Joran Van der Sloot and OM Talk in the Netherlands … Oduber Only Worried About Aruban Ecomomy.


As the case of Joran Van der Sloot and his involvement in the disappearance Aruba Tour for Dumand death of Natalee Holloway heats up after the release of the Peter R. De Vries tapes, Aruba once again shows what’s important to them … their tourism. While plans are made for Hans Mos, the Aruban Public Prosecutor, to meet with Joran Van der Sloot in the Netherlands, the Prime Minister of Aruba, Nelson Oduber, and tourism officials are more intent on discussing tourism rather than the crime that happened on their island. As they tried to do from day one when Natalee Holloway went missing … they just want it all to go away.

For prime Minister Nelson Oduber, the Holloway-case cannot be over with fast enough.  He said in Nova that Aruba has already lost tens of millions American dollars in damages, due to the Natalee Holloway case.

Aruba and its police officials have some serious explaining to do as to why certain questions were asked in the beginning of the investigation with regards to Natalee Holloway having a history of seizures.

However, Aruban tourism officials continue to be in s state of denial when it comes to why their tourism went into the tank in 2005 and thereafter following the disappearance and handling of the Holloway case. There was no economic recession in 2005. As for oil prices, they have been higher following 2005. Aruba, if you don’t think that the way you handled the Natalee Holloway case had anything to do with your tourism drop, then I guess you will not mind when people continue to boycott your island until there is  … Justice for Natalee.

It appeared from a tourist inquiry that the Natalee Holloway-case was also not the most important factor for the tourism to drop in 2005.  The most important reasons were the oil prices, the economic recession, expensive airline tickets, fewer hotel rooms due to renovations (some hotels were even close), and hurricanes.  The effect of the Holloway-case was already to a smaller extent at that time. 

Joran and OM talk tomorrow in the Netherlands (Amigoe: 2/7/08)

ORANJESTAD – The conversation between Joran van der Sloot and the Public Prosecutor (OM) will most probably take place in the Netherlands tomorrow, said Joran’s lawyer Ariean de Bie.  Van der Sloot indicated last Monday that he is willing to be interrogated again by the police.

Other sources indicated that justice has also contacted the murder suspect of Natalee Holloway today.  It is possible that chief prosecutor Hans Mos is also going to be present.  He left for the Netherlands yesterday, supposedly for holidays, said the OM.

Journalists have meanwhile started a chase on the ‘real Daury’.  According to crime journalist Peter R. de Vries, who gave the Holloway-case a new impulse last week with an undercover operation, the presented Daury Rodriguez is not the Daury that Joran meant.  He beeped away the last name of Daury in the footage of his investigation.  Daury Rodriguez denied having been the person that helped Joran van der Sloot dispose of Natalee Holloway’s body.  He was in the Netherlands when this happened in Aruba. 

According to the local radio station Cool FM and a journalist of the Dutch current affairs column Network, a half brother of Joran, a Lorenzo van R., does fit the profile.   He does have a boat and his name has already appeared earlier in the Holloway-file.  Peter R. de Vries has confirmed having heard of Lorenzo van R.’s name, but that he didn’t want to use him for his programme.  The Dutch programme Nova and other media have also mentioned other names, especially names of boys that often hang about the ‘surfing circuit’ near the Fisherman’s Hut next to the Marriott.  

Peter R. de Vries and Patrick van der Eem, the man that elicited a confession from Joran on hidden cameras, are thinking more of the ‘poker circuit’.  Van der Eem says that Joran is addicted to playing poker.  Like former chief of police Gerold Dompig already said in the past, Joran is a meritorious poker player and won quite a bit of money with poker tournaments.  The just 20-year old Joran sometimes gambled away 4000 euro with a night out playing poker.  According to Van der Eem, Joran continued to bombard him with email and sms until the day of the disclosure. 

After he had met Joran in a poker game in the casino, Van der Eem had approached the Dutch police last year with the suggestion to unmask him.  Justice questions the fact that he had given himself up.  Due to the fact that there is no law for special powers to investigate (BOB), deploy a civil informant in Aruba is unfortunately impossible, but this is different in the Netherlands.  Using police-informants is possible, but with ‘a lot of trouble’.  “But that is going to change”, said an insider in the OM.  “A BOB law is in the make and will probably be presented soon.”


