Katie Couric Says … “Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of The Cosby Show” to Stop American Bigotry (Exclusive Clips)

And Katie Couric had the nerve to criticise Sarah Palin for her comments … We not only have Media bias, we are witness to media stupidity.
Who knew that Katie had the answer to peace with radical Islam … we just need a Muslim version of the Cosby show. You just can’t make this insanity up. Couric blames America and thinks that it is American bigotry that is the problem. Go figure. Who knew it was American bigotry that brought down the Twin Towers and killed nearly 3000 people. Most people suspect that it was radical Islamic hate. How can anyone take Couric seriously in her deep-thinker glasses by making such ridiculous comments or her insensitivity of the notion that a mosque should be located so close to where so many died on September 11, 2001.
No one on the set wondered if Couric was being reckless in taking the idea that many Americans had — that a mega-mosque two blocks from the hole of Ground Zero was insensitive and should merely be located somewhere farther away — and wildly extrapolating that with “seething hatred” of “1.5 billion Muslims worldwide.”
 @Katie Couric, the aforementioned, Couric stated that “Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show”.At the 22:40 mark of the VIDEO, where the rocket scientist Couric says, “I also think the chasm between, or the bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year. Of course a lot of noise was made about the Islamic Center, mosque near the World Trade Center.”
Special exclusive clips of Katie Couric’s Muslim version of the Cosby Show

As stated at Mediaite, “So could funny Muslims in even funnier sweaters be the answer?” How ground breaking would it be and enlightening to Americans to have a Muslim family like Cosby breaking boundaries, educating the masses and stopping bigotry. I can just see the finale when we all learn that the Islam family was a terror cell and had been plotting to blow up the CBS studios.
“I know that sounds crazy,” she said, “But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don’t understand—like you, Mo.” She was referring to Daily Show veteran and NPR regular Mo Rocca, who was present for the discussion. A Harvard alumnus, Rocca shamefully confessed that despite having attended “really fancy schools,” he knows basically “nothing about Islam.”

The two then “totally agree[d]” that “religion should be taught as an academic subject in public schools.” A funny solution, given that Rocca had just admitted-slash-joked that even his expensive private schooling had been insufficient.

There is only one problem with a Muslim version of the Cosby show, how long would the show really last after Sondra, Denise, and Vanessa Huxtable are offed because of  honor killings?

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  • Comments

    8 Responses to “Katie Couric Says … “Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of The Cosby Show” to Stop American Bigotry (Exclusive Clips)”

    1. katablog.com on December 30th, 2010 11:11 pm

      Wow! Katie Couric and group are the very people who object to teens holding Bible Studies in public schools and now she wants to teach religion in schools! I’m certain Katie wants to give the Christian and Jewish religions equal time with Islam – right?

    2. rightknight on December 31st, 2010 12:01 am

      Actually, it would be enlightening to learn the details
      of any Total Life Style Political/Religious Belief Systems
      that currently advocate Harm, Enslavement, and/or Death
      to non-believers of that System. Studying Religions whose
      philosophy advocates Individual Freedom and Responsibility
      on the other hand could be insightful at the least.

    3. Greg the Great on December 31st, 2010 1:22 am

      Couric sold herself to the Muslims.

    4. Dolf on December 31st, 2010 2:58 am

      the arab world could use such a show!

    5. rightknight on December 31st, 2010 2:09 pm

      The Islamic world is purposefully denied exposure to the Christian way of being.

    6. OMFG: Katy Couric Says, ‘Maybe We Need a Muslim Version of ‘The Cosby Show’ : The Other McCain on December 31st, 2010 3:51 pm

      [...] there’s more from Mediaite,  Michelle Malkin, The Right Scoop, Gateway Pundit, Scared Monkeys, Ed Driscoll and Weasel Zippers var addthis_product='wpp-250';var addthis_append_data='false';var [...]

    7. Scott on January 4th, 2011 8:11 am

      LOL…and people raked Sarah Palin over the coals over magazines…

      Couric is mentally ill!

    8. super dave on January 5th, 2011 4:11 pm

      katie couric is gross and ugly to boot.

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