of Wisconsin to avoid the vote. While Republicans and [...]

    19. Recall Process begins for Seven Wisconsin AWOL “Fleebagger” Lawmakers | Scared Monkeys on February 25th, 2011 7:47 am

      [...] reported at JS Online, recall efforts have begun on seven of the 14 AWOL Democrat lawmakers that have fled the state to avoid their job duties of representing the people of Wisconsin. They [...]

    20. Ken Baltitas on February 27th, 2011 8:28 pm
    21. dan on March 1st, 2011 3:34 pm

      12.Steve on February 19th, 2011 11:55 am Today, “tax rates for a couple are 6.15% for income above $13,420, and only 7.75% for income above $295,590. That’s only a gap of 1.6% across a huge income range”
      I think you need a little help with your math. so, 13420 pays 825 in tax. 295590 pays 22908. 27.76 times more tax or 2776% more. They completely pay thier fair share of the pain. And after tax return the bottm end usually pays nothing. get educated

    22. Wisconsin Unions and Democrats Lose as Senate Voted Wednesday Night to End Nearly all Collective Bargaining Rights from Public Workers | Scared Monkeys on March 10th, 2011 8:09 am

      [...] ‘nuclear option’. However, it is king of hard for those on the LEFT to cry fowl, when 14 Democrat “fleebaggers”ran away from their jobs as Wisconsin Senators and hid out in Illinois. “Rigged the [...]

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