Obama Administration Now Takes on Cheerios … War on Cheerios


More CHANGE … Suddenly Cheerios is considered a drug.

With an economy is a recession and the almost pending situation of a war on terror, the Obama CheeriosWhite House now takes aim at Cheerios. So Cheerios are now considered Enemies of the State. Think this government is not over-reaching its power and showing zero common sense? What next … a ban on Captain Crunch or as Don Suber states, “Next they will tell me that Lucky Charms are not magically delicious, but rather manufactured like any other cereal.”

Cereal Makers Scolded Because Claim Of Lowering Cholesterol 10 Percent In Month Makes It A “Drug”

Company Fires Back: This Is About Language, Not Science

The Food and Drug Administration scolded the makers of Cheerios about the way they promote the cereal’s health benefits. The FDA sent a letter of warning to General Mills accusing them of making unauthorized health claims.

Current boxes of Cheerios are touting what the company calls exciting news — the cereal’s ability to help lower cholesterol 10 percent in one month.

According to a letter from the FDA General Mills’ advertising violates the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The agency said claims that Cheerios ingredients can lower cholesterol within a certain amount of time, all while providing cancer-fighting and heart-healthy benefits, essentially makes Cheerios “a drug” by their definition

Thinks they don’t want to control everything in your lives including your cereal!!! Is there anything that the Obama Administration won’t keep their hands off?

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  • Comments

    24 Responses to “Obama Administration Now Takes on Cheerios … War on Cheerios”

    1. Jayne on May 13th, 2009 1:14 pm

      Ear Leader wants to control our lives. He knows what is best for all of us little people, the dirty masses. Wake up people. We are now living in a NANNY nation. Nothing is Free, free health care is not free. It’s a nightmare in the UK,Canada and every Country that has Socolized health care.

    2. Wolf on May 13th, 2009 2:43 pm

      I personally don’t see anything wrong with this. If you’ve ever been in a marketing class you might understand why they’re having them change the claims on the box. They’re claiming it can lower your cholesterol a certain %. That’s misleading..unless you can prove that is true. Which they can’t.
      Some people believe anything…like Iraq had WMD’s..and there was no torture going on..the Bush admin sold you on that…just like they sold you Cheerios!

    3. JustaMommy on May 13th, 2009 2:49 pm

      You think this is crazy! It’s just the beginning. Research Codex Alimentarius. Coming to your dinner tables Dec 2009. The FDA is pushing for all vitamins and dietary supplements to be labeled as drugs. They are implimenting Codex’s nutriental guidelines as well, they will be zapping the nutrition out of our food and at the same time introducing 15 illegal pesticides into it, even our milk will be treated with radiation. Don’t believe me, research it yourselves. If your as concerned as me, pass it along.

    4. rightknight on May 13th, 2009 3:05 pm

      Newly created Government Jobs (bureaucracies) that
      micromanage minutia. Freshly hired employees just
      practicing their assignments right off the bat. Millions
      of NEW JOBS. Unfortunately, all of them are in the non-
      productive Government Sector. Tax monies will be
      distributed for their salaries. Hail to the Chief!

      Teats on a boar!

    5. Dolf on May 13th, 2009 3:42 pm

      Prefer Cheetos

    6. Michelle Smith on May 13th, 2009 3:54 pm

      @#2 Wolf: You pontificate “Some people believe anything…like Iraq had WMD’s..and there was no torture going on..the Bush admin sold you on that…just like they sold you Cheerios!”

      And some people believe that Obama is going help this country….lol

      Kinda makes you wonder doesn’t it?

    7. doselady51 on May 13th, 2009 4:45 pm

      I would rather have food treated with radiation. Radiation does not leave behind chemicals.

    8. Wolf on May 13th, 2009 5:42 pm

      #6 Michelle

      It does kinda make you wonder…I want Obama to prevail..not fail like most around here do. They know that if he does good…republican’s won’t have much to do next election..except doing what they’re doing now…whine…whine…whine.

    9. Maggie on May 13th, 2009 6:09 pm

      What a bunch of bs.. why don’t they try to do something useful for a change.

