EXPLOITATION: Ultimate Fighting (Mixed Martial Arts – Cage Fighting) for 6 Year Olds … WTF are Parents Thinkings? Its Dog & Cock Fighting for Chldren


The sport has been derided as “Human cock fighting”. Guess what, it is!!!Wtf_dude

Exploit (definition): to use selfishly for one’s own ends.

Barbaric and exploitation or Sport? You make the call … let’s hear your opinion.

What is next … giving children guns, knives, spears and clubs and letting them battle it out to the death like in the days of the Roman Coliseum? What happened to stuff like in the 1980’s and “The Karate Kid” where children were taught a respectful martial arts discipline? The advent and glorification of MMA fighting for children is as if the evil Kobra Kai actually beat Daniel LaRusso. We are handed the line that MMA is the “Karate Kid” teachings of the new generation. What bunk. There was just no one in the 80’s that would allow or tolerate such nonsense. Did children change? Or is it those that would exploit children and get away with it that did?

What the hell has this country come to where we would allow “Ultimate Fighting” for children as young as 6 years old. The state of Missouri should be ashamed. This is the message that we are teaching our young? Better yet, how can anyone think that this will not translate to their general behavior outside the ring? Let alone the potential injuries and lasting damage to their bodies by blows to their heads, body and spine. Who knew that this ridiculous sport of cage fighting would make its way to children. How irresponsible could some actually be? Just because Ultimate fighting is the nation’s hottest spectator sport, does not mean that it should make its way to children. There is no counting for adult stupidity … please do not harm the children.

Take a good look at this VIDEO, these children are wearing no head protective gear.

Does anyone else think that this promotion and exploitation of children and violent behavior has not gone on too far? To those who would defend this exploitation, please do not compare it to children playing football or other organized sports. There is a big difference between a sport and a competition where the point is to beat your opponent senseless. What type of message does this really send to young boys?

Children should be neither the recipients nor perpetrators of punches, body blows and swift kicks. I wish it was mandatory that before any parent could sign up a child for such organized nonsense, he or she also be thrown into a ring and receive the same blows.
Reportedly, this is being taught under the guise of self-defense. Is this now the preferred way of teaching children how to deal with conflict?

If our children are in need of these extreme skills, I’m wondering what they need to defend themselves from, and more importantly, if we adults are neglecting our job of protecting them in the first place


Then there are those that would defend these violent actions. The true mark of any exploitive action is actually trying to find good in what can only be looked upon as offensive. These are the people that would compare “ultimate children fighting” as the same as a fight during a hockey game. In one instance penalties and suspensions are given, in the other … it is the root evil of the sport.

Two members of the group called the “Garage Boys Fight Crew” touched their thin martial-arts gloves in a flash of sportsmanship before beginning a relentless exchange of sucker punches, body blows and swift kicks.

No blood was shed. And both competitors wore protective gear. But the bout reflected the decidedly younger face of ultimate fighting. The trend alarms medical experts and sports officials who worry that young bodies can’t withstand the pounding.

Tommy Bloomer, father of two of the “Garage Boys,” doesn’t understand the fuss.

“We’re not training them for dog fighting,” said Bloomer, a 34-year-old construction contractor. “As a parent, I’d much rather have my kids here learning how to defend themselves and getting positive reinforcement than out on the streets.” (AOL Sports)

Posted April 12, 2008 by
Bizarre, Child Welfare, Crime, Fun, WTF | 17 comments

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  • Comments

    17 Responses to “EXPLOITATION: Ultimate Fighting (Mixed Martial Arts – Cage Fighting) for 6 Year Olds … WTF are Parents Thinkings? Its Dog & Cock Fighting for Chldren”

    1. Scared Monkeys on April 13th, 2008 7:18 am

      Let me get this correct … DODGE BALL was considered evil and bad for children, yet some how sticking two kids in a cage and beating the hell out of each other is good?

      Alrighty then.

      Looks more like Mad Max, Beyond Thunder Dome.