For prime Minister Nelson Oduber, the Holloway-case cannot be over with fast enough.  He said in Nova that Aruba has already lost tens of millions American dollars in damages, due to the Natalee Holloway case.

Chair Rob Smith of tourist organization Ahata is of the opinion that it won’t get to that this time.  “This time, the effects of the case will be significantly less than a few years ago.  I think that the weak American economy is a more important factor for the tourists to stay away.  As destination for short vacations, Aruba remains popular, but I worry more for the summer, when the American middle class traditionally visit the island.”

It appeared from a tourist inquiry that the Natalee Holloway-case was also not the most important factor for the tourism to drop in 2005.  The most important reasons were the oil prices, the economic recession, expensive airline tickets, fewer hotel rooms due to renovations (some hotels were even close), and hurricanes.  The effect of the Holloway-case was already to a smaller extent at that time.  The tourist branch is this year waiting to see what the collapsing of the housing market in the US will mean for the tourism here and thus the American economy.

“All and all in 2005, the Holloway-case has cost us a maximum of 6 points on the scale that we maintain for tourism proceeds”, explains Smith.  “Each point less costs the economy an estimate of 25 million guilders.  But compared with the region, we nevertheless did well in 2005.”

If you liked this post, you may also like these:

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  • Joran Van der Sloot … He’s Back
  • Oduber still met with Nicolai: To be a Fly on the Wall in that Meeting between Aruba & The Netherlands
  • Joran Van der Sloot Returning to Aruba for Christmas Vacation
  • Joran Van der Sloot Arrives in Holland

  • Comments

    141 Responses to “Joran Van der Sloot and OM Talk in the Netherlands … Oduber Only Worried About Aruban Ecomomy.”

    1. brie on February 8th, 2008 11:12 am

      Scared Monkeys…put the cartoon back on and show the big screw thru Aruba…maybe an even bigger screw…this is it…no more, no where!!!!

    2. brie on February 8th, 2008 11:14 am

      Their not pigs anymore…they have graduated to hogs..!!!! Wallowing in the mud!!!

    3. brie on February 8th, 2008 11:16 am

      It is behind time that our gov’t revoke passports to Aruba…our Americans are in a lot of danger..

    4. Richard on February 8th, 2008 11:20 am

      “It appeared from a tourist inquiry that the Natalee Holloway-case was also not the most important factor for the tourism to drop in 2005.”

      It appeared that way, did it, Mr. Oduber? To whom did it appear that way? If you’d been reading ScaredMonkeys, you would have seen many articles showing that Aruban tourism was UNDERPERFORMING in relation to the rest of the Caribbean.

      But perhaps you don’t read ScaredMonkeys.

      Perhaps you don’t read at all?

      Anyway, on the one hand you say Aruba has “already” lost tens of millions of dollars due to the Natalee Holloway case. (Three cheers for using that word “already”; I guess you’re thinking about the future?)

      Then you say that Natalee’s disappearance wasn’t your biggest problem with tourism.

      Well, far be it from me to argue with the prime minister of a foreign country. But I’m going to do what I can to make sure that Natalee’s case does become your biggest tourism concern.

      I’m aided in this campaign by none other than the van der Scum family. After all, while BETH TWITTY, who has less than no reason to care for Aruba, said “what they have done to their country,” your own van der Scums have said that they couldn’t care less about the boycott.

      So we’re willing to oblige them … maybe they don’t care, but I bet you do.

      By the way, in my reckoning, Aruba and the Dutch should be paying 100% of the costs of the Persistence. And one hell of a lot besides.

      Once again, best of luck with juggling your facts and figures. Because we’ll be pounding on the door to collect. And this time I don’t think the Dutch are going to bail you out.

      Hope you enjoy the company of the van der Sloots.
      Somehow they fit right in on Aruba … and you’re stuck with them.

