Karl Rove & David Plouffe in Battle Royal Health Care & Deficit Debate

The “D” in Democrat stands for DENIAL …

It might as well have been billed as a WWE Battle Royal, No Holds Barred cage match on ABC’s This Week between Republican and former GWB senior adviser Karl Rove and Obama operative David Plouffe battling over Obamacare.

It is astounding that the Obama minions continue to use as an excuse for their complete disregard of the American people, the 2008 election of Barack Obama.  A note to Obama and his cronies, all has changed since the election. Your approval rating is gone and so is that of the Democrat party. A once 60% Obama approval rating is now in the mid 40′s. The people are strongly against Obamacare, yet Obama & his minions think they know better than “We the People”.

“We are going to be much better positioned politically…if we pass this,” David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama’s campaign, told ABC’s Jon Karl this morning on “This Week.” “We had 15 million new voters vote in the 2008 election. These were people who were cynical that their vote really mattered. If we don’t pass health care, I think that sends a very depressing message,” Plouffe said. But, Plouffe insisted, if the bill passes “it’s going to be a very powerful message to them that the vote mattered and they ought to stay involved in politics.”

Americans want health care reform. However, Americans have made it clear in every poll that they DON’T WANT THIS HEALTHCARE REFORM.

While David Plouffe talked campaign rhetoric, Karl Rove rebutted with the facts. Many of these facts the American people are very well aware of as they do not trust Obamacare and the fact that it will increase the deficits.

Rove hit back: “Look, you have run up more deficit, before this bill, in the first 20 months and 11 days of your term in office then was done in the entire Bush years!”

“Don’t be lecturing us about what you’re doing with the profligate spending that started last year with the failed stimulus bill,” Rove said, “and continued with your budget increases.”

“You will bankrupt the country, if this bill passes!” Rove insisted.

Plouffe responded with another jab: “Karl and the Republicans have zero credibility – about as much credibility as the country of Greece does to talk about fiscal responsibility.”

Rove, brandishing a white board with health care cost figures, interrupted: “For God’s sake, will you stop throwing around epithets and deal with the facts for once, David!”

Even more interesting as pointed out by Hot Air,was that Plouffe never denied Rove’s accusations regarding double counting and other sleazy gimmicks.

… but what’s most interesting about this exchange is that Plouffe never rebuts the charges of double counting or the sleaziness of leaving out the planned “doc fix.” Either Plouffe’s implicitly admitting to it, or he’s out of his league when it comes to arguing on the accounting.

A note to The Raw Story, Plouffe was hardly a debating wizard on This Week. Rove may has lost his coll, but Plouffe lost the debate.

In the end and come the Fall 2010 midterms and the 2012 elections Democrats are not going to be able to defend that they defied the will of the People. Obama and Democrats have tried to portray Republicans as the party of No; however, as Rove pointed out the GOP was never allowed to the table. The American people wanted Congress to scrap the Obamcare bill and start over from scratch. Scott Brown was even elected in Massachusetts to be the 41st Senator to vote against Obamacare. Instead, Obama, Pelosi and Reid rammed health care down the throats of Americans.

“That’s bunk!” Rove interjected. “Republicans have offered a positive alternative on health care and you didn’t bother to have one meeting between March 5 of 2009 and February 25 of 2010 to discuss how the White House could involve some of those Republican ideas in the bill. Don’t give us that bunk,” Rove said.

See you in November folks …

Barack Obama Tells House Democrats to Vote Against the Will of the American People … Democrats Had to be Bribed and Strong Armed for their Vote

Barack Obama and the voice of partisan politics as he leads the Democrat party off the political cliff. Obama knows damn well that a vote for Obamacare is a vote for Obama and his agenda, nothing more. It is not a vote for the American people. The polls of WE THE PEOPLE state otherwise.


I don’t quit when it comes to not listening to the American People

In the end to this President and the Democrat party, We the People mean nothing to them.

Don’t do it for me. Don’t do it for the Democratic Party. Do it for the American people. They’re the ones who are looking for action right now. (Applause.)

I know this is a tough vote. And I am actually confident — I’ve talked to some of you individually — that it will end up being the smart thing to do politically because I believe that good policy is good politics. (Applause.) I am convinced that when you go out there and you are standing tall and you are saying I believe that this is the right thing to do for my constituents and the right thing to do for America, that ultimately the truth will out.

Barack Obama met with the House Democrats yesterday in a type of rah-rah inspirational meeting as it falls flat on lies and distortions. His attempt at rallying his Democrat troops was about as disjointed and chalk full of lies and distortions of Obamacare as Obama, Pelosi and Reid have provided to We the People. The denial, lies and insanity of this idealoge President will be at the detriment of the American people.

Obama has failed to win over the American people. Obama, Pelosi and Reid have also pretty much failed to convince their own party of Obamacare without bribes, kickbacks, promises for future bills and appointments and threats.  The Obama White House has threatened Democrats who do not support Obamacare

This is hardly the image that President Barack Hussein Obama put forth yesterday to his fellow Democrats in the House.

