We Made them an Offer they Couldn’t Refuse: FOX-TV Chicago Ordered not to Run ANTI-OLYMPICS STORY
Chicago style politics on display once again … Via the Drudge Report, local Fox TV affiliate ordered not to run the anti-Olympic story. Or what? So much for reporting both sides of the story. Since when does anyone have a right to tell a media outlet what they can and cannot run? This is still America, right?
It’s a Chicago message, it means Luca Brazzi sleeps with the Pizza
A local TV station that reported on Chicagoans NOT wanting the Olympics has been told NOT to run the report again, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT!
The Chicago Olympic Committee told FOX Chicago that its broadcast “would harm Chicago’s chances” to be awarded the games.
The station’s news director ordered staff to hold fire after the report aired once last Thursday morning, claims a source.
Breitbart TV has the Fox News-Chicago broadcast of Chicagoans not wanting the 2016 Olympics in their city.
“I back the bid, I back the bid, I back the bid for Rio de Janeiro.”
It would appear that not everyone in Chicago wants the 2016 Olympics. As one individual states, with the budget shortfalls that Chicago has, spending billions of dollars to bring the Olympics here is going to do any good.
“Let Gary, Indians get the Olympics, I don’t give a damn but not here”.
Don Surer has much more including his original post from last week including the cost overruns from the 1976 Montreal Olympics that to 30 years to pay off.
Maybe Barack Obama can send the tax payers stimulus money to Chicago. I am sure he will claim that this is a shovel ready project.
Posted September 28, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Economy, Government, Media, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Olympics, World, WTF | 3 comments |
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3 Responses to “We Made them an Offer they Couldn’t Refuse: FOX-TV Chicago Ordered not to Run ANTI-OLYMPICS STORY”
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These are just a bunch of overzealous teabaggers!
I personally do not mind the Olympics coming to Chicago but I agree that we need not censor those opposed. You balance one voice opposing by intellectual discourse, not censorship. They even have their own website, “chicagoans for rio” or something like that.
I actually heard that they were showing a video of a recent victim(honor student) being beaten to death by the domestic terrorists(aka gang-members)because he refused to be involved with their group. As if that will frighten those away from casting a Chicago vote.
The dumbbells that run that site I guess do not realize that they have death-squads hired to KILL homeless children in Rio as well because there are too many of them and certain merchants and others have hired these goons to kill them.
It looks like Chicago may get the Olympic bid regardless. Oh, well.
U GO RIO!!!!!!!!!
That was absolutely the most beautiful piece of footage to see the live countdown-town and—
BAM!!!!!!!!!!! chicago and barry did NOT get it!!
HA!HA!HA! ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!