    5. Richard on February 8th, 2008 11:22 am

      This comes from the Birmingham (Alabama) Sun: the prosecution has a deadline of noon today to appeal the judicial decision that Joran can’t be arrested on the strength of his ‘confession’:

      BTW, some operations have been resumed at the Valero refinery on Aruba. But only some.

    6. Richard on February 8th, 2008 11:26 am

      Not the Birmingham Sun, the Birmingham News.

      Here’s the relevant portions of the text:

      Friday, February 8

      Aruba’s chief prosecutor has until noon today to complete his appeal of a judge’s refusal to let him arrest the lead suspect in the Natalee Holloway case.

      The prosecutor had asked to re-arrest Joran van der Sloot based on a secretly videotaped conversation he had about the case. That conversation, recorded by a Dutch journalist, aired on American television earlier this week. In it, van der Sloot said that Holloway seemed to die in his arms and he called a friend to dispose of her body.

      A judge on Monday denied Aruba’s request to have van der Sloot arrested in Holland, where he lives, saying there wasn’t enough evidence on the tapes. On Tuesday, Prosecutor Hans Mos appealed the decision.

      His office announced in a statement Thursday that it must file all documents in the case by noon today. The court will make a decision after this weekend, the statement said.

    7. Carol Armstrong on February 8th, 2008 11:33 am

      Looks like Joran and Dr. Phil are getting sued…

    8. brie on February 8th, 2008 11:36 am

      Oduber is not a person qualified that should be making decisions…all of this needs to be directed into competent hands…he’s a male whole too, just like all the rest of them…disgusting slimes!!!

    9. JORAN CALLED PAULUS on February 8th, 2008 11:38 am

      the spin from joran lovers continues to the depths that most people with any sense of right and wrong could ever imagine in their wildest nightmares.

      1.initially it was “no way our little sporter did anything wrong”

      2. now, it is “well he may have confessed on television but you will never convict him in a court of law”

      3. next will be, “haha hahaaa our little sporter
      did it and you cant prove it and we just want to move on and grab your tourism dollars”

      and with this attitude you expect people to swarm to your little hell hole of scum and spend money?? i dont see it happening – tourism is sinking and costing you millions in lost revenue.

      whoever is advising you should put down the heroin needle, put the cap back on the 151 rum
      and seek help immediately – professional help

      your island sucks, the people that ar running the place look like absolute morons and the fact is — they are.
      evil morons – a most dangerous combination
      thanks but no thanks – keep your little hell hole all for yourselves – you deserve every inch of it.

    10. Susan on February 8th, 2008 11:40 am

      klassend – The right side (margin) of the posts are being cut off :-(

      The guy that Urine van der Slut confessed to was denied entry into the US yesterday (02-07-08) at JFK airport due to a 30 year heroine conviction. Hell, if he is from the Netherlands, what can one expect??? Kinda reminds me of the college I went to wanting to put me on academic probation 30 years later. Can I help it if I was a party animal…LMAO!



    11. brie on February 8th, 2008 11:50 am

      Send the bill to PAULUS..!!!

    12. EURobert on February 8th, 2008 11:58 am
    13. Diane on February 8th, 2008 11:58 am

      I AGREE BOYCOTT ARUBA indefinitely…. No one I know will ever travel to Aruba… Let’s keep it in the news until Aruba is willing to bring Joran and Paulas to justice… IF they won’t fight crime, then we will fight back and let the island of Aruba die a slow death. After all, it’s the Aruban underworld that rules the island. Let’s see how much that island really means to them. JUSTICE FOR NATALEE.

    14. Miss-Underestimated on February 8th, 2008 12:01 pm

      The more Aruba screws around with the family of Natalee Holloway, the more the story is out front and center, the more the word is out there,
      the more people will avoid Aruba.

      Jorans confession has now made people all over the WORLD aware that something stinks in Aruba.

      I have talked to more people this week about the case, who did not even know the case in 2005.

      The people I talked to are infuriated by the way Beth, Dave, Jug, and Robin have been treated by the ALE, they are in shock at what happened to Natalee.

      I also like to tell them about the good friend Julia was……Not

    15. brie on February 8th, 2008 12:01 pm

      Oduber complaining what Natalee’s case has cost…well you know where to send the bill, Paulus, Straaten and all the corrupt people in Aruba…don’t complain to us, your vicious act of corruption did it…and we will never come again!!!!

