Nancy Pelosi & Other Dems Will Take Their Toys, Go Home and Retire If Republicans Win Big in 2010


If and when Republicans win big on November 2 … the gifts might just keep on coming.

Time might have just provided even greater reason and emphasis for Republican, Conservative and Independents to vote on November 2, 2010 … Pelosi and others Democrats might retire if GOP wins big. Not able to cope with their drubbing, Pelosi and gang are going to take their toys and go home. God willing!

According to TIME, could Democrat House Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi be leaving the Congress? It is being speculated that if Republicans win big in the 2010 midterm elections and take of the House, not only will Pelosi lose her gavel and be relegated to the minority party, she might also opt to retire altogether. Pelso has been the liberal lightening rod of the Democrat party and if they are blown out, as is highly expected, it is thought that Pelosi would not necessarily be the Democrats minority leader.

If Democrats lose control of the House of Representatives next week, as most political observers expect, there is a good chance that the House Speaker will opt to spend time with her eight grandchildren rather than toil in the relative obscurity of the minority. Even if she wanted to stay on, it’s not at all clear that she would win the position of minority leader: seven Democratic incumbents and several candidates oppose her leadership …

A quick retirement is not an uncommon choice for the boss of the losing party; Newt Gingrich stepped down three days after losing five seats in 1998, saving his party a potentially divisive leadership election he could well have lost.

What better prize could their be for GOP voters than to have Pelosi not only lose her Speaker-ship, but watch her retire as well as not being able to cope with being in the minority. Along with her will go other Democrats who currently hold chairmanships not able to deal with the fact that they will be in the minority for years to come after the last two years of defying the will of WE THE PEOPLE. As Hot Air states, imagine a 60 seat pick up in 2010 turning into 75 a couple of  months later.

It would appear that Don Surber refers to it as Dems take their ball and go home. The key here is that whether it is their toys or ball … DEMOCRATS GO HOME! 

UPDATE I:Here is a rule of thumb for any dinosaur politician … if you have served over 5 terms as a US Rep and you have to put your own money into a campaign, in Barney Frank’s position 30 years and giving $200 K to his campaign, GO AWAY & RETIRE!!!

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  • Comments

    11 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi & Other Dems Will Take Their Toys, Go Home and Retire If Republicans Win Big in 2010”

    1. MorningStar on October 29th, 2010 8:38 pm

      Good Lord!! Let them resign after Tuesday cause they know things are going to get worse with the mess they made of the economy not to mention the division of Americans into small groups.

      TIME even had an article on possible civil war coming to America based on the destruction the democrats have inflicted.

      If you like a great book you’ll need to read this one cause it’s about you & me taking a stand. History may be calling on us to fulfill our true destiny in history.

      We all see what is happening in France & England right now & the economy can easily incite the same here. It’s a great read.

    2. on October 29th, 2010 8:48 pm

      Hope that’s a promise. We should all start sending boxes.

    3. A Texas Grandfather on October 29th, 2010 9:29 pm

      You really think this power hungry woman will retire. I think she will have to be thrown out.

    4. Miklo on October 29th, 2010 10:30 pm

      I’ll get you Dorothy and your little dog tooo!!

    5. rightknight on October 30th, 2010 1:08 am

      Rather than refer to SanFranNan as a failure, I prefer
      to assign her the title of BOTCH!

    6. southernsue on October 30th, 2010 7:45 am

      if and hopefully, the republicans can win she knows the writing is on the wall. she and her ilk are going to be hauled in front of congress and prosecuted. imho

      these democrats have stepped over our constitutional laws and i believe their will be criminal investigations. and rightfully so.

      we must continue to pray for our country and this election on tuesday, that we, the people can get our country out of the hands of the democrats.

    7. dennisintn on October 30th, 2010 10:27 am

      this would be a dream come true.

    8. Pat in Alabama on October 30th, 2010 2:52 pm

      It is unlikely any of them will ever be prosecuted (though they should), because the politicians on the other side know they could always be just one election away from trumped up charges and prosecution like they wanted to do to Bush’s admin.

      These losers will probably just go home and live off their fat government retirements provided by we the people for the rest of thier lives.

    9. NGBoston on October 30th, 2010 11:37 pm

      Ding Dong ! The Witch is Dead !

      Sing it high! Sing it Low!

      Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!!!!!!!!!!!

    10. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky on November 1st, 2010 1:47 am


      Video 1
      Elections 2010 :Obama’s #1 secret

      Video 2
      Elections 2010 : left-wing conspiracy

    11. Tater on November 3rd, 2010 5:37 am

      Glad she will be out but the Republicans had better own what they’ve been given because it’s the last show of faith in their party..

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