      Two kids enter, one child leaves.

      What a crock!!!


    2. misskatie on April 13th, 2008 9:20 am


    3. Richard on April 13th, 2008 9:50 am

      Hmmm … some states ban the playing of ‘tag’ at school recess, while other states allow this … or, perhaps, even promote this.

      Pretty soon, I suppose, this will be open to girls also. Why discriminate?

      And, of course, states can get revenues by promoting gambling on which kid beats up which kid. (Some avid entrepreneurial type will probably read this and push the idea … I wish i hadn’t thought of it.)

      Would the gentleman quoted in the article please explain what kind of “positive reinforcement” is provided?

      Is he suggesting that parents who don’t agree with the referee’s decisions (I assume that there is a referee) can show their support for little Johnny by having their own fights in the audience?

      I’m well aware that young boys often are inclined to engage in fisticuffs at times … I won’t enter the issue of whether this reflects ‘cultural expectations,’ or whatever the current politically correct garbage is.

      But in my day at least, that sort of thing happened in neighborhoods between the kids involved. (I gather that nowadays girls also do this; so much for the notion of ‘ladylike’ behavior, another discarded Victorian shibboleth.)

      My question: what social message does transforming all this into a ‘spectator sport’ send to our kids? Of course, considering the attention and the money funneled to “glamorous” movie stars, the question is inane anyways.

      We know that society has advanced from the days when we were kids. Just look around us.

    4. Richard on April 13th, 2008 9:54 am

      All I can say is, thank God we’re encouraging our kids to participate in such pursuits, or to admire those who do.

      Some societies might reward academic excellence, those who excel in scientific experiments, think up new ways of doing things, help tackle social problems, or even take part in volunteer programs.

      We, however, have our social priorities straight.
      If you don’t think so, just look around the cultural landscape of today.

    5. Scared Monkeys on April 13th, 2008 12:31 pm

      Do we really wonder where 6 cheerleader find it OK to beat the living tar out of another girl like i FL while others look out and yet another video tapes the event?

      I wonder where these kids ever got the idea that it was OK.

      Adults should be slapped for their marketing and exploitation of the worst elements that society offers to children.

      All in the name of the almighty $. Do not anyone tell you that it is for anything else but.


    6. earl on April 13th, 2008 1:41 pm

      its sad really.how many of these beatings on video have we seen lately?with cell phone cameras and you tube,you have people that want to post this garbage online.

    7. A New Girl on April 13th, 2008 2:32 pm

      Looks like the publicity-whore Dr. Phil needs to get in on the action with this story….what possible motive does he have for posting bail for one of these teens? He spouts off all the time about the importance of the American Family and maintaining good standards of life and morals—yet he is going to use his money to post this teen’s bail?? These girls actions were dispicable, and the only good news about the story is that they were going to be charged as adults. Bravo! Her ass should be kept in jail until her parents can come up with the funds….then- they need to make an investment in the teen regarding her psychological and mental well-being and guide her to improve upon how she treats other humans.

      As far as this thread goes, couldn’t really read the whole thing….makes my stomach turn. Disgusting and the parents who encourage children to partake in these kinds of things are showing their trailer-trash mentality.

    8. Scared Monkeys on April 13th, 2008 4:31 pm

      However, children cage match fighting is not even a You Tube/cell phone recording phenomenon.

      Adults actually want to make this main stream.

      Remember what happened in the past when kids watched pro wrestling (yes the fake one) where they emulated the holds and actually killed people.

      Here we have a violent teaching of MMA where the entire point is to beat the hell out of some one.

      Some adults really need to be slapped.


    9. Carpe on April 13th, 2008 7:08 pm

      I think a full grown man lookin’ to get
      the snot knocked out of him is one thing…

      kids have no place in this ultimate fighting thing.

      even the adults are stupid for doing it, but
      at least they made up their own minds to be
      idiots. that is their problem! leave the
      kids out of it, huh?