    16. brie on February 8th, 2008 12:03 pm

      You have destroyed the island of Aruba…I feel sorry for the innocent..which of course you have no compassion for….!!!!!!!

    17. Miss-Underestimated on February 8th, 2008 12:03 pm

      Didn’t Anita say Joran don’t do drugs?

      I don’t know, maybe someone should show her the video, that was a strange cigarette he was smokin…

    18. JusticeforNatalee on February 8th, 2008 12:07 pm

      Send the bill to the VDSloots and Dennis Jacobs.

    19. EURobert on February 8th, 2008 12:08 pm

      Translation of the above article in NieuwNieuws.

      Joran no longer welcome on Aruba

      “Except for judicial inquiry Joran van der Sloot is no longer welcome,” says the Aruban Minister of Justice, Rudy Croes. The minister has suspect Joran van der Sloot named persona non grata on the island.

      Aruban problem-youth

      Croes sees his remark also in the light of the package of measures that the Dutch government has agreed to deal with the Antillean and Aruba problem-youth (in Holland). Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, prepares a law that enables to declare them undesirable.

      First unwanted Dutchman

      “Let Joran be the first example of a Dutchman who is not wanted on Aruba,” says Minister Croes, who knows that it is legally impossible to actually deny him access to the country to deny. “But I don’t want to have him here.”

      (So unfortunatly is not OFFICIALLY, official.)

    20. Terri on February 8th, 2008 12:22 pm



    21. david r on February 8th, 2008 12:43 pm

      Well, now we know that in the scenes where Joran was riding around in the Range Rover and not puffing on a splif, it was because he had already passed it to the AHATA dunce in the backseat who was quoted in this article. Natalee’s case has been an unmitigated disaster for Aruba. Now all the world sees Aruba as a corrupt, dangerous place where a female tourist is fair game for rape. The place is nothing but a windy dump anyway. Nothing to do but drink and ride mopeds. All the people writing in with fond memories of the place are lucky they were not crime victims.

    22. JimboB on February 8th, 2008 12:51 pm

      Last night, I had another dream about Natalee. This time, we had a camp out. We set up a tent in the backyard. We talked for a while about her life, her dance, her dreams, things shes interested in, etc. We quickly fell asleep. Then Natalee woke me up at like 3AM and said lets get on the raft in the pool. I thought it was cute, so I did. It was fun. We fell asleep on the raft. When we woke up, I made Natalee heart shaped pancakes for breakfast using my pancake flipper. She loved them. We talked about what we were going to do during the day. We ended up going to the movies. Agian, whats interesting about this dream is I had no idea Natalee was missing. It was just completely business as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary. I think the point of all these dreams is just to tell me what a special person Natalee is, how nice she is, how easy she is to get along with, and easy to talk to she is, etc. But I’d certainitly love to hear your take.

      BTW… here is my latest poem for Nat:

      I believe everyone has that one true case
      Thats worth fighting for
      Their very own special purpose
      When it seemed my whole life was falling to pieces
      Thats when I saw you

      I believe that for every for missing child that crys out in the darkness
      Theres somebody there that will be their advocate
      I know I’m not alone in that
      Were all fighting for you

      I found somebody worth fighting for
      I found somebody that gave my life meaning
      I found somebody that gave my life purpose
      I found somebody that gave me a reason to wake up in the morning
      I found a reason to continue this fight
      And that reason is you

      You are the cloest thing to heaven I have ever found
      I never believed in love before
      I never believed you could care about somebody more than yourself before
      But thats before I found you
      Thats before I found the cloest thing to heaven
      Yes its true

      At night I look up at the stars in the dark dark sky
      And I know your up there
      I know your beauty is smiling back at me
      You give me the strength and courage to carry on
      I’ve never felt this way ever before
      I’ve never found somebody like you ever before

      I rest my head at night after saying a prayer for you
      To dream about you
      To dream that love is not broken
      To dream that one day we will meet
      And until that day comes
      I will continue to dream about it
      I will never stop believing
      Don’t stop believing either

      I’d love to hear your opinion on my poem too. Thanks!