    10. Carpe on May 13th, 2009 6:13 pm

      Let’s see Gibbsy ol’ boy… which topic to attack today? Hmmmmm

      Somalia Pirates
      Swine Flu

      SO MANY IMPORTANT ONES from which to choose.

      I tell ya what, just post ‘em up on the board
      over there, and I will throw a freakin’ dart at

      Oh, ho hummmmm sez I.

    11. wg on May 13th, 2009 6:45 pm

      Only drugs?

      Why don’t they launch an educational campaign regarding the side effects of ‘prescription drugs’?

      Hmmm…I wonder what kind of damage those cholesterol drugs do? Kidney failure? Liver failure? Cancer?

      What are the side effects of Cheerios?

    12. Scott on May 14th, 2009 7:13 am

      Wolf – WRONG! The science is not in question. That was said last night.

    13. BUN on May 14th, 2009 7:29 am

      How long before we need a doc’s prescription to buy groceries? Anyone remember the “mark of the beast” to buy and sell….just wondering

    14. Rusty Bridges on May 14th, 2009 8:31 am

      Ah, the truth is abundently clear!


      Ba da da da daa, I’m lovin’ it.

      No healthy heart for you!

    15. Wolf on May 14th, 2009 9:32 am

      #12 Scott…
      You’re right…”The science is not in question,” General Mills (GIS, Fortune 500) said in a statement.”

      That’s according to General Mills…That’s like Merk saying Vioxx was safe! I’m not saying Cheerios will harm you..or isn’t good for you..whatever…like I said..take a marketing class…and you would understand.

    16. Wolf on May 14th, 2009 9:32 am

      #12 Scott…
      You’re right…”The science is not in question,” General Mills (GIS, Fortune 500) said in a statement.”

      That’s according to General Mills…That’s like Merk saying Vioxx was safe! I’m not saying Cheerios will harm you..or isn’t good for you..whatever…like I said..take a marketing class…and you would understand.

    17. Michelle Smith on May 14th, 2009 10:01 am


      So you want socialism eh? I don’t. Most of us here don’t that’s why we don’t want him to be successful at socialism, you get it now?

    18. Scott on May 14th, 2009 10:21 am

      LOL…so you’re an expert because you took A marketing class. That statement on that box has nothing to do with marketing.

      This is a blantant power move just like the FDA stopping the import of E-cigarettes; which seem to work for a lot of people. I wonder why that is…maybe because Obama has backed out of his controlling lobbying campaign rhetoric? Big Tobacco is lining the FDA pockets some more to stop these harmless E-cigs and now cheerios!

    19. Wolf on May 14th, 2009 11:01 am


      No..taking a marketing class does not make me an expert by any means. Think outside the box for a second. If you did take a marketing class you would know that you can’t state things like “You can lower your cholesterol 4% in 6 weeks,” without the data to prove it. All they need to do is reword it..saying something like It can..or does lower cholesterol. They can’t claim the %

      Blatanant power move ehh? Get a grip…and if cigarettes claimed to impove lung functions by 50% you would think that would be OK? Get a clue….

    20. Wolf on May 14th, 2009 11:04 am


      Socialism again…So do you think we should keep medicare and social security? Didn’t think so…you socialist

    21. Wolf on May 14th, 2009 11:05 am

      Ooops…That means you’re a socialist…

    22. Maggie on May 14th, 2009 1:57 pm

      I don’t know anyone who died from eating cheerios..because they thought this would be the cure all for their cholesterol problems, tooooo bad they don’t worry about all the prescription drugs on the market like they do this crap.. Look at all the over the counter pill and drug stuff on the market, for ex.. all the cold stuff that makes millions each year. Who believes it does all the stuff it says it does? Saying goes now that back in the 60s things appeared too normal, so people took drugs to make them seem a little wilder, now people take drugs because things are crazy and want to make things normal. Leave the cheerios alone and worry about all the drugs around that are far more harmful than a box of cheerios.

    23. Michelle Smith on May 14th, 2009 2:34 pm

      Gee, didn’t let me answer question, just assume you know what I would say.

      BTW I’m not a socialist

    24. Spooky2626 on May 15th, 2009 2:41 am

      I guess if you are looking for employment you better be prepared in taking a Cheerios drug test if you are hired.

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