Fox News Geraldo Rivera … Out of his Mind, Compares Tea Party Protestors to those that Stole Bush Election
Geraldo Rivera … INSANE! Why does Geraldo want Obamacare and against Free Speech? Maybe it will serve as the cure for his Bush Derangement Syndrome?
So what does Geraldo Rivera have against people using their Constitutional rights? There is nothing like a cause that affects “We the People” to show just how liberal some of these cable show types really are. Rivera went insane and compared Tea Party protesters against Obamacare at the town hall meetings to the “Brooks Brothers” wearing demonstrators who stole the election for George Bush. The LEFT just can’t let GWB go. When all else fails and the LEFT is losing the debate … blame Bush.
Hey Geraldo, stick to something you know about and have a 10,000th show on Michael Jackson.
Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit
Geraldo loses it. He lashes out at the mob who he believes just prevented nationalized health care just like the “Brooks Brothers” wearing demonstrators who were so violent and stole the election for George Bush.
Posted August 17, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Healthcare, Media Bias, Moonbats, Obamacare, Obamanation, Politics, We the People, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 17 comments |
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17 Responses to “Fox News Geraldo Rivera … Out of his Mind, Compares Tea Party Protestors to those that Stole Bush Election”
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He is still pissed off about there being nothing in that safe.
Geraldo is a dumb sh**, when is everyone going to come to understand he is no more than a liberal, Democratic HACK. The Town Hall people are dissatisfied with the poicies of President Barack Obama and his goons and they do not intend to stand for them. If Mr. Obama and his Clowns force their agenda on these constituents they are looking for a “blood bath” against the Dems in the 2010 Polls and most likely the 2012 Polls. The President and the Democrats are apparently in a loose loose situation on Health Care. If they pass it over popular opinion they will pay for it in the next two elections. If they do not pass it they loose face and Obama becomes a Lame Duck. O what webs we do weave when we practice to deceive, ROFLMAO!!!!
isn’t rivera an illegal alien ? along with nancy pelosi and harry reid ?
There is nothing in his head either, its just empty space. How in the world can he possibly think there is a correlation between the 2000 election results in Florida and the Town Hall protestors of today. The man is dillusional.
Am i not right in saying that in the November elections there was MORE voters than there was REGISTERED TO VOTE!!!!!! Along with the usual DEAD PEOPLE!!!
I have been to Tea Parties, and yes — unlike Geraldo I would not write a kiss and tell book. People who do that are dispicable. For his next treasure cheast opening, I hope he finds a moments relief for his bad taste…in a fresh and unopened bottle..
Sadly for the countless fine Hispanics, he remains a tv loon only because he is Hispanic. A dis-service. His former lady acquaintances should be allowed opportunity to spray him with an anti-wart agent.
I find Geraldo Rivera comments on disgraced John Edwards funny. Why because Geraldo has cheated on every woman he has ever been married to or dated.
He has been married 4-7 times? How many of his children are born out of wed lock?
He writes a book and brags about who he slept with. Bettie Miller said, “that Geraldo raped her at a party.” I guess they were all doing drugs back then. So she decided not to report the pervert.
Geraldo is a liberal hispanic that cannot control himself. Why Fox continues to allow this liberal time on their air is beyond me. Whenever, he appears I immediately change the channel or turn off the TV.
What a weinie. that SOF couldn’t talk his way out of a paper bag. Piece of shit in my opinion.
A very nice Macho Man….
You mean tony rivers !!!
i believe his green card and work visa have expired. deportation is next rivera.
Geraldo is to news what Bob Saget is to comedy.
rivera, you forgot to dry your back off after crossing the rio grande. now you will be deported for sure.
I think that Geraldo Rivera should be pulled off of Fox News! With that kind of talk, I might as well watch CNN or MSNBC!
Evert time I turn to Fox News and this sleaze bag failure AS A lawyer is on air, I feel the OVERWHELMING need for a TETANUS SHOT.