Who’s Hijacking Healthcare? Democrats US Rep David Scott Forgets Who He Works for and Screams at his Constituents
The question that needs to be answered by Barack Obama and Democrats is … “WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO HIJACK HEALTH CARE IN AMERICA!!!”
The Democratic Congress have truly forgot what Democracy is. They have forgot who they work for and that political dissent is the foundation of Democracy. Obamacare is so unpopular that instead of answering questions from their own constituents, they yell at them, call them plants and accuse them of hijacking political events.
A note to you fools who have been stupidly elected … You represent “We the People” and work for us, not the other way around.
So the Democratic definition of hijacking an even is asking a politician a question? Americans actually taking time out of their busy schedules to attend an event as opposed to staying home and watching reality TV are demonized. So now the “Nazi mob” also includes physicians who are democrat constituents who dare ask a question about Obamacare.
Hot Air has the video of the outrageous behavior of Democratic US Representative David Scott from Georgia(GA, D-13th). At no point during the questions by a Georgia physician was he disrespectful; however, the same could not be said for US Rep David Scott.
From 11–Alive, NBC affiliate from Atlanta, GA
“Don’t come and take advantage of what these individuals have done!” Rep. Scott admonished a man in the audience in a loud voice. “You want a meeting with me on healthcare? I’ll give it to you!”
Dr. Brian Hill is the one who asked the question. He says he’s neither a plant nor a Republican.
“I did not go to the meeting to cause any problems,” said Dr. Hill. “I went to the meeting to ask a question that was very, very important for my patients.”
NewsBusters points out the fair and balanced reporting of 11–Alive in actually bothering to interview the GA doctor who was accused of not being a constituent of the 13th district and a plant.
Posted August 8, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bizarre, Government, Healthcare, Main, Obamacare, Obamanation, Politics, We the People, WTF | 10 comments |
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10 Responses to “Who’s Hijacking Healthcare? Democrats US Rep David Scott Forgets Who He Works for and Screams at his Constituents”
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US REP David Scott needs to go.
David Scott is a racist
Many of the people in his district have a certain
amount of actual Health Care, they all don’t have
healthcare Insurance. Why they don’t have the
insurance part is varied. To get reelected Mr.
Scott (Rep) will have to bring some government
pork home to secure his job next round. What
really counts is how much he would be willing
to take from other taxpayers to bring that
dough home. He was uncertain about the bill,
so he says….pointing that weapon of a finger
at the questioners.
What is most telling is that these Dems think automatically that if someone opposes Obamacare that they are either a Republican or not from their disctrict.
Seems to be some political profiling isn’t it?
So many people are against Obamacare it would be difficult to find people that were for it who were not from Unions.
Gerrymandering and Community Organizing would
go very well together, like a horse and carriage.
It is also telling that the primary subject of discussion
is ‘planned for the eleventh-hour of the month’. If
it were to be cancelled at the last minute, what would
have been debated in public…Nothing! This dude is
hiding from criticism while loudly screaming and
pointing. Childlike. Who will be running against this
‘gentleman’ next year? Let’s put a servant in his spot.
Screw liberals….
Calling us ‘un-American?’ They do not understand our history as a country NOR the values and morals it was based on….THEY are UN-AMERICAN in every sense…thugs, pricks, vile people!
It is not un-American to ask questions but it is un-American to shut down the conversation.
In the Remaining Minutes, We’ll Take Questions on any Subject Err…Except That Subject.
The DNC keep pitching avoidance and deception, and let’s hope the fiscal conservatives can keep pitching the spririted, but real issues in this government attempt to takeover 1/6th of the US economy.
Please check out my take, and stick around for more good content.
Off topic a bit…but what is wrong with this man’s tongue sticking out all the time? He is on something that drys his mouth, I guess, probably needs heavy meds to go before this group!!