7 Year Old Julie Murphy 50 Cent Lemonade Stand Closed Because $120 Temporary Restaurant License Was Required
7 year old Julie Murphy had her lemonade stand shut down in Oregon City, OR because the powers that be IDIOTS of Multnomah County claimed that she did not have a $120 temporary restaurant license. Are you serious? Let this be a lesson to the youth of America, you are dealing with an out of control, heavy handed insane government that is looking to control your every action from cradle to grave. What’s next, a $200 license fee for selling mud pies? What ever happened to common sense in this country?
It’s hardly unusual to hear small-business owners gripe about licensing requirements or complain that heavy-handed regulations are driving them into the red.
So when Multnomah County shut down an enterprise last week for operating without a license, you might just sigh and say, there they go again.
Except this entrepreneur was a 7-year-old named Julie Murphy. Her business was a lemonade stand at the Last Thursday monthly art fair in Northeast Portland. The government regulation she violated? Failing to get a $120 temporary restaurant license.
Just curious, did Lucy of Peanuts fame have a license to practice psychiatry? Hmm? Better than that, a degree and was she board certified? I guess it’s a good thing that Lucy did not live in Oregon or she would be fined and serving jail time.
What a message this sends to children where it was once a right of massage an a way of life to have children selling lemonade in their cute and adorable sidewalk stands. Come on folks, why would 7 year old Julie Murphy have to pay for a temporary restaurant license, she is too young to even pay taxes. Or is that next … arresting the 7 year old for not charging sales tax. As Another Black Conservative aptly states, its a sign of a government run amok.
This is a perfect example of where common sense has left the building. Because we have become a society that wants to live a risk free and irresponsible life, we elect government to watch out for us at every turn. The trade off is freedom is eroded and commonsense takes a backseat.
Did any of these inspectors ever stop to think that children’s lemonade stands have been around forever and millions of people have not keeled over and died because of them? If pass generations have successfully survived the hidden threat of “food-borne illness” from lemonade stands, then I think this generation can pull through just fine. We don’t need government to protect us from every tiny possible danger.
Every possible danger? Talk about your typical liberal BS! It is not the governments job to protect us from every possible danger. What’s next, children not allowed to play dodge ball? Oops bad example. Ok, how about climbing trees?
What has become of the country that we grew up in? The age old practice of having children learn the value of a dollar, in this case 50 cents, and the sense of accomplishment, entrepreneurship and pride in running their own little stand? Instead that dream is squelched by an over-reaching government and foolish bureaucrats who say you can only do it if you pay us first.
Exit Question: With all that is going on in this country … does government really need to be picking on children like this to make a buck? What a terrible message to send to children.
Posted August 6, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Child Welfare, Economy, Government, Tax & Spend Liberals, Taxes, We the People, WTF | 17 comments |
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17 Responses to “7 Year Old Julie Murphy 50 Cent Lemonade Stand Closed Because $120 Temporary Restaurant License Was Required”
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What a messed up world we live in.
Surprised the health dept did not close her down because of insects near the food. Oh, those were ants on the ground, my bad.
Geez —R
The day has arrived when a child who wants to sell lemonade (for whatever reason) needs to follow protocol in getting licensed (lesson here)… okay…
and illegal immigrants enter our country every day, breaking FEDERAL laws ~ (should be a lesson here and protocol followed)
this message being sent is making a Federal Case out of nothing…
I do hope that this young girl makes lemonade out of lemons in being chastised and if she needs $ to get a license to operate her lemonade stand proper ~ the community/town should encourage grants or pardon this young entrepreneur and NOT punish her for her creativity and take the opportunity to teach rather than punish her.
Surely, the Board of Health could have classes in food preperation/handling/sanitation for this young budding business girl to make a go of her lemonade stand… Who knows? She could be the next “Newman’s Own” giving back to causes and blessing others with her gifts and talents.
I say these folks need life lessons and blew an opportunity to teach and should have provided some grace here.
She can come and sell her lemonade at my farm anytime.
Freaking ridiculous!
Wow—what has our Country come to? Sad day in America.
the life of that public official must suck if he act like this.
…a sad day indeed.
What type of robots run that city where they do not have the capacity of intelligence to make judgement calls and buy a lemonade from those girls instead of acting like jackbooted bureaucrats intimidating them.
This is liberalism in its most sinister form, attempting to curb the enterprising capitalist spirit that I feel is inherent in all people, starting from childhood. I do hope that they carry on and fight this as it is a symptom of what is wrong with this country(until 2010 and 2012, of course).
The county apologized today saying that the county employee was just doing their job and they never meant to shut down childrens lemonade stands.
Didn’t they get the memo, only illegal aliens are exempt from US laws! The county is supposed to have the state AG sue the little girl and keep her in court until her and her family are broke!
Does Holder have to do everything around here?
So a 7 yo needs papers but an illegal does not … PERFECT!
Out of control adults picking on children because the can’t find anything better to do.
This agent and their supervisor should be fired!
#8. Honestly!
Why not? It’s much easier to pick on 7 yr. old girls than illegal immigrants.
[...] Murphy, the 7 year old Oregonian girl who had her 50 cent lemonade stand shut down by a fool-hearty, over reaching and idiotic government bureaucrat, received an apology and [...]
This is such a crazy story. I guess that no one really stopped to think what was going on. She’s a child for pity’s sake. Lemonade stands are a right of passage for children. What was the harm in letting her do this?
if they would have had the correct paperwork, they wouldn’t be illegal.
SM: Next Obama will be taxing the gross profits of children making over $250 and calling them the rich. Oh, I wonder if the 7 year old was forced to buy Obamacare insurance as well?
[...] For all you kids who think its OK to sell lemonade, wrong … You need a $150 permit to sell a 50 cent cup or the face the wrath of the law. Share This [...]
[...] However, next thing you know politicians will look to tax her or prevent her from even selling it without a commercial license. Share [...]
[...] curious, why are there any laws in Liberal Utopia? We make it illegal for kids to sell lemonade, but when it comes to illegals in the US, everything is [...]