    10. thomas on April 14th, 2008 4:59 am

      only in america ! :)
      SM: No, I am sure that such fighting goes on in other countries as well where children are used like property. Much like they are used and exploited without any concern at all.

    11. Happy_Go_Lucky on April 15th, 2008 11:31 am

      This just goes right along with the kids planning the attack on their teacher(video link), the mean-girl beating, and this teacher being beaten by her student, the others watching, and of course the principle making excuses for the kids. People are just now waking up to what ADULTS find acceptable and the effect it is having on our youth.


    12. Happy_Go_Lucky on April 15th, 2008 8:12 pm

      oops. the video link is to the art teacher being beaten up by the student. sorry!

    13. Jack Blankenship on May 15th, 2008 8:28 pm

      Where to begin?

      Fuzzy logic is being employed here.

      Where is your proof that ANY child that is in a Mixed Martial Arts school has EVER made any horrible YouTube videos showing victims being beat up?

      To my knowledge there are NONE!

      To make the assumption that MMA is somehow responsible for videos on YouTube is a stretch.

      The medium of YouTube is what helps these sick kids think it is somehow cool to tape an attack and then broadcast it.

      YouTube is not to blame, nor is MMA.

      I have yet to see any MMA/Martial Arts techniques displayed on these horrible videos, just sloppy acts of violence.

      A couple of points. Generally speaking, you do not have to wear headgear in Ju-Jitsu as they don’t allow striking.

      Secondly, wearing protective gear when practicing striking IS important!

      In boxing, they wear headgear, as they strike. This includes children that participate in boxing around the US. These kids hit pretty hard in their training, yet I did not see any mention of boxing clubs, here. MMA is no different.

      For those of you who have never been attacked in the street, it is a very painful and sometimes deadly affair. Many people have lost their lives while being attacked, due to the fact that they have never experienced pain. Or being knocked-down or even in a threating situation. It is this fact that many sociopaths operate from. They know that if they inflict pain and fear, they will be able to kill or rape more easily.

      Sociopaths do not respond well to “Conflict Resolution” as they are the majority of your rapists, murders and pedophiles.

      I wish that you could talk your way out of ANY confrontation, but folks, that is NOT the real world.

      You don’t have to like the UFC. That is your choice.

      However, realistic training in any Martial Art is NOT the cause of todays problems.

    14. Fred Treeforest on May 31st, 2008 6:06 am

      Right on! to Fuzzy Logic is being employed…
      Thank you, Jack Blankenship for that.
      And when they allow girls into the kid’s MMA club, then the boys will really get a dose of reality!

    15. Frank on February 10th, 2009 5:34 pm

      That’s absurd! I cannot even believe that these parents think this is ok. Not cool at all! I’d love to have a sit down with those parents and see what is going through their heads.

    16. MMA Magazine on April 8th, 2009 1:19 pm

      there will always be people trying to tell others what they can or cannot do. Why is this, people don’t have lives of their own to live so they try and dictate how others should live.

    17. Gustavo on September 10th, 2009 7:22 pm

      First of all, MMA has nothing to do with whats going on around the world. all those attacks, beatings, what does that have to do with MMA?
      Is it just because they throw punches, or kicks?
      So what, if your child goes and punches another kid, he does MMA? it’s in the human nature to fight, Humans have been fighting since the beggining of life.
      These acts of violence has nothing to do with MMA or any agressive sports, it’s just stupidity, How about you stick your child in a Mixed Martial Arts acamdemy and see for yourself if your child becomes ignorant or violent
      I practice MMA and it actually makes its practitioners very respectfull. I know MANY MMA fighters and i have yet to see them act in any violent manner outside the ring or cage. I know many young Fighters too; from the age of 6 through 20. None of them have ever beaten any child anywhere. After fights, neither fighter hates one another, they actually gain respect for eachother.
      It’s stupid to blame such a sport as MMA for violent acts, Why not blame the fact that parents hit their children for it? they’re hitting them arent they? isn’t it violence aswell?

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