US Representative Bart Stupak (D-MI) Proves There is no Such Thing as a Pro-Life Democrat

The myth of the pro-life Democrat … it does not exist.

Bart Stupak – JUDAS!

Make no mistake about it and from this point going forward America keep the following in mind. There is no such thing ever as a pro-life Democrat.  Democrat Michigan US Representative sold out his principles of the sanctity of life for Obamacare.

From this point going forwards Democrats, do not ever bother telling us, more specifically lying to us that you folks are pro-life. Spare us the BS. Today Bart Stupak sold his soul and sold the souls of the unborn as he made a pact with the Obama for his vote for Obamacare. Barack Obama promised Stupak that he would sign an executive order banning the public funding of abortion in Obamacare.

Phyllis Schlafly, president and founder of the conservative grassroots public policy organization Eagle Forum, made the following remarks after the public announcement that formerly pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak (D-MI) will cast a “yes” vote for the Senate health care bill today in the House:

“It is naive for any elected official, especially one who describes himself as ‘pro-life,’ to expect that a promise to issue an Executive Order that reasserts the intentions of the Hyde Amendment will be fulfilled by the most pro-abortion president to ever sit in the White House. Perhaps Mr. Stupak and his fellow pro-life Democrats forget that President Obama’s first Executive Order was the repeal of the Mexico City Policy to allow for international funding of abortion.”

“Not only would an Executive Order be rendered meaningless in the face of Congress passing legislation which actively provides for the massive expansion and funding of abortion services, but anyone who doubts the abortion tsunami which awaits this bill becoming law lives in a fantasy world.”

Any rank amateur knows that a Presidential executive order does not trump Congressional passed law.  Bart Stupak is very well aware of this and made the deal anyhow. Isn’t it interesting that Obama felt the need to offer this to Stupak? I thought that there was no abortion language in the bill.

As stated by the Gateway Pundit, support Republican Dr. Dan Benishek against the lying pro-abortion Democrat Bart Stupak.

Enjoy it while you can Pelosi et all, this November you will be crushed.

In the end the bill passes the House 219-212 and it would appear the Judas Stupak and the couple he would have shifted was the difference.

California Senate Election 2010: Could Republican Challenger Tom Campbell Beat Democrat Barbara Boxer, Yes He Can – Boxer Lead only 43% to 41%

Could Republican Tom Campbell really win the US Senate seat in California?

Is it really possible? Could an incumbent US Senate Democrat like Barbara Boxer really be in trouble in the state of California? It’s possible when Barack Obama is the President, the budget is out of control, the Democrat party defies the will of the people and the state of California is in a state of mass economic confusion.


Enter Republican challenger Tom Campbell.

According to the most recent Scott Rasmussen poll, Democrat Boxer leads Republican Tom Campbell by only 2% points, 43% to 41%. It is a virtual dead heat now as last month Boxer claimed a 4% point lead against Campbell.

Incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer is now in a virtual dead heat with former Congressman Tom Campbell in California’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Boxer leading Campbell 43% to 41%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and 10% are undecided.

Obamacare does not hurt Boxer in California; however, the problem is the economy. Jobs, jobs, jobs and an out of control state budget. The metropolitan cites in CA are among the worst in the country for unemployment.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of California voters favor the Democrats’ health care plan, while 44% oppose it. These numbers include 32% who Strongly Favor the plan versus 38% who Strongly Oppose it.

It just got worse for Democrat Barbara Boxer. A recent Field Poll survey has Republican Tom Campbell ahead of Boxer 44% to 43%.  The Field Poll last had Boxer beating Campbell 48% to 38%. The tides could be shifting and trending in the direction of the Republican.  The economic and jobs situation in California cannot be a positive for any incumbent Democrat. Boxer has seem to have lost to all Republican challengers significantly; however, only Campbell has a lead. Boxer’s real issues are with her present 51% unfavorable rating and only 38% favorable. In January 2010 during the last poll, Boxer had a 48% favorable and 39% unfavorable. My what a difference a couple of months makes

Campbell 44 – Boxer 43
Boxer 45 – Fiorina 44
Boxer 45 – DeVore 41

Real Clear Politics has the polling averages HERE.

Presently Tom Campbell is leading his fellow Republicans Fiorina and DeVore in the GOP primary polls.