As stated by Ann Althouse the Obama speech was lackluster. Obama claimed that being a Democrat meant the following, “that we are proud of our individualism, we are proud of our liberty, but we also have a sense of neighborliness and a sense of community.” Mr. President, being a party of a community or  having a sense of neighborliness has nothing to to with the government. IT HAS TO DO WITH WE THE PEOPLE AND OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITY.

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Barack Obama Finally Has Jobs Bill, 16,000 New IRS Workers Will Be Needed for Obamacare

President Obama to increase the role of the IRS into your personal lives thanks to Obamacare.  The IRS Cometh …


President Barack Obama stated in his State of the Union address that his second year in office would be all about jobs and trying to reduce the national 10% unemployment rate. However, ever since the SOTU Obama has focused entirely upon his unpopular government run health care plan. WE THE PEOPLE have stated in every poll that the People are against it, yet Obama, Pelosi and Reid have ignored the will of the people and we face a vote today in the House on Obamacare.

WAIT, it looks like President Barack Hussein Obama finally is addressing jobs via the Obamcare plan. The One looks to add 16,500 IRS Agents to enforce Obama care.  NICE. Think it’s not about government take over and control folks? What part about the IRS does not reek of government control? So much for HIPAA.

Who honestly believes having the IRS involves in your health care is a good thing? As the Capital One commercials state, which will soon be the IRS/Obamacare slogan … what’s in your wallet?

Today, Rep. Dave Camp and Ways and Means Republicans released a new report detailing how the Democrats’ health care bill vastly expands the responsibilities of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and strengthens the heavy hand of the IRS in dealing with taxpayers.

“If the Democrats’ health care bill becomes law, the IRS could have to hire more than 16,000 additional agents, auditors and other workers just to enforce all the new taxes and penalties,” said Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI). “It is a dangerous expansion of the IRS’s power and reach into the lives of virtually every American.”

Highlights of report, which is entitled “The Wrong Prescription: Democrats’ Health Overhaul Dangerously Expands IRS Authority,” include:

• IRS agents verify if you have “acceptable” health care coverage;

• IRS has the authority to fine you up to $2,250 or 2 percent of your income (whichever is greater) for failure to prove that you have purchased “minimum essential coverage;”

• IRS can confiscate your tax refund;

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Barack Obama Kiss of Death Continues … #1 Kansas Falls to Northern Iowa in NCAA March Madness Second Round

Oops he did it again …The Obama Un-Midas Touch,

Once again President Barack Hussein Obama has provided the un-Midas touch and the kiss of death to something he has picked. Add the Kansas Jayhawks to the list of Obama’s Midas touch.

The list includes bringing the Olympics to Chicago, the elections of Coakley in MA, Corzine in NJ and Deeds in VA as well as meaningful climate treaties from the Copenhagen conference that Obama has picked that have wound up in failure. Let us not forget The One also picked the Colts to win the Superbowl.

Yesterday  in the NCAA March Madness Basketball Championship, #1 and top seeded Kansas Jayhawks lost to the #9 seed North Iowa Panthers 69-67.

Obama’s pick to win it all sent home to Lawrence, KS

You will remember that President Obama picked the University of Kansas Jayhawks to win it all in 2010 in his bracketology.

Today at the White House Obama filled out his NCAA men’s and women’s tournament brackets with ESPN’s Andy Katz and Doris Burke. The hoopster-in-chief has  Kansas, Kentucky, Kansas State and Villanova in his men’s Final Four and on the women’s side, predicts the last four teams will be Connecticut, Stanford, Tennessee and Notre Dame.

Just an FYI, both Kansas and Villanova both went down to defeat yesterday.

We can only hope that Cinderella is still alive today when it comes to the vote of Obamacare later today in the House.

UPDATE I: Kentucky and Kansas State also lost prior to the Final Four literally shredding Obama’s 2010 Men’s NCAA Basketball Championship bracket picks.

UPDATE II: Obama now picks West Virginia to win it all. Let’s see if the kiss of death continues.

Pennsylvania Senate Election 2010: Republican Toomey 49%, Democrat Specter 40%

Republican challenger Pat Toomay continues to lead incumbent Democrat Arlen Specter 49% to 40% in the PA US Senate race.  Obamacare weighs on the Specter campaign to remain in office as 41% of Keystone State voters favor Obamacare while 58% oppose it.

For the third month in a row, likely Republican nominee Pat Toomey holds a nine-point lead over incumbent Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in Pennsylvania shows Toomey leading Specter 49% to 40%. Five percent (5%) like some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) more are undecided.

The Specter campaign for Senate will be a referendum on Obama’s job as President. So many Americans, including Keystone state voters and Independents want health care reform; however, they do not want Obama’s proposed health care reform.

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