John Kerry’s Sails Tax Dodge on his $7 Million Yacht Wont Go Away
Massachusetts US Senator John Kerry, Taxes for Thee, not for Me.
The senior Senator from the Bay State is being question by Fox News Boston as to why he avoided paying taxes in Massachusetts on his $7 million yacht by docking it in Rhode Island where there is no Sails, sales tax on boats.
Kerry was heard to say following the interview, don’t they know who I am!
Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit
Kerry may still be on the hook for a half million dollars in excise taxes because he docked his yacht in Massachusetts less than six months after buying it.
The controversy came up following a report that Kerry moored the multi-million dollar yacht in Rhode Island , rather than the Bay State to save on sales tax.
A spokesman for the senator says Kerry never intended to evade taxes and kept the boat in Rhode Island for maintenance reasons.
Oh, of course the intent was never to evade the taxes. Listen to Kerry get all righteous when questioned about the sales tax on his $7 million boat. This coming from a man who says that evil business avoids taxes and expenses by taking jobs over seas. Hypocrite, what is the difference? Not only did Kerry knowingly dock his boat in a state where he would have to pay no taxes to his home state of Massachusetts, he also had his boat built over seas taking jobs away from Americans.
I guess VP Joe Biden would not consider Senator Kerry patriotic.
Kerry wants rich people to pay more, except himself. Think about this folks, a Democrat who rails that rich people make too much money and should be taxed more is dodging his own tax burden by using a tax shelter. Kerry claims that he pays his fair share of taxes, really? If Kerry is going to tell others who make $250,000 a year to pay more taxes who could never afford a $7 million sailboat, then why isn’t he?
But it’s different for people like John Kerry and Democrats of wealth. They tell you what to do with your money, not their own.
Posted July 27, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Ethics, John Kerry, Tax & Spend Liberals, Taxes, We the People, WTF | 12 comments |
Barack Obama Skips the 100th Anniversary of Boy Scout Jamboree, Finds Time to do ABC’s “The View”
Why should we expect any thing less from this President … Mmm, mmm, mmm … Barack Hussein Obama.
As we like to refer to it as, Barack Obama, “Lost in Smallness, Part 52″.
As the Boy Scouts of Amerca celebrate the Boy Scout 100 year Anniversary Jamboree, President Obama seems that he cannot make time to attend, yet he can find time to do an interview with ABC’s “The View”. Afterall, let’s get our priorities straight. A President, who is the honorary chairman of the Boy Scouts of America, will not speak personally at an event of an organization that has done so much for the youth of America over the past century because “The View” offers America so much more. As the Gateway Pundit opines, maybe they can call him “sexy” again.
Nothing like having your Priorities set Mr. President
From CNS News: President Barack Obama, the honorary chairman of the Boy Scouts of America, will not speak in-person before the group on Wednesday at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia, as part of the organization’s 100th anniversary celebration. However, the president is sending a videotaped message to the scouts for Wednesday, the same day he will be in Manhattan to tape an appearance for ABC TV’s talk show “The View.”
Bob Dries, chairman of national news and media at the Boy Scouts of America Jamboree – a gathering that happens every four years and attracts thousands of scouts from around the world – told that the organization was told on Monday that the president had scheduling conflicts and would not be speaking in-person at the week-long event.
As Weasel Zippers states, the Boy Scouts are better off with out him. After all, can you get a merit badge for golfing or socialsm?
Posted July 27, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Hope and Change, Lost in Smallness, Obamanation, WTF | 26 comments |
Daily Commentary – Monday, July 26th, 2010 – Shirley Sherrod and Fox News
- Dana’s perspective on the Shirley Sherrod fiasco and the radical rants from the LEFT and Howard Dean.
Daily Commentary – Monday, July 26th, 2010 – Shirley Sherrod and Fox News [1:48m]: | Download
Posted July 26, 2010 by Scared Monkeys Howard Dean, Media, Moonbats, Racism, Scared Monkeys Radio, WTF | no comments |
Kyron Horman Missing and Endangered: Grand Jury Meets, Indictment Imminent
Portland, OR- In the case of missing 7-year-old Portland child Kyron Horman, developments today continue to unfold at lightening speed.
During a poorly-kept secret convening of a special grand jury that is in session today, sources inside the investigation believe it’s triers of fact will return an indictment against Terri Horman and possibly one other individual.