In the Republican U.S. Senate contest Congressman Tom Campbell is running ahead of businesswoman Carly Fiorina by six points and leads Assemblyman Chuck DeVore by nineteen points among likely GOP primary election voters.

The rankings now are Campbell 28%, Fiorina 22% and DeVore 9%. Similar to last January, a large proportion of prospective GOP primary voters – about four in ten – remained undecided.

Learning from History? The Big Lie … CBO Says that Obamacare is Deficit Neutral, Just Look at Medicare’s Projections

If we do not learn from the past, we are only destined to repeat it.

Folks, if you believe that Obamacare will be deficit neutral and save money from our federal deficits, I have some swamp land and a bridge to sell you. According to the latest CBO, they state that it is deficit neutral, but with some real accounting issues.

The CBO report was key because President Obama and the Democrats had promised to have a deficit neutral bill.  Had the CBO report said the plan would increase the deficit it almost certainly would have meant the end of reform.  Instead the report shows the bill generating more revenue than it spends through a number of means including reduction in fraud and waste.

CBO report can be seen HERE.

If any private accounting firm ever used such tactics as are included in the CBO’s analysis, they would be jailed. As reported at the WAPO, Democrats got the score they needed. Of course they did, the fudged the numbers. You can manipulate any number to look the way you want by subtracting reality.  Forget all of the nuances, the deals, the lies and the spin. Think of this in basic form and consider if you had done something similar in your own life.

Obamacare if passed today and signed into law by President Barack Hussein Obama does not take effect until 2014. However, the taxes and other means of raising money for this health care reform boondoggle take effect immediately.

How many of you would pay for a car for four years and not have the use of it? How many of you would make payments on your cell phone of blackberry and not have the use of it until four years later? Who out there pays four years of a mortgage and lives in another home?

What’s the difference?

How could anything be considered deficit neutral if you take in monies for 10 years and only pay out for a 6 year time period? Come on folks, try having your account do that one with your IRS tax returns and see what happens.

Also, such things like the doctor fix are not even included in the CBO. Tell me what Congress in the future is going to tell seniors that they are cutting medicare? What happens when they don’t? The cost of Obamacare is not deficit neutral. Not by a long shot. This bill has more accounting schemes in it like Arthur Anderson, World Com, Enron, Global Crossing and Bernie Madoff all rolled up into one.

As this so-called historic health care vote nears a victory for Obama, it is America that loses for not learning from history.

Let’s compare Obamacare’s promises to Medicare. If we do not learn from the past, we are only destined to repeat it. An estimate is just that, an estimate. When there are things purposely left out the fudge the numbers, the estimate is even worse. Check out the estimates of Medicare. Ever wonder why Medicare is going bankrupt? Because the estimates were wrong. So Obamacare could never be the same, right?

Medicare (hospital insurance). In 1965, as Congress considered legislation to establish a national Medicare program, the House Ways and Means Committee estimated that the hospital insurance portion of the program, Part A, would cost about $9 billion annually by 1990.v Actual Part A spending in 1990 was $67 billion. The actuary who provided the original cost estimates acknowledged in 1994 that, even after conservatively discounting for the unexpectedly high inflation rates of the early ‘70s and other factors, “the actual [Part A] experience was 165% higher than the estimate.”

Medicare (entire program). In 1967, the House Ways and Means Committee predicted that the new Medicare program, launched the previous year, would cost about $12 billion in 1990. Actual Medicare spending in 1990 was $110 billion— off by nearly a factor of 10.

Medicaid DSH program. In 1987, Congress estimated that Medicaid’s disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments—which states use to provide relief to hospitals that serve especially large numbers of Medicaid and uninsured patients—would cost less than $1 billion in 1992. The actual cost that year was a staggering $17 billion. Among other things, federal lawmakers had failed to detect loopholes in the legislation that enabled states to draw significantly more money from the federal treasury than they would otherwise have been entitled to claim under the program’s traditional 50-50 funding scheme.

Medicare home care benefit. When Congress debated changes to Medicare’s home care benefit in 1988, the projected 1993 cost of the benefit was $4 billion. The actual 1993 cost was more than twice that amount, $10 billion.

Imagine if we project the same miscalculations to Obamacare.

However, the ultimate danger of Obamacare is once America sees how much damage that this has done to our budget and country, it will be too late to fix. This is why Barack Obama and the Democrats defied the will of the people and were willing to act like suicide bombers. This was their intention all along.

Obama’s intention all along was … single payer universal health care.

