Pics of Polygamist Leader Warren Jeffs Kissing Young Girls … Sure there is No Abuse at Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Compound in Texas

The pictures do not lie. Think there was not abuse going on? Sometimes people just need to use common sense and judgement.

Last week an appeals court in Texas ruled that the children taken from the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Compound in Texas were taken illegally by child services. The claim was that there was no immediate danger. Really?

Check out the photo’s of convicted polygimist Warren Jeffs and him kissing under age girls. Think there was no abuse going on in this compound? If there was no abuse going on, why is Jeffs in prison?


The shots show the jailed, 52-year-old leader of a renegade Mormon sect planting deep kisses on two of his underage “wives” — one of whom is 12 years old.


The Texas Child Protective Services lawyers would not reveal how they obtained the photos, but are using them to allege the culture at the compound is abusive, and forces young girls to become child brides, the Deseret News reported.

FOX News’ policy is not to identify possible underage victims of sexual crimes.

Dan Jessop, the father of the baby at the center of this particular case, told reporters on Friday the photos are “shocking.”

“You see far worse, immoral, disgusting, gross things than a girl kissing a man in the streets of your own community,” said Jessop, according to the newspaper. “And you and I don’t know if the state of Texas fabricated that.” (FOX News)

The Smoking Gun: Creepy photos of jailed FLDS sect leader released in custody battle

Barack Obama’s Gaffe-o-meter … Auschwitz, Buchenwald … Uncle, Great Uncle … What’s the Difference

Barack Obama … a typical politician … lie, lie, lie, spin, spin, spin.

Here is the big picture. If a candidate so confuses named, stories and events during a campaign … what does America think they would do as President?

Barack Obama has done it yet again, although this time its hard to believe that he mis-spoke. This was a clear embellishment of the truth. In a Memorial Day speech where Obama stated as he pandered to the veterans in the audience that his uncle was among those who liberated Auschwitz. Really? Was Obama’s uncle a member of the Russian Red Army? Of course, its just a technicality that Obama does not have an uncle, but a great uncle instead.

One would think that when talking to military veterans on Memorial Day that one could get their facts correct. However, not when one is overzealous in their pandering to vets and making a pathetic and lame appeal to the Jewish vote. One really must now question everything that comes out of Obama’s mouth. No one wanted to ever vet the chosen one, Barack Obama. Now it looks like that will come home to haunt Democrats.

The Obama camp was quick to jump in and admit that their candidate mis-spoke. What is most amazing is that Obama was put forth to the voters as the anti-Hillary Clinton. He was a straight shooting and trust worthy. Between his associations with terrorists, sitting in the pews for 20 years and listening to Reverend Wright and his what seems to be a gaffe a day comments, its is hard to even imagine that he is not just like Hillary. Obama’s latest embellishment ranks right up there with Hillary Clinton’s claim that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, who climbed Mount Everest.


Barack Obama is a Harvard educated graduate who passes himself off as an educated individual. I would have thought much more from an Ivy League scholar to have known the difference between Auschwitz and Buchenwald.


Here is what Obama said, while talking about post-traumatic stress disorder afflicting veterans, per NBC/NJ’s Adam Aigner-Treworgy and NBC’s Lauren Appelbaum: “I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps, and the story in our family was is that when he came home, he just went up into the attic and he didn’t leave the house for six months, right.

Q and O: Two for Tuesday – rewriting military history

Aruba: Marlboro Ballpark Fire … “Fire Under Control”

Words once again defying pictures in Aruba. After finally getting to the fire, Aruban firefighters had the blaze under control really fast. What, after the damage was done? Sounds like a metaphor for everything that transpires.

Office Marlboro Ballpark burns out ; Amigoe 5/16/08Aruba_Fire_Brand-Mansurpark

ORANJESTAD – Firefighters rushed out yesterday after having received a reporting on a blaze in a house near the Marlboro Ballpark.  When they arrived, they realized that it was not a house that was burning, but the office of the stadium.  It was very difficult for the firefighters to reach the building that was burning, because all the entries to the stadium were locked.  With a lot of difficulties and climbing they managed to enter the stadium to start extinguishing the fire.  They had the fire under control real fast after that.


Posted May 27, 2008 by
Aruba, Bizarre, WTF | 11 comments

Barack Obama’s Memorial Day Gaffe & Playing Politics with a Hero’s Day

By the way, what ever happened to that skilled orator Obama that the media fawned over for months? It hardly seems like he can’t ever get his foot out of his mouth these days.

Maybe some one would like to tell Barack Obama when one runs for the Presidency they are also running to be the Commander and Chief of our Armed Forces. That being said, maybe Obama may want to learn that Memorial Day is to honor our Country’s war heroes who have served and sacrificed to protect this great land. It would appear that Obama did not get the memo:

“On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong”. (Obama)

What is even more shameful as Power Line  points out was the disgraceful manner in how Obama sought to politicize the holiday.

What was really offensive about Obama’s New Mexico appearance, however, was what followed his very brief, but generally appropriate, tribute to America’s war dead. He continued with a town hall-style question and answer period that cast veterans in the only role with which the Democrats are comfortable–victims–and sought to politicize the holiday.

There is something very disturbing in the contrast how Democrats and Republicans honor our military heroes. The Gateway Pundit has the video of Obama’s speech.

Certain days are meant to be respectful and the spot light is to be put on others who have served and sacrificed, not for partisan politics. Compare Obama’s comments to President George W. Bush’s speech at Arlington National Cemetery.

More comments regarding the continual Obama gaffes:

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