Republicans Target Barack Obama’s Former US Senate Seat in Illinois … Going for the Senate Triple Crown


The Senate Triple Crown … Massachusetts, Delaware and Illinois.

It’s Primary Day in Illinois and Republicans looks to gain on the momentum that they have garnered previously in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts. However, are Republicans ready to do what most would have thought impossible?

Imagine in 2010 if Republicans won all three Senate seats formerly held by the late Edward Kennedy, Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Hussein Obama.

In 2010 can Republicans pull off the Trifecta of with regards to US Senate elections?

Jewel number One … The fact is that they have already accomplished the first part by doing the impossible when Republication Scott Brown won the special Senate election in Massachusetts and taking over “the People’s” seat formerly held by the late Ted Kennedy. The almost implausible victory by Brown has sent tremors through the Democrat Party and optimism among Republican challengers.

The second jewel in the Triple Crown is the US Senate seat for Delaware formally held by Vice President Joseph Biden. The race looked to be a close one with Republican Mike Castle holding a small lead over the Biden in waiting Beau Biden when the unthinkable occurred to the Dems. Beau Biden dropped out of the DE Senate race and all but handed the Senate seat to Republicans and Mike Castle. The most recent Rasmussen poll had Castle leading Democrat candidate Chris Coons 56% to 27%. As soon as Beau Biden dropped out, The Cook Political Report classified the DE-Senate race a “Solid Republican” win.

The third and maybe most symbolic jewel in Triple Crown is the Illinois Senate seat formerly held by President Barack Hussein Obama. This appointed Illinois Senate seat has been nothing short of a commentary on how Chicago-style politics works. From Blago-gate and the attempted sale of the IL Senate seat to the highest bidder to the the image of the back room dealings of buying off Senators for Obamacare. This represents an interesting comparison for voters in the 2010 midterms.

Is it possible that Republicans could take Obama’s former Senate seat as well in the 2010 midterms? Why not. Could 5 term republican representative Mark Kirk of Illinois’ 10th congressional district be the next Scott Brown?

Mark Kirk is all but a shoe in to win on the Republican side as recent polls have him up big over Patrick Hughes. The real story in Illinois is the battle in the Democrat Party where David Hoffman is trailing Alexi Giannoulias but  has been coming on strong at the end. The problem with Giannoulias, ties to Barack Hussein Obama. Hoffman is portraying himself as the Washington “outsider”. What would a Hoffman victory in the Dem Primary tell us about the voters state of mind in Obama’s own home Senatorial state?

The Perfect Storm is in place … Imagine, just imagine if in one year Democrats lost all seats that were formerly held by a Kennedy, a VP and a President. Would that be enough for President Barack Obama to start listing to the will of the American people or would he still just want to be a “good one term” President?

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  • Illinois Primaries:Mark Kirk Wins Big Over Patrick Hughes for Republican Nomination for Obama’s Old Senate Seat
  • REPUBLICAN MARK KIRK Wins US Senate Election in Illinois … Takes Obama’s Old Seat, GOP +5

  • Comments

    2 Responses to “Republicans Target Barack Obama’s Former US Senate Seat in Illinois … Going for the Senate Triple Crown”

    1. Illinois Primaries:Mark Kirk Wins Big Over Patrick Hughes for Republican Nomination for Obama’s Old Senate Seat | Scared Monkeys on February 2nd, 2010 10:49 pm

      [...] congressman, has won the Republican Senate Primary in Illinois and has won the  chance to try to take President Obama’s old Senate seat away from [...]

    2. 2010 Midterm Senate Election Round Up … Republicans Lead in many Races to Take Back Senate? | Scared Monkeys on February 27th, 2010 9:40 pm

      [...] represents a major targeted state for Republicans for the symbolic nature of taking over President Barack Obama’s former Senate [...]

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