Caylee/Casey Anthony Case Bombshell: TotPop George Anthony Gets a Paycheck



Orlando, FL – It has happened. In my 18+ months of work on the Caylee Anthony case. It’s The Big One.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, “We Have to Pass Our Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It”


After a year of Obama lecturing America on his health care bill, after failed deadline after deadline by Obama to Congress to pass his government take over of the health care bill and it’s 2700 pages and counting bill … Nancy Pelosi said the following during her speech to the 2010 legislative conference of the National Association of Counties.

Is it any wonder why no one trusts Obamacare? Would you buy a used car from a person who said something comparable? Hardly, so then why would anyone want such sweeping overhaul of the insurance industry and 1/6th of the US economy.

Nancy Pelosi: “We Have to Pass Our Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It”

Democrats are turning out to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Is it any wonder why so many are opposed to Obama care and why the American people want Congress to scrap the present bill and start over from scratch.  You mean to tell us that the Democrats cannot properly tell us what is in the bill prior to it being passed?

Pelosi wants us to trust here? That that is comical, who knew the Speaker had such a sense of humor. No one presently trust Congress; however, those that do trust Republicans on more of the issues than Dems.

Pelosi’s full speech can be read HERE.

House Republicans Vote to Ban All Earmarks … Return to Conservative Principles

FINALLY … a step in the right direction.

Have Republicans finally wizened up and returned to their Conservative principle? With Obama’s out of control spending and record deficits, Republicans better differentiate themselves from Democrats and mean it. A complete ban on pork spending … could it become a reality?


Could Republicans finally be returning to Conservative principle?

As stated by Another Black Conservative, the Democrats, in an attempt to put lipstick on their corruption pig, banned earmarks to private companies yesterday. Only private companies?

However, Republicans upped the ante and went all in as House Republicans voted to ban all earmarks. It is a move in the right direction as the pork spending must come to an end.

House Republicans approved a conference-wide moratorium on earmarks on Thursday, one day after a House committee enacted a ban on for-profit earmarks.

The Republicans’ moratorium is more extensive than the House Appropriations Committee’s ban in that it applies to all earmarks for all members of the caucus.

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (Ind.) hailed the decision in an interview on Fox News.

“Republicans did something very dramatic today that’s going to make it very uncomfortable for business as usual,” he said. “So now House Republicans are going to the American people and saying we want a clean break from the runaway spending in the past. And that’s going to be quite a contrast from this Congress and the administration.”

This is only the beginning, but at least it is a start. Republicans now need to emphasize Pay-Go and really mean it, not PAY IT FORWARD. It will be interesting how this legislation plays out in the political environment we are in and the record Obama budget deficits.

Morgan Harrington Case: Exploring The Musical Connections

Charlottesville, VA– On the evening of one of the most anticipated musical events of her young 20 years, Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, disappeared from the Metallica Concert at JPJ on October 17, 2009.

After months of investigative efforts involving four different law enforcement jurisdictions, Morgan’s skeletal remains were found by Anchorage Farm owner David Bass on January 26, 2010.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Posted March 12, 2010 by
Crime, Missing Persons, Murder | one comment

Missouri Senate Election 2010: Republican Blunt 47% Leads Democrat Carnahan 41%

In the “Show Me” state, Republican Roy Blunt continues to lead Democrat Robin Carnahan in Missouri’s US Senate race, 47% to 41%. The question in MO is how much will BO adversely affect the Democrat ticket?

Republican Roy Blunt continues to hold a slight lead over Democrat Robin Carnahan in Missouri’s contest for the U.S. Senate. These findings and the high level of opposition to the national health care plan in the state perhaps help to explain why Carnahan wasn’t around yesterday when President Obama came to Missouri to pitch his plan.

The continual push for Obamacare by the President may be the kiss of death for candidate Carnahan. The opposition to the health care plan is higher in Missouri than it is nationally.  Only 37% of voters in the state approve of the plan presently in Congress, while 60% oppose it. President Barack Obama was just in Missouri

The public was not allowed at the so-called Obama Town Hall event which was nothing more than a hand picked campaign rally event; however, as reported by the Gateway Pundit the WE THE PEOPLE did show up in force at the anti-Obama Blowout in St. Charles, MO– STANDING ROOM ONLY! It would appear that Obama brought the folks out in droves in his visit to Missouri. Of course they were protesting Obama.

Make you wonder what the reverse bounce affect might be in the next poll for Carnahan.

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