Daily Commentary – Thursday, March 18th, 2010 – Getting Scammed on the Internet

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Posted March 18, 2010 by
Bizarre, Crime, Internet, WTF | no comments

Bill O’Reilly Finally on Board … “If Democrats Don’t Do an Up or Down Vote President Obama Is Done”

Welcome to the Party Bill O’Reilly …

Has Bill O’Reilly finally seen the light with regards to Barack Obama?

Bill O’Reilly has given President Barack Hussin Obama the benefit of the doubt every inch of the way in an effort to be “fair and balanced”. BOR has argued against Conservatives that Obama is a danger to the Constitution and has provided Obama cover in hopes of gaining an interview.  However, last night while discussing back door manuevers like “deeming,” Bill O’Reilly stated the following on The Factor:

“If democrats don’t do an up or down vote, President Obama is done.”

Partial transcript from The Gateway Pundit:

The outcry in this country would be so enormous, the anger so intense that it would pretty much doom the Obama Administration…

…If they don’t do an up or down vote, President Obama is done. His whole term is done. Whether it passes or fails it doesn’t matter. If they try to sneak it around the back door by some kind of parliamentary procedure nobody’s ever heard of… I want an up or down vote and I don’t really care. 95% of Americans do as well. If they do this it’s the end of the Obama Administration. It’s over.

Really Bill, what was your first clue? Have you been paying attention to this health care debate and the Obama WH pulling the strings behind the scenes in making dirty deals and threatening those who would dare vote against Obamacare?  Of course the “Slaughter” solution will do nothing but get Democrats slaughtered in the midterms and thereafter.

O’Reilly, have you figured out yet … Democrats and Obama just don’t care what they do to them self, the Country or the Constitution. It’s all about passing Obamacare and the government incrementalism of the take over of 1/6th of the US economy.

Morgan Harrington Murder: Harringtons Debut Morgans Rocks

Charlottesville, VA- Continuing the crusade to memorialize their daughter Morgan and keep the public focused on the dangerous killer(s) still at large, Dan and Gil Harrington will be meeting with media today at 1PM.

The meeting agenda will include the Harrington’s ongoing concerns for womens safety on and off campus, and their fears associated with the fact that there has not been an arrest in their daughters murder to date.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Posted March 17, 2010 by
Crime, Missing Persons, Murder | 4 comments

KILL THE BILL … Health Care Patriots 11 Votes Shy of Defeating Obamacare

Keep it up America … KILL THE BILL!

According to CNN, Health care foes 11 votes shy of defeating bill. I believe I would rephrase that to American patriots are 11 votes shy of defeating the Obamacare plan of the government take over of health care.

Five more House Democrats said Tuesday that they will vote against Senate health care legislation, which puts opponents of reform just 11 votes shy of the 216 needed to prevent President Obama from scoring a major victory on his top domestic priority.

An ongoing CNN analysis shows that opposition in the House to the Senate health care plan has reached 205 members.

A total of 27 House Democrats, including nine who supported the House plan in November, have indicated that they would join a unified Republican caucus in opposing the Senate plan, which passed in that chamber December 24 with the minimum required 60 votes.

AMERICA, WE THE PEOPLE … it is up to us. Here is the list of contacts of the US House Representativesto call in Washington, DC. Make your voice be heard. CALL EARLY, CALL OFTEN.

As NRO refers to them … are there 11 angry men out there that can put a stake into the heart of Obamacare?

However, if Pelosi cannot get the votes, will she implement the Slaughter House rules?  But as reported at the Gateway Pundit, Mark Levin, the Great One, announced that the Landmark Legal Foundation and he are prepared to fight this health care bill if it is passed via the Slaughter rule.

Obama, YOU LIE!!! Your Insurance Premiums Will Decrease by 3,000% Under Obamacare

Did you hear the following BS fed the American people from President Barack Hussein Obama regarding Obamacare from his Town Hall meeting in Strongsville, OH?

From the Gateway Pundit

Amazing. And, they actually take this liar seriously…
Obama told a group of guppies yesterday that with Obamacare their premiums will decrease by 3,000%.
And, they actually clapped and screamed when he fed them this manure.

Talk about your mind numb robots. Folks, when are you going to stop believing the lies from this man’s mouth? Who honestly believes that your employer is going to give you a raise with any so-called benefits they might save?

However, you know what is going to occur? Every business will not provide health care coverage, will push you onto the government option and then let’s see what kind of care you receive and if you can continue to see your same doctor.

Obama will say and do anything to have Obamacare pass. We very weary of any individual that is so hell bent on passing something when everyone else wants no part of it. Ask yourself why? Maybe it is because this is just the beginning of what Democrats want in their attempt to take over. Just take a look at what Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi said just the other day … “Kick open that door, and there will be other legislation to follow.”

Pelosi said passing the bill would allow Dems to undertake a “debate” with Republicans over “what is the balanced role that government should have.”

“We have to take it to the American people, to say, this is the choice that you have,” she said. “This is the vision that they have for your health and well being, and this is the vision that we have.”…

Pelosi also sought to reassure those unhappy with the Senate bill by stressing that future legislation would follow, suggesting that after they passed this legislation Dems might try to do away with the insurance industry’s antitrust exemption, among other unnamed initiatives.

“Kick open that door, and there will be other legislation to follow,” she said. “We’ll take the country in a new direction.”

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