Former President Bill Clinton Predicts Democrats Will Hold House and Senate


Former President William Jefferson Clinton on ABC’s  This Week predicted  that the Democrats will hold majorities in the House and Senate following the 2010 midterms. With all due respect Mr. Clinton you also stated that “you did not have sex” with that woman Monica Lewinsky and look how that turned out.

Despite growing discontent among conservatives, the former president told ABC’s “This Week” that he doesn’t think Republicans will be able to pull off the kind of congressional takeover they engineered under his watch in 1994.

“I don’t think they will win either house, no. If history is any guide, they should make a few gains, but I don’t expect them to win in either house,” Clinton said.

Clinton likened the political atmosphere in the country to the mood after he signed his economic plan into law, but predicted the backlash would not be as severe.

“I think the dissent is just as intense, if not more intense, but I think the outcome of the election is likely to be far less dramatic than it was in ’94,” Clinton said.

So let’s get this straight, Clinton says that the political mood and climate in the country is similar to that of when he was in office in 2004 when the Republicans had sweeping take overs in the midterms, but some how it will be different for Barack Obama. Clinton likened the discontent of Obama’s health care plan to his economic plan.

The two-term Democratic president suggested the discontent is due in part to a lack of understanding about the benefits of the recently signed health care law, which he compared to discontent over his economic plan.

What is he supposed to say, Obama and the Democrats are going to be beaten like a rented mule? Is he supposed to say by 2012, Obama’s approval ratings will be so dismal that Hillary Clinton will run against him in the Democrat primary? After Clinton’s baseless comparison of Tea Party dissent to the Oklahoma City bombing, this former President seems that he will say anything.

However, if Bill Clinton is anythings, he is crafty and sly like a fox. Was Clinton’s prediction a set up for a future Democrat and Obama failure? Bill Clinton would love nothing more than to have the 1994 blemish erased from his legacy. What better way than to have Obama lose 70, 80 or more House seats and lose  the Senate.

Clinton knows that the Obama presidency has done nothing for jobs and unemployment is near 10%, there are record federal deficits, higher taxes are on the way and employers are still not hiring. Add to the fact that Obama and Democrats pushed an unpopular health care reform bill upon American mandating them to buy insurance and will soon be thrusting Cap & Trade and illegal immigration reform on America and yet some how the American people are going to just say “thank you” to President Obama by keeping Democrats in control of Congress.

All polling data points to the fact that Democrats stand to face a political tsunami worse than 1994 when there was a 54 seat swing.  Barack Obama had a chance to triangulate as Clinton did following 2004 elections when in special elections Democrats suffered serious loses in Massachusetts, Virgina and New Jersey. Following the election of Scott Brown, the 41st Republican Senator from MA, Obama instead rammed health care through by procedural votes and against the will of the people.

Presently the mood of the country is against the Democrat controlled Congress. The Rasmussen Generic Congressional poll has Republicans ahead of Democrats by 9%. President Obama’s once lofty job approval is a break even at this point.

All signs and all too numerous pundits, even Democrats, have to admit that the situation is bleak for Dems. Real Clear Politics recently had an article, How Bad Could 2010 Really Get For Democrats, that should be a chilling reality.

So was Bill Clinton being a Democrat cheerleader or setting Obama up for failure? They don’t call him Slick Willy for nothing.

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  • Comments

    7 Responses to “Former President Bill Clinton Predicts Democrats Will Hold House and Senate”

    1. Scott on April 19th, 2010 10:46 am

      I bet he won’t bet his sexual appetite on it? LOL

      Just like his typical liberal stance comparing the Tea Party to the OKC bombing! Keep talking Bill! Keep talking “never had sexual relations” Bill!

    2. NewGirlBoston on April 19th, 2010 12:14 pm

      Pay no attention to the Man behind the curtain.

      He was realistic at least in stating he & Hillary are too old and not interested in running for a seat as Supreme Court Justices. Don’t think either one was seriously being considered anyway.

    3. Greg the Mongoose on April 19th, 2010 12:36 pm

      Hillary Clinton is the worst Secretary of state in modern times. She is a liar, and has no sense of right and wrong.

    4. wolfgang on April 19th, 2010 3:34 pm

      o.k.It depends on what the meaning of “will” is.

    5. Michelle Smith on April 19th, 2010 5:00 pm

      Oh well if Slicky Willy says it, it must be true. LOL

      He needs to shut up.

    6. southernsue on April 20th, 2010 6:26 am

      he was a horrible president and continues to be a horrible old man.

    7. super dave on April 20th, 2010 10:03 am

      slick willy has his eye on michelle obama.

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