Barack Hussein Obama Admits he Does Not Believe in Government … Words Matter, “Maybe you eke out a victory of 50 + 1, then you can’t govern”


What a difference there is between candidate Obama and President Barack Hussein Obama. Remember when candidate Barack Obama said that we should not pass a big ticket item like health care with a 50 plus 1 strategy? Obama has proven that nothing that came from candidate Obama’s lips can be trusted.


Seems that the Obamamessiah does not remember either. What ever happened to Obama’s comments of … if you believe in government, you believe in consensus and in order the transform the country that it requires a sizable majority.

More words and lies from Barack Hussein Obama. Obama just provided lip service during the campaign to get elected. That is why now that the American people see what he truly stands for, he has an approval rating in the mid 40′s and Americans are pretty much strongly against all of his policies. There is a reason why Obama’s job approval numbers have fallen drastically and as much as the MSM and Democrats want to tell America that it’s gravity and this happens all the time, Obama’s slide is directly because of Obama and he is sinking the Democrats numbers as well.

The 2010 elections represent a redo what the 2008 should have been had “We the People” been properly informed and the MSM had properly vetted Obama. 2010 will be a political catastrophe for Democrats as pay backs for their idle promises and lies of 2008.


Candidate Obama stated that in order to pass health care, you “are going to have to have a majority to get a bill to my desk not a bill that is not just a 50 + 1 majority”. (Barack Obaba: 9/25/07 -  Change to Win Convention)

Gee America, what happened to these Obama promises as he looks to implement the nuclear option or as the government run media call it, an up and down vote.

“My understanding of the Senate is that you have to have 60 votes to get something significant to happen. Which means that both Democrats and Republicans have to ask the question, do we have the will to move the  will to move an American agenda forward not a Democrat or Republican agenda forward.” (11/2/04 Obama interview)

How is a partisan vote completely along Democrat lines an American agenda? There is actually more bipartisan votes against Obamacare and with Republicans in opposition of this terrible piece of legislation.

In this interview Obama discusses the change or break away from the GWB fifty + one pattern of Presidential politics. How is that “hopee, changee” thing from Obama working out for ya America?

“Maybe you eke out a victory of 50 + 1, then you can’t govern … But you can’t deliver on health care. You are not going to pass universal health care with a fifty plus one strategy.” (Barack Obama interview with Concord Monitor 10/9/07)

So how is Barack Hussein Obama going to be able to govern, by his own words?

“… one of the arguments I get from  my fellow Progressives … is the notion that we should function like Karl Rove where we identify out core base , we throw them red meat and get a 50 +1 victory. You see Karl Rove doesn’t need  a broad consensus, because he doesn’t believe in government.  If we want to  transform the country though, that requires a sizable majority”.

Once again by his own words, Barack Hussein Obama just admitted that he does not believe in government as in order to transform a country and that is what changing health care is, one would need a “sizable” majority. Obama hardly has any such thing and what little majority he has is all of one party.

My what a difference being elected makes. Now President Barack Hussein Obama has a completely different opinion of the passing of a health care bill that is completely unpopular with the American people.


The American people want to know if its still possible for Washington to look out after their interests and their future.  They are waiting for us to act, they are waiting for us to lead. As long as I hold this office I intend to provide that leadership.”

Actually President Obama, the American people want you, Democrats and Republicans to do the work of the American people and to listen to the will of the people.  How is Obama or Democrats looking after the interests of the people if they refuse to listen to them? By a 55% to 37% margin, the majority of Americans want the current bill scrapped and Congress to start from scratch.

“I do not know how this plays politically, but I know it’s right.  And so I ask Congress to finish it’s work and I look forward to signing this reform into law.” (Barack Obama)

Of course Obama knows how this will play politically. Obama refuses to accept how Obamacare is playing politically. You would have to be the village idiot not to know. We see that across the country in numerous states as well as nationwide a majority of Americans oppose Obamacare. Democrats that have changed parties have even cited Obamacare as the reason why. As Rep. Parker Griffith of Alabama said in today’s weekly Republican address (VIDEO), “must be stopped.”

Rep. Parker Griffith (Ala.) on Saturday stressed he joined the ranks of the Republicans last December because the Democratic Party had “lost its way” in the healthcare debate.

Rep. Parker Griffith of Alabama stated …  “It’s not too late: we can, and we must, stop this government takeover of health care.”

Obama was also witness to a BLUE, BLUE state like Massachusetts elect Republican Scott Brown who ran on being the 41st vote against Obamacare. Any Democrat who supported health care even in states won by Obama in 2008 find them self in trouble. Let us not forget that in the Generic Congressional ballot, Republicans lead Democrats 44% to 36%.

The American people have clearly stated to Barack Obama and the Democrats that they do not want this health care reform; however, Obama and Democrats refuse to listen and think they know better than “We the People”.

Obama Continues to Force Obamacare on America at Dems Political Risk … Luntz Says Democrats Face Defeat Every Where

Pollster Frank Luntz was recently on with Sean Hannity discussing Obamacare and the insanity of Congress following President Obama down this suicidal path of voting for the health care reform that is so unpopular with the American people.