Read the rest at Blink on Crime:
Voters of of Florida, A Politician Doing Obama’s Bidding and Flip-Flopping on Issues to Get Elected is Hardly an Independent
Florida Snow Job in November … Why would Florida want to elect a candidate like Charlie Crist that embodies exactly what is wrong with politicians today and that they will say and do anything to get elected, including calling them self an independent out of convenience?
The so-called Independent Crist with Obama
A recent Rasmussen poll in Florida stated that 41% of voters in the Sunshine state said that they would be likely to vote for an independent in the upcoming election. That would be nice if there was an actual, legitimate independent candidate running in Florida. The only reason why Crist is running as an independent is because he was behind Marco Rubio by 20% in the Republican polling.
As Independent candidate Charlie Crist continues to run neck-and-neck with Republican Marco Rubio in the race for U.S. Senate in Florida, the plurality of voters in the state say they are more likely to vote for a candidate not affiliated with either party this election than they have been in the past
Independent, or a rubber stamp for Obama?
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds that 41% say they are more likely to pull the lever for an independent candidate this election than in past elections. Thirty-percent (30%) say they are less likely to do so this year, while 19% say their likelihood is about the same this year as it has been in the past. Ten percent (10%) are not sure.
Floridians … WAKE UP!!!
The now so-called independent Charlie Crist is no independent, he is an opportunist and a politicians that will say anything and flip-flop on any political issue to get elected. 47% of Democrats, 44% of unaffiliated and 33% of Republicans in Florida say they are more likely to vote for an independent candidate. Republicans, what are you thinking that you would vote for Crist who has floated that he would back a Democrat Majority leader, meaning he would side with the Democrats and not Republicans?
Maybe the voters should be polled if they would vote for a candidate who lied on national TV in that he would not run as an independent if he was not picked by his party to represent them on the ticket in November? Florida, do you really want a lair representing you in the US Senate? Seriously, isn’t Charlie Crist exactly what is wrong withpoliticians today and the fact that they cannot tell the truth? They change their opinions and policies to get elected, not because they actually have an core convictions. Independent or no independent, why would any one cast a ballot for a politician incapable of telling the truth?
WALLACE:Speaking of these questions about your political future, there have been persistent rumors in Florida that you are so far behind, at least currently, in the polls — double digits to Mr. Rubio — that you may run instead as an independent. Here is your chance to dispel all the rumors. Are you willing to pledge right here, right now that you will run in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate and not run as an independent?
CRIST: I’m running as a Republican. I’m very proud to be from the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, others that really have stood up for the principles of our party, like Ronald Reagan. This is a great party. It has a great future. We have a great opportunity to win in November. It’s important that we put a candidate up that can win in November.
WALLACE: So are you ruling out that you will file as an independent by the April 30th deadline?
CRIST: That’s right. That’s right. I’m running as a Republican.
WALLACE: You will run not for a governor — you’ll run for Senate, and you will run as a — in the Republican primary.
CRIST: Chris, I’m running for the United States Senate. I know that our country needs help. I’m running as a Republican. This man to my left is a friend but I hope to defeat him on August the 24th, and I would encourage every Florida Republican to get out and vote.
WALLACE: Will you support the winner of the GOP primary, whether it’s you or Marco Rubio?
CRIST: Of course I will. Of course I will. But I think before that decision is made, people–
Voters across America have stated they want change in November and a road block to Obama’s agenda. Is Crist’s comments that he’s open to supporting a Democrat for Senate Majority Leader really Crist being an independent, or his pandering for Democrat votes?
Florida, do you really think that Barack Obama is doing a good job? Presently only 47% of you say he is, why would you vote in some one who agrees more than not with Obama? Crist actually thinks that Obama has handled the BP oil spill well, do you? In an interview on June 18, 2010 Crist stated that he was pleased with the work that Obama had done. Most voters have disapproved of how Obama has handled the BP oil spill.
Exit Question: Florida voters, if most all independent voters have moved away from President Barack Obama, why would you support a so-called independent candidate who agrees with Obama on most issues and has been pandering to the Democrats?
Posted July 26, 2010 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Barack Obama, FL: Rubio (R) - Meeks (D) - Crist (I), Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Polls, Rasmussen, Senate Elections, We the People, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 9 comments |