Obama has always been a proponent of single payer health care

Obama admits his health care plan will eliminate private health care over time

One thing is for certain. A historic vote today will mean a historic and epic loss in the 2010 midterms. If Democrats want to be in denial, that is fine. Rest assured they will not know what hit them after the votes are counted.  By Obama, Pelosi and Reid ramming this vote down American’s throats against the will of the people, even more races just came into play.

Has Pro-Life Democrat Rep Bart Stupak Sold Out and Copped a Deal? (UPDATE: Stupak Caves & Makes a Deal)

US Representative Bart Stupak from Michigan is set to have a news conference at 4 PM ET. Will he say that he is voting no on Obamacare or will he as the Gateway Pundit is reporting say he is a pro-life Democrat that support pro-abortion Obamacare?

It has been reported all day that Stupak was close to a deal with the White House.

Stupak said “there were eight of us” in the negotiating room, all of them no votes.

Stupak said Saturday that there were “at least six” of his original dozen that were going to oppose the health bill. He said that he was “going to think about” what would need to be included in an executive order to convince him that no federal dollars would go toward funding abortion. Further, Stupak said that he had not talked to the White House about such an executive order.

Remember when Stupak said the above?

Please, an Executive Order is not law and can be undone at any time.  If Stupak does change due to a deal like this, come this November the following is true … no Democrat can be trusted in anything that they say. As The Other McCain states, Stupak is whoring his vote.

UPDATE I: Waiting for the Presser … A deal has been struck. I guess in the minds of Pro-Life Democrats you can be a little bit pregnant. UNREAL.

UPDATE II: COWARD Stupak stabs the unborn and the sanctity of life by making deal with the White House. Congressman Stupak, how does it feel to sell your soul?

According to Stupak, President Barack Obama has agreed to sign an executive order so that no federal monies will go to the funding of abortions with Obamacare. Just a note to all Americans, this means two things. One, you trust Obama to follow through on his words. Two, any thing that a President accepts in executive order can be taken away by executive order as well.

So why would Obama agree to sign an executive order and not agree to have it put into the Obamacare bill instead, Hmm?

Stupak, you are a Judas to the unborn.  Obviously the pressure on Stupak from the Obama administration meant more than his principles to the sanctity of life.

We are supposed to take the word of a President who is the most pro-abortion President that the United States has ever seen?

UPDATE II: Question, why would Obama need to sign an executive order that there be no tax payer $’s doing to abortion, if the Obamacare did not contain such language? I thought Obama and his minions were adamant that there was nothing? So did Obama lie again?

Wisconsin Senate Election 2010: GOP Tommy Thompson Leads Incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold 47% – 45%

The hypothetical match up between Republican Tommy Thompson and incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold continues to be too close to call.  Thompson leads  Feingold 47% to 45%.  The Wisconsin Senate seat represents a necessary pick up for Republicans if they wish to try and take over the Senate in 2010.

Democratic incumbent Russ Feingold continues to lead his two announced Republican opponents in Wisconsin’s race for the U.S. Senate, and his hypothetical match-up with former Republican Governor Tommy Thompson is now a toss-up.

However, matched against Thompson, Feingold now trails by a statistically insignificant 47% to 45%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided.

Thompson, who is reportedly interested in the race but has not yet made a final decision whether to run, led Feingold 48% to 43% in February and held a similar lead in January.

What effect will Obama and Obamcare have on the Wisconsin Senate race? Only 43% are in favor of Obamacare while 54% are opposed to it, which very much mirrors the national average against Obamacare. Also, only 36% of Wisconsin voters say Obama is doing a good or excellent job handling the health care issue.

Just 43% in Wisconsin favor the health care reform plan, while 54% are opposed. Those numbers include 25% who strongly favor the plan and 46% who strongly oppose it. Those results are similar to those found among voters on the national level.

Just 36% of Wisconsin voters say Obama is doing a good or excellent job handling the health care issue, while 48% give him a poor rating.

By a 57% to 31% margin, Wisconsin voters believe passing a series of smaller bills that address individual problems in the health care system is a better strategy than passing one comprehensive bill.

While Democrats continue to say that Obamcare will not be an issue come this November, it is obvious that it might just be the deciding factor in numerous races across the country in favor of Republican candidates.

Will Barack Obama have a positive or negative effect in campaigning for Russ Feingold for the midterm elections?

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