Rasmussen Vindicated: President Barack Hussein Obama at All Time Low in Real Clear Politics Average Polling
It would seem that Present Barack Hussein Obama has driven his job approval ratings into the ditch and over the cliff.
The polling data of President Barack Obama’s job approval indicates one clear and present fact, Scott Rasmussen’s polling data was correct all along, the LEFT just did not want to accept it. Obama’s job approval ratings have fallen and they can’t get up.
Scott Rasmussen was correct all along with Obama’s job approval rating, the LEFT just could not handle the truth
In the latest Real Clear Politicas average job approval polling, Barack Obama finds himself at an all time low of -6.4%. Obama’s job approval numbers keep getting progressively worse as the jobs and unemployment numbers continue to flounder. The LEFT was so quick to comment months ago that Scott Rasmussen’s polling was bias against Obama and that he was in the pocket of the Republican party, even though Rasmussen called the 2008 Presidental election nearly spot on for Obama.
So what does the LEFT have to say now when Rasmussen was basically correct and accurate all along with Obama’s job approval numbers? Presently Rasmussen has Obama’s job approval rating at 47% approval and 52% disapprove. Meanwhile a CNN poll has “The One’s” job approval rating at 42% approve, 54% disapprove and Gallup has it at 44% approve, 49% disapprove.
It would appear that Rasmussen was the only accurate polling data out there and has been consistent all along. It was the other polling outlets that have now come back the a more accurate polling number. Scott Rasmussen vindicated once again and shown to be one of the best and most accurate in the business.
Posted September 27, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Barack Obama, Economy, Gallup, Hope and Change, Jobs, Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Polls, Rasmussen, Unemployment | 6 comments |
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6 Responses to “Rasmussen Vindicated: President Barack Hussein Obama at All Time Low in Real Clear Politics Average Polling”
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Obama has always had a ZERO approval rating in my opinion.
Even with his highly inflamed ego, he has got to know by now what America really thinks of him…always trying to put blame on others and making up excuses for his incompetence…. just resign and take Reid and Peloski with you…
So now he signs a $42 billion dollar bill to aid small businesses, what happened to the stimulus money. And further more you have to go to the bank to get the loan and the banks aren’t lending money, even to those people with excellent credit. No one has monitored the bail out money already given to the banks, which they just hold on to…another calamity!!!!!!!!!
Brie, the financial damage done by Zero and his communist cohorts will raise its ugly head in the form of a horrible depressions I fear AFTER the next election. This will give those who caused it a chance to point fingers once again at the innocent.
My guess is 90% of the “stimulus” was completely wasted by those who were lucky enough to steal it from our pockets…meaning we now OWE it to some foreign country or whatever as do generations after us. I hope Zero could be tried for high treason against this nation.
I love America/what it represents, but sadly am not in love with at least 50% of those living here. They claim to be Americans, but ONLY live within our boarders. Kinda like me going to the store and purchasing a karate outfit and black belt and deciding I was a REAL blackbelt because I said so, you know?
REAL Americans are self-sufficient and do not pull on mommy government for anything. It was never meant to be our babysitter or enabler. In today’s case, it’s become our DISabler.
Yep, Rasmussen nails it again. Of course the LEFT were so hasty to OVER REACT—like they do with anything negative about:
How’s that hopey changey think working out for you NOW, Libtards?
(Room is filled with collective gusts of LAUGHTER)
Uhmn, yah—-hate to say we told you so—but we did!
Pres. Carter can let go now, he is comforted knowing he is no longer the worst president ever.
Dear Rusty, true but alas he still supports the worst ever. Funny how birds of a feather always flock together.