“You Will See Democrats Defeated in Places That Haven’t Elected a Republican since 1994″

Via the Gateway Pundit

Frank Luntz: I will tell you two things will happen. One is that everyone who is opposed to this (Obamacare) will positively come out and vote because they will feel that it is not only their right but their responsibility to send a message and two, you will see democrats defeated in places that haven’t elected a Republican since 1994.

There has been talk as to whether the House and the Senate with fall to Republicans because of the political mood of the country. 55% of Americans (55% to 37%) think that Congress should scrap the current plan and start over, yet Barack Obama continues to force Obamacare down the throats of Americans. Also, 52% of Americans oppose Obamacare, yet Democrats are hell bent on forcing it on America.

As Frank Luntz accurately stated, come this November Democrats will lose in places where Republicans have not won since 1994 or previously. The Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts and Blue states like NJ electing a Republican governor only further show the sign of the discontent of the American voter.

Barring a miracle, Democrats will lose in biblical proportions as we have not seen. The MSM will portray it as typical; however, there will be nothing typical about it … it will be historic.

US Representative Eric Massa (NY-D) to Resign from Office in Wake of Sexual Harassment Scandal

From not seeking reelection to resignation in just days.  Democrats are scrambling to rid themselves of the scandal, which seems to lately be a theme with the Dems and Pelosi’s most ethical House ever.

Looks like Nancy Pelosi needs to drain her own swamp before she points the finger at others.

Democrat US House Representative Eric Massa will resign from office.  According to reports, Massa has been pressured by Democrats to set aside in amid an ethics controversy regarding the sexual harassment of a male staffer that caused him to announce earlier this week that he would not run for a second term in 2010.

In a statement released Friday, Massa directly addressed the ethics issue for the first time, acknowledging that he used language that might have made staffers uncomfortable. But he did not specifically address any specific sexual harassment allegations.

“I own this reality. There is no doubt in my mind that I did in fact, use language in the privacy of my own home and in my inner office that, after 24 years in the Navy, might make a Chief Petty Officer feel uncomfortable,” Massa said. “In fact, there is no doubt that this Ethics issue is my fault and mine alone. But in the incredibly toxic atmosphere that is Washington D.C., with the destruction of our elected leaders having become a blood sport, especially in talk radio and on the internet, there is also no doubt that an Ethics investigation would tear my family and my staff apart.”

Massa admits, he is guilty

“I can’t subject my family and staff to a full investigation,” Massa said. “It would tear us apart … It’s not that I can fight or beat these allegations, I’m guilty.”

Real Clear Politics has Massas’ full resignation.

Nevada Senate Election 2010: Harry Reid Sinking Fast, Trails GOP’s Lowden, Tarkanian & Angle By Wider Margins

Harry Reid is all but finished in Nevada. What a crowning achievement it will be for Republicans and the voters of Nevada to add Harry Reid to the unemployment line.


I wonder if Harry Reid will consider losing his job as a “really good” thing?

Incumbent Nevada Senator and Democrat Majority leader Harry Reid is tanking in the polls for reelection in 2010.  Harry Reid now trails Republican Sue Lowden 38% to 51%, Reid trails Republican Danny Tarkanian 37% to 50% and Reid trails Republican Angle 38% to 46%.

Two of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Republican challengers have again crossed the 50% threshold and now hold double-digit leads in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race. One big hurdle for the incumbent is that most Nevada voters are strongly opposed to the health care legislation championed by Reid and President Barack Obama.

Most damning for Harry Reid is that only 20% of voters in the state have a very favorable opinion of Reid, while 48% view him very unfavorably.

Read more

Hope & Change: CBO – Obama’s Record Budget Deficits Even Worse Than Thought, To Add $9.7 Trillion to US Debt by 2020 (+$1.2 Billion)

Good Grief … Obama and the Democrats are driving our economy off a cliff. What’s an extra $1.2 billion among friends?

No wonder only 25% of Americans say the country is heading in the right direction. After this news, that number will most likely be even lower. Confidence in the US economy is at the lowest point since Obama took office.

Barack Hussein Obama just continues to get the United States of America further and further into debt. Obama budget worsr than previously thought. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that Obama’s budget plans would generate deficits $1.2 trillion more than predicted by the administration.

The Washington Post reports that President Obama’s policies would add more than $9.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. Obama is running this country into financial ruin. But of course it’s all Bush’s fault.

The 10-year outlook by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is somewhat gloomier than White House projections, which found that Obama’s policies would add $8.5 trillion to the debt by 2020. While the two agencies are in relative agreement about the short-term budget picture, with both predicting a deficit of about $1.5 trillion this year and $1.3 trillion in 2011, the CBO is less optimistic about future years, predicting that deficits will grow rapidly after 2015.

Hey America, how is that “hopee, changee” thing working out for you? Want some news that will make you lose your appetite? These record deficits will be Obama’s undoing in 2012 and the Democrats destruction in 2010.

The new report predicts that debt held by investors, including China, would spike from $7.5 trillion at the end of last year to $20.3 trillion in 2020. That means interest payments would more than quadruple — from $209 billion this year, to $916 billion by the end of the decade.

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