Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 – Celebrities Who Died Young

March 24th, 2010

* Dana reviews a recently published list of celebrities who’s lives were cut short.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 – Celebrities Who Died Young [3:00m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Another Back Room Deal? Did Bart Stupak Sell out the Unborn for the Airports?

This is an bit of a coincidence that after all this time supposed pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak gets a deal. It could not have been for his vote could it?

Was the following another back room deal from Obama and his band of back room, sleazy deal makers to Bart Stupak to cave on the rights of the unborn? US Rep Bart Stupak (D-MI) was awarded $726,409 in grants by the Obama Administration just two days before a vote on Obama and Pelosi’s government takeover of healthcare.

So why did Stupak sell out the unborn?

Was this Yet Another Backroom Deal to Force Obama’s Bill Down the American People’s Throats?

Three airports in the district of infamous fence-sitting and ultimately kowtowing Democrat Bart Stupak were awarded $726,409 in grants by the Obama Administration just two days before a vote on Obama and Pelosi’s government takeover of healthcare.

Did Stupak compromise his supposed principled stand against taxpayer funding of abortion in exchange for taxpayer dollars for pet projects?

Alpena County Regional Airport received a $85,500 grant, but had only 7,519 passenger boardings in 2008 (the most recent year for which there is information) according to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data. Alpena County Regional Airport serves fewer passengers than even the late Rep. John Murtha’s famous “Airport for Nobody.”

Did the babies get sold out for airport back room funding deals? Why now? Maybe Bart would like to explain how he did such a back flip on Obamacare and the rights of the unborn that would make Mary Lou Retton proud.

More Love from the Left … US Rep Barney Franks (D-MA), “Republicans Just Like Bullies Who Drive Teens To Suicide”

If you did not see the following, which you probably did not as it was on MSNBC … maybe you should.

More love from the LEFT and Democrat US Rep from Massachusetts Barney Franks.  The Democrat compared opponents to Obamacare to  “Bullies Who Drive Teens To Suicide”

So let’s get this straight, Franks goes on TV to complain about name calling, by name calling? No hypocrisy there. Where is the state run MSM to address the hypocrisy?

From Radio Equalizer via the Gateway Pudit

After all, the Massachusetts Democrat pretty much wrote the book on dubious rhetorical associations, though this may prove a fresh low even for him. During last night’s Rachel Maddow Show, Frank linked opponents of socialized medicine and Republicans to schoolyard bullies who drive teens to suicide.

Democrats dare make the charge of bullying after they rammed Obamacare down Americas throat? Who bullied who Mr. Franks?  Losing ugly? It’s called “free speech” and defending the Constitution. That is until Barack Obama and the Democrats releal the First Amendment as well.

But Barney never insults and bullies people, Hmm? Never, he would never bully anyone, right? You make the call.

2010 Vermont Governor’s Race: Republican Brian Dubie Leads Five Potential Democratic Opponents

Will Republicans continue to hold the governorship in Vermont in the 2010 elections?  The signs look rather good. Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie is presently leading all five of his potential Democrat candidates for the governors race in the Green Mountain state.

Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie leads all five of his potential Democratic opponents in the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey of this year’s race for governor in Vermont.

A telephone survey of likely voters in the state shows Secretary of State Deb Markowitz to be the most competitive Democrat for now. Dubie leads her by seven points, 46% to 39%. He posts a 48% to 35% lead over State Senator Doug Racine, a former lieutenant governor.

The Vermont governors race will determine the successor to popular GOP Governor Jim Douglas, who has opted not to run for reelection. 64% of Vermont’s voters approve of the job Douglas is doing in office, while only 36% disapprove. Brian Dubie is viewed very favorably by 31% of Vermont’s voters and very unfavorably by just 13%.

Election 2010: Vermont Governor

Brian Dubie (R) 46%
Deb Markowitz (D) 39%
Some Other Candidate 4%
Not Sure 10%

Brian Dubie (R) 51%
Peter Shumlin (D) 33%
Some Other Candidate 6%
Not Sure 10%

Brian Dubie (R) 48%
Doug Racine (D) 35%
Some Other Candidate 5%
Not Sure 12%

Brian Dubie (R) 48%
Susan Bartlett (D) 35%
Some Other Candidate 5%
Not Sure 12%

Brian Dubie (R) 51%
Matt Dunne (D) 29%
Some Other Candidate 6%
Not Sure 14%

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 – Special Guests: Clint VanZandt, Robin Sax, Larry & Cherry Simpson and Blink from Blink on Crime



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 – Special Guests: Clint VanZandt, Robin Sax, Larry & Cherry Simpson and Blink from Blink on Crime [65:13m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

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