US Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL): “There Are No Rules Here … We Make Them Up As We Go Along”

Finally a Democrat speaks the truth …

No truer words have ever been spoken by the Democrats in Congress when it comes to making sure that Barack Obama’s agenda is more important than the will of the American People. US Constitution and We the People be damned. Democrat US Representative from Florida Alcee Hastings stated the following:

“There Are No Rules Here … We Make Them Up As We Go Along”

We are supposed to live in a Representative Democracy. Might some one tell us who the Democrats are representing these days? How can ever poll taken be against Obamacare, yet President Obama, Pelosi and Reid keep feeding us the line that they are doing this for the American people? Why, because they make that stuff up to as they go along.

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More Barack Obama Hope & Change, Unemployment Rate Soars in US Cities

Hey folks in US American cities, how’s that “Hopey, Changey” stuff working out for you?


Here is some great news brought to you by the policies and efforts of President Barack Hussein Obama.  According to the Labor Department, the  unemployment rates in 363 US metropolitan areas rose in January 2010 and and 346 areas reported year on year declines in their number of jobs, the Labor Department said on Friday.

Nearly 200 metropolitan areas reported jobless rates of at least 10 percent in January, showing that unemployment problems persist at the local level.

California has been especially hard hit during the recession that began in late 2007, and the Labor Department data showed the state’s jobs situation continues to deteriorate, with an overall unemployment rate of 12.5 percent in January.

The three areas with the highest jobless rates in the country, all above 20 percent, were all located in California, the most populous U.S. state.

More great jobs news brought to the American people as Barack Obama fixates himself on Obamacare. 35 US cities suffer unemployment above 15%.  All this while Obama spends all of his time on an issue like health care that is not even in the top 3 or 4 on “The People’s” priority list. Areas like Pennsylvania see the the highest jobless rate since 1984.

Unemployment rates continue to rise, with the majority of U.S. metropolitan areas showing an increase in January, according to a government report.

In fact, there were 35 metropolitan areas with unemployment rates at or above 15% in January. California and Michigan remain the hardest hit, with 19 cities in California showing rates above 15%, according to the Labor Department. Michigan logged the next highest number, with 6.

In December, there were 25 cities with jobless rates above 15%, most of which were also in California and Michigan.

The irony, it was the metropolitan areas and big cities that voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama in 2008.  With low approval ratings in his handling of health care and the economy … Democrats are in for a disaster of epic proportions come this Fall.

We the People Protest Obamacare in Washington, DC

As Democrats Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid ram Obamacare down the throats of Americans, “We the People” protested Obamacare in Washington, DC.

Obama and the Dems continue to thumb their nose at and ignore the will of the people.  So much for a government of, by and for the people.


Instapundit has more pics. Even more pics at Michelle Malkin.

The Gateway Pundit says that 100,000 RALLY IN WASHINGTON AGAINST OBAMACARE

This is not advice to Democrats, but a fact … you think you are being so smug now by passing such comprehensive health care  … wait until November 2010 and 2012. The sole driving force will be to create a majority that will erase Obama’s progressivism and government take over.

The Latest Twist in the Natalee Holloway Case … Pics of Body Found While Scuba Diving in Aruba?

Back in October 2009 the Muldowney’s were on a cruise that stopped in Aruba. They went on a scuba dive while in Aruba but didn’t get those photos developed until January 2010. While looking through the photos they noticed something startling. They noticed what appeared to be a skeleton on the ocean floor.

I cropped the photo and removed the color for a closer look:

Dr. Michael Baden upon reviewing the photo said it could be a human skeleton and needs to be checked out.

Will Aruba do the right thing? What do you think?

UPDATE I: Natalee Holloway Body Found Pictures Add a Hype to Holloway Case

UPDATE II: Top Pathologist: Investigate Possible Holloway Find

Authorities in Aruba have an “absolute obligation” to investigative an underwater photograph that may show the remains of Natalee Holloway, the Alabama high school student who disappeared in Aruba in 2005, a renowned forensic pathologist told

Dr. Michael Baden, a former chief medical examiner for New York City who has followed the high-profile Holloway case, said a photo taken in October by a Pennsylvania couple off the coast of Aruba could depict skeletal remains and should be treated as a potential lead.

“It could be a body,” Baden told “The odds are it isn’t, but it absolutely could be a body and there’s an obligation to pick it up and investigate.”

UPDATE III: Natalee Holloway’s Remains? Aruba Divers to Examine Area

Aruban authorities are dispatching a dive team to investigate a Pennsylvania couple’s underwater photograph that may show skeletal remains of Natalee Holloway, an Alabama high school student who went missing on the Caribbean island five years ago.

Ann Angela, a spokeswoman for the public prosecutor’s office in Aruba, said she was not authorized to say when or where the dive would take place, except that it will happen “in the very near future.” Officials likely will have the results of the preliminary investigation by Sunday or Monday.

The underwater photograph of the sea floor depicts a rough outline that the couple believes resembles a human skeleton, according to the Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era, which first published the photo on Thursday.

US Rep Tom Perrielo (D-VA): “If You Don’t Tie Our Hands, We Will Keep Stealing” … Finally an Honest Democrat

Who knew there was actually one honest Democrat in Washington, DC. US Representative from Virginia, Tom Perrielo stated the following …

“If You Don’t Tie Our Hands, We Will Keep Stealing.”

Congressman Tom Perriello meets with Jefferson Area Tea Party March 16, 2010. “Social Security and Medicare are in trouble because politicians raided the cookie jar over and over again.

Now Obamacare looks to do more of the same by funding the government take over of health care by cutting Medicare and increasing SS. Robbing Peter to pay Paul, wake up America.

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