India Uses Truth Serum on Mumbai ‘baby-faced’ Terrorist Azam Amir Kasab


Congratulations to India for knowing how to extract information from terrorist. Baby_face_mumbai-gunmanAccording to the The Daily Times, Indian police interrogators used truth serum on the “baby faced” lone surviving Mumbai terrorist, Azam Amir Kasab. It is reported that the Mumbai terrorist took cocaine and LSD before carrying out attacks. What’s a little sodium pentothal to help the killer to tell the truth? 

Indian police interrogators are preparing to administer a “truth serum” on the sole Islamic militant captured during last week’s terror attacks on Mumbai to settle once and for all the question of where he is from.

The mystery of the man dubbed “the baby-faced gunman” has weighed heavily on India’s relations with Pakistan as the nuclear-armed neighbours dispute each other’s accounts of his origin.

Police interrogators in Mumbai told The Times that they have “verified” that Azam Amir Kasab, who was captured after a shoot-out in a Mumbai railway station on Wednesday night, is from Faridkot, a small village in Pakistan’s impoverished south Punjab region. They say that the nine dead gunmen are also Pakistani.

Disputing that account, President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan told CNN last night: “We have not been given any tangible proof to say that he is definitely a Pakistani. I very much doubt it … that he is a Pakistani.” …

Police interrogators in Mumbai told The Times that they are poised to settle the matter of Kasab’s nationality through the use of “narcoanalysis” – a controversial technique, banned in most democracies, where the subject is injected with a truth serum.

The method was widely used by Western intelligence agencies during the Cold War, before it emerged that the drugs used – typically the barbiturate sodium pentothal – may induce hallucinations, delusions and psychotic manifestations

As Flopping Aces reminds us, this is precisely how one extracts information not having Obama fly over on Air Force One and asking the terrorist politely. Appears that the Gateway Pundit also deems the use of truth serum as a “good” idea. Next we will be hearing from Amnesty International on how inhumane this killer is being treated and how the murdering terrorist human rights are being violated.

Deven Bharti, a deputy police commissioner in Mumbai and one of the interrogators, told The Times that Kasab had shown no remorse for his part in a terror attack that had killed nearly 200 people.

“He is a 24-year-old boy with the eyes of a killer,” Mr Bharti said.

Listen to Dana Pretzer’s commentary on the use of truth serum in this case and many others.

Posted December 4, 2008 by
Murder, War on Terror, weather | 5 comments

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  • Comments

    5 Responses to “India Uses Truth Serum on Mumbai ‘baby-faced’ Terrorist Azam Amir Kasab”

    1. Kay Zee Es on December 4th, 2008 8:59 am

      What the Hell is going on with the description of this rampaging maniacal filthy(yes, filthy) terrorist? OK, I’ll slow down now.

      First, he is described as “baby-faced”. How affectionate a reference to something that just killed innocent people without any sane rhyme or reason.

      If that isn’t bad enough, he is also refered to as a “24-year old boy”.

      A BOY? at 24 years of age?

      This goon is an ADULT thug. India needs to use whatever measures at its disposal to extract as much information from him as is possible and then dispatch him once they are through with him. I have no pity for him and no use for him either once India gets what it wants.

      Just glad that they got one alive for awhile.

    2. 11B40 on December 4th, 2008 11:01 am


      “Truth Serum?” Isn’t India the original home of the cobra-based snakepit? Where are the Thuggees when you need them?

    3. Richard on December 4th, 2008 11:18 am

      You know what would happen in the U.S. … the ACLU would immediately be trying to protect his ‘rights.’

    4. dennisintn on December 4th, 2008 12:23 pm

      3. you’re right, richard, and the a.c.l.u. would be followed along by every leftwing moron in the states.

    5. Greg on December 4th, 2008 2:39 pm

      Joran Van Der Sloot needs some sodium pentothal pumped into his ASS!

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