Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Applauds the Loss of 36,000 American Jobs as “Really Good”

What is wrong with these people? Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid stated the following regarding today’s job losses for February 2010. Yea, really good Harry. Unless you are one of the 36,000 people who lost their jobs or their families.

“Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”

Actually Senator Reid when you an at least 9 other Democrat Senators lose their jobs in the 2010 midterm elections and enough Democrat House members lose their jobs to shift the power back to Republicans, that would be really good.

Harry Reid and Democrats have not only lost their minds, they have lost their souls. These people will paint any grim news as a positive for President Barack Obama even if it is at the expense of the American people. How on earth can any politician say that the loss of only 36,000 jobs is a good thing? How out of touch with the American people can Reid and the Democrats be?

Reid was trying to trumpet the jobs numbers as some kind of positive sign and then as The Gang Who Could Not Shoot Straight usually do … they blew the message.

Democrats wanted to seize on the numbers as evidence that the economic slide has stopped. Unfortunately for his colleagues, Reid mangled the message.

“Today is a big day in America,” he proclaimed. “Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.” Reid noted that prognosticators had expected the numbers to be much worse.

Republicans immediately pounced on the campaign ad fodder from the four-term senator, who is facing a tough re-election fight this year.

“It’s difficult to think of a Washington politician who is more out of touch with working Americans than Harry Reid,” National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman Brian Walsh said.

The blithering idiot Harry Reid actually blamed Republicans for “irresponsibly mischaracterized” his remarks on February’s jobs numbers.Reid claimed that Republicans root for failure, yet as Town Hall reminds us … it was Harry Reid who rooted for failure in Iraq when GWB was in office.

No Senator Reid, your response to 36,000 people losing their jobs and the comment really good do not belong in the same sentence or thought process. You are to blame sir, take some responsibility for your own stupid mistake and irresponsible comment. Is it any wonder why Reid has over 50% unfavorable rating in Nevada and is trailing in the polls. One of those Reid is trailing is Sue Lowden, who even before this ignorant comment by Reid had taken a larger lead Dingy Harry.

Tracy Ocasio And Chris George Disappearances: What Does Hataway Know?

Volume I

A man tormented by the guilt of murder will be a fugitive till death; let no one support him.

Proverbs 28:17

Follow the case at Blink on Crime:

Posted March 5, 2010 by
Crime, Missing Persons | no comments

Change? Obama’s Advisers to Recommend Military Tribunals for 9/11 Terrorist Plotters

PRICELESS!!! Reversal of fortune?

President Barack Hussein Obama does not listen to the American people, will he listen to his own advisers? According to The Washington Post, Obama’s advisers are set to recommend to The One that the September 11, 2001 terrorists who plotted 9/11 be tired in military tribunals.

President Obama’s advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said, a step that would reverse Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s plan to try him in civilian court in New York City.

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More Democrat Flies Dropping … US Rep (MA-D) William Delahunt Will Not Seek Re-election to Congress

How is that “Hopee, Changee” thing working out for Democrat politicians? Another one bites the dust … The Scott Brown effect continues in Massachusetts and Democrats running for the retirement hills in the wake of the Obama agenda and the backlash of 2010.

Seven term Massachusetts Democrat William Delahunt has announced that he will not seek reelection in 2010. Delahunt claims that his reasons for ending his 40 year career is not political. Of course it’s not. Delahunt said that “Life is about change.” I guess Obama’s “hope and change” is not what the Massachusetts Congressman had expected.

Of course Delahunts departure from Congress has nothing to do with the backlash against the Obama agenda, the Scott Brown Senate win where Brown carried his disctric by 60% in the Bay State or his ties to Amy Bishop, the college professor in Alabama who gunned down three colleagues and in 1986 killed her brother in Massachusetts.

Representative William Delahunt will not seek re-election to Congress, the seven-term Democrat will announce tomorrow, ending a nearly 40-year career in elected office and giving Republicans hope of capturing the seat, which stretches from Cape Cod to the South Shore.

“It’s got nothing to do with politics,” the Quincy Democrat said today. “Life is about change. I think it’s healthy. It’s time.”

The 68-year-old lawmaker said he has been considering leaving the House for several years, but was talked out of it two years ago by the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy, who convinced his friend he should stay and help President Obama with his first-term agenda.

Red State asks the obvious question … who should we target NEXT!

Shooting at Pentagon, Suspect John Patrick Bedell a 9-11 Truther

A shooting has occurred at the Pentagon in Washington, DC leaves two Pentagon officers shot near Metro Station and the suspect critically injured. injured. According to first reports, the police officers injuries were grazing injuries and they were able to return fire. The suspects injuries were much more severe. It was later confirmed that the suspect was dead.

A gunman coolly drew a weapon from his pocket and opened fire at the subway entrance to the Pentagon complex Thursday evening, wounding two police officers before being shot and critically wounded, officials said. The two officers suffered grazing wounds and were being treated in a hospital, said Richard Keevill, chief of Pentagon police. Authorities had no motive for the shooting.

Before the LEFT and the MSM can call the shooting suspect a right wing militia type or Tea Party member, it is discovered that he was a Bush-hater and a 911 truther.

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