    23. Sharon Chicago on February 8th, 2008 12:52 pm

      Katablog said…
      This is just wrong reporting and I’m going to call you on it Olivier. The Kalpoe brother contend Jamie Skeeters altered the tape. There has been NO proof of that. Dr. Phil and Jamie Skeeters both say the original tape was not altered. It was cut for TV consumption (much like what DeVries did with the confession tapes) but they say it was not altered. Therefore, it’s merely an allegation with no factual evidence, just Deepak’s word against Jamie Skeeter’s (now deceased) word.

      The US California Judge merely ruled that he would not throw the case out (as requested by Dr. Phil attorneys) because of Deepak’s attorneys failure to produce documents they have been ordered to produce. Instead, the judge said he would give them 5 more days.

      That probably isn’t going to help Deepak’s attorneys much because the last I heard the documents they have not produced are documents that Aruba refuses to release.

      The judge has previously ruled that this is not a defense for the documents not being produced since it is unfair to Dr. Phil to have documents that might prove his case withheld simply because Aruba won’t release them.

    24. Sharon Chicago on February 8th, 2008 1:01 pm

      From: Silfies, Tim
      To: Van Susteren, Greta; Cooper, Meade
      Sent: Fri Feb 08 11:42:07 2008
      Subject: Prosecutor’s Office

      Just spoke to Press Prosecutor Dop Kruimel at the Prosecutor’s Office. They are giving the last of the documents related to the case to the 3 judge panel in Curacao as we speak. She would not get into specifics about the evidence. When I asked if Joran was meeting today or had met with investigators in Holland, she said ‘Expect a press release from our office in about an hour. If you have further questions you can ask me then’

    25. Sherry on February 8th, 2008 1:03 pm

      Aruba Tourism—-Well there is good news and bad news..
      Good News–Millions and Millions of People have heard about your island paradise in the last few weeks.
      Bad News—Too bad that all of the publicity will definitely turn away millions more from your island paradise because your government would rather not have ‘egg on their face’ than to retract and tell the truth.

    26. C on February 8th, 2008 1:05 pm

      Correct me if I am wrong, but way back a long time ago, when Joran was in jail for an extended time, wasn’t there a monkey who stated that they could see Joran playing a game online, or logged into some account? The talk back then was how he could be logged in if he was in jail without computer or phone access? I even recall a screen shot showing him active. Could this PROVE that he had access to a cell phone while in jail? Does ANYONE remember this???

    27. Deetch on February 8th, 2008 1:06 pm

      They’re not mad about what Joran did to Natalee, they are mad he talked about it.

      They will now scapegoat Joran, anything to protect the adults in the story, keep the attention away from the crime scene. The VDS house.

      He won’t see Aruba again. Do you really think they want the next “trial of the century” to be held in Aruba?

      Case will be closed, it’s the compromise.

    28. Sharon Chicago on February 8th, 2008 1:07 pm

      For some of you bloggers who are on the fence about Joran being a murderer:

      If someone (Joran) takes a body (Natalee’s) out to sea and dump’s it in the ocean “whichout knowing for sure that the person (Natalee) is
      dead or alive equals MURDER!!

      Although my theory is straight up murder, that he sufficated her with his hand while raping her….

    29. hoepelman on February 8th, 2008 1:08 pm

      I am curious about two things:

      1. Is it official then that Lorenzo van Rijn is Paulus’ child, or is Amigoe just participating in the perpetuation of a myth by default?

      2. I went to EU Robert’s link on the non grata korte berichte and read the reactions…why is it that Arubians get offended when they are referred to as Antilleans. True, they are no longer part of the NA, but they are still Antilleans, just like Cubans, Martinicans, Haitians, Trinitarians, as well as people from the BVIs, the USVI’s, Antigua, Barbados and the rest of the Caribbbean islanders.

    30. SUPER DAVE on February 8th, 2008 1:24 pm

      this pesona non grata could only be a way for aruba to keep sloot off the island so he won’t be arrested again. just another way to throw a wrench into the gears to bring justice to a could very well be a decision made by the family with aruba. a way to keep him off the island and a way to make aruba look good.

    31. EURobert on February 8th, 2008 1:38 pm

      From this article:,1

      Premier Jan Peter Balkenende gaat ervan uit dat tijdens zijn aanstaande bezoek aan Aruba de zaak-Holloway aan de orde komt in zijn gesprek met premier Nelson Oduber. In het tv-programma EénVandaag zei hij wel dat het een zaak van de juridische autoriteiten is en hij zich erbuiten moet houden. De premier brengt vanaf maandag een vijfdaags bezoek aan de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba.

      PM J.P. Balkenende assumes the Holloway-case will be discussed when he meets with PM Nelson Oduber. In the tv-program EénVandaag he said that it however is a case of the judicial authorities and he has to keep out of it. Beginning monday the PM will have a five-day visit to the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba.

    32. JusticeforNatalee on February 8th, 2008 1:55 pm

      Hey, Rudy Croes, that’s a start “banning” Joran but it won’t be good enough!

      Why don’t you ask Dennis Jacobs why he was asking about seizures two days after Natalee went missing?

      Do you mean to tell me that Aruba has known all along what happened and has deceived not just the family but the whole world?

      You want us to come to Aruba but your authorities will cover up crimes against us?

      The word is out: COVER UP IN ARUBA


    33. Betsy on February 8th, 2008 1:58 pm

      Nope Super Dave, they made the distinction of “except for legal proceedings” He is not welcome to go to Aruba as a citizen yet they can’t enforce it legally.

    34. Bob on February 8th, 2008 2:05 pm

      I sure hope Oduber has some kind of math background.

      “For prime Minister Nelson Oduber, the Holloway-case cannot be over with fast enough. He said in Nova that Aruba has already lost tens of millions American dollars in damages, due to the Natalee Holloway case.”

      Tens of millions of dollars? Hell, that was in the past…..long before Joran confessed for all the world to read. You now need to expand your thinking, Nelson.

      Start thinking in terms of “HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS” in the future.

    35. Bob on February 8th, 2008 2:14 pm

      It’s pretty well acknowleged that top figues in most countries can’t put an intelligent thought into writing or a speach, because they are inept. That’s why leaders have ghost writers who are paid to work up communication to the masses. That said, does Oduber ever read the idiotic statements that others claim he made? If Nelson believes his ghost writer is not working for the oppostion (us),then he is as clueless as he sounds. HAHA. He needs to fire that A$$hole and hire someone with brains. Clowns belong in a circus.

    36. david r on February 8th, 2008 2:36 pm


      Here in the states (or in England or Australia) what you describe is voluntary manslaughter. (Voluntary manslaughter describes cases where the defendant may have an intent to cause death or serious injury, but the potential liability for the person is mitigated by the circumstances and state of mind.– Wiki)

    37. SUPER DAVE on February 8th, 2008 2:54 pm

      it’s also been said that if he sets foot in aruba , he will be arrested. i have yet to see a real legal proceeding from aruba yet ! and what exactly is the premier’s responsibility if he can’t make judicial decisions ? i also agree that the crime scene was at the sloot residence.
      too much action there with new furniture, new concrete, moving trucks and a judge prohibiting a search of the premisis.

    38. JE on February 8th, 2008 2:57 pm

      Joran vd sloot has today been interrogated by dutch and aruban police.

      His story: I was under the influence of marihuana i lied i have nothing to do with the disapearance of Natalee Holloway. He has not been arrested. The interrogation lasted 2 hours,1

      My take on the interview:
      Police: Mr VDS sorry to inconvenience you by bringing you here.
      JVDS: Yeah you guys s@@k BTW got some dope cuno?
      Police: MMMM… Yeah sure go ahead
      Police: Now mr. VDS was it true what you said on those tapes?
      JVDS: What Tapes peace man i’m stoned as hell i can t remember and if i did i lied really believe me.
      Police: Ok that makes sense have a nice weekend.

      Jezus, what a farce

    39. Carpe Noctem on February 8th, 2008 3:09 pm

      Joran Vandersloot and his parents

      are EXACTLY why the Aruban economy is

      in the TISHER!!!

      Here is some more video, if they