Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Mexican Macaluso Manjito Manscaper

Corona, Mexico– From the LOST segment of the series:

“How The Little People Bring Me Beer On Vacation From The Whirlybird I paid For With Client Cash..”

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

National Enquirer reports John Edwards To Be Indicted by a Federal Grand Jury

John Edwards, Two Americas, Two Families,  To be Indicted …

The National Enquirer is reporting that John Edwards is going to soon be indicted by a federal grand jury. Before you question the story, know that the National Enquirer has been the paper of record in breaking the John Edwards scandal from the beginning. They have literally owned the story, while the MSM did not want to touch it for fear that it might be true.


Edwards, Thumbs up for Indictment

The ultimate fall from grace, a Federal grand jury is about to indict John Edwards, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively.

In another shocker, close sources say Edwards’ estranged wife Elizabeth could help send the former presidential candidate to jail!

Edwards, the disgraced two-time Presidential loser, is being investigated by the feds, including the FBI and IRS, for possible campaign violations related to paying his mistress Rielle Hunter.

The grand jury has been meeting since April 2009, and insiders say an indictment is imminent.

“John is terrified that he’s going to be indicted,” a friend told The ENQUIRER.

However, the grand jury could care less about Edwards being a baby daddy, they are looking into the improper use of campaign funds to pay Hunter.

The Gateway Pundit reminds us of the tremendous trifecta that Democrats have had recently:

  1. Married Democratic Rep. Eric Massa reportedly sexually harassed a male staffer and has announced he will retire.
  2. The New York State ethics commission accused Democratic Governor David Paterson of violating laws by accepting free World Series tickets.
  3. Democrook Charlie Rangel announced today that he would “temporarily” step down from his powerful post as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

US Rep (NY-D) Charlie Rangel Steps Aside from House Ways and Means Committee Amid Ethics Probe

From Speaker NancyPelosi’s most ethical US House of Representatives ever …

New York Democrat US House Representative Charlie Rangel, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has announced that he has stepped aside amidst an ethics probe. The scandal of the Harlem lawmaker lounging in the Dominican amid the back drop of tax evasion was even more than long time Representative Rangel could endure.

Rangel, temporary steps down. Temporary, HARDLY!!!

“The ethics committee has found that Mr. Rangel violated the rules of the House and he’s been admonished,” said Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio. “As a long-time member of the House he does not deserve to be a member of the Democrat leadership nor as chairman of this committee.”

Political consultant Hank Sheinkopf said the image of Rangel by his villa in the Caribbean, which the ethics committee is investigating for possible income tax violation, will be sent to every close race in America by the Republicans.

The Democrats go from bad to worse as they replace Rangel. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has picked liberal Rep. Pete Stark to replace ousted Chairman Charles Rangel on the tax-writing committee.This will do even more wonders for Obama’s bi-partisan government.

In Stark, Pelosi is picking a fellow Californian to head one of the House’s most powerful committees. Stark becomes the sixth House Democratic chairman from the Golden State.

Stark is next in line for the post in seniority, but his maverick personality had led some to question whether he would get the gavel even on a temporary basis.

One has to wonder what the mindset is of Democrats these days. Are they trying to lose the House and Senate in biblical proportions this November? As Red State asks, is Nancy Pelosi trying to lose the House?

How will Rangel’s ethics violations play in the 2010 midterms? Coming soon to a Republican political ad near you.

Gov. Rick Perry Wins Texas GOP Nomination over Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison for Governor

There will be no run off election in Texas GOP Governor primary … Rick Perry wins going away.

Incumbent Texas governor Rick Perry won in a landslide last night the GOP nomination for governor over rivals US Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Debra Medina. Perry won with over 50% of the vote while his next closest challenger Kay Bailey Hutchison was a distant second some 20% points behind.

What was the message from this Republican primary? Being a Washington, DC insider is not a good thing in the present political climate.

Perry said his win should send a message to Washington.

“Quit spending all the money, stop trying to take over our lives and our businesses,” he said in a speech that seemed aimed as much as the Obama White House as his Democratic opponent Bill White.

As referenced by  the Gateway Pundit, Perry took complete advantage of the anti-Washington, anti-Obama sentiment in the country in cruising to an easy win in last nights Texas Governor GOP primary.

For the Democrats, former Houston Mayor Bill White crushed hair care magnate Farouk Shami to win the Democratic nomination for governor. Look for a Perry win in November 2010 and President Barack Obama to be a drag on the Democrat ticket in The Lone Star state.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 – Chat Roulette – Chat At Your Own Risk

  • The popular web service Chat Roulette is reportedly plagued with perverts and, as the name suggests, you never know what you’re going to get.  We grow up our entire lives being told by our parents BEWARE OF STRANGERS, then why would anyone CONNECT THEMSELVES WITH STRANGERS in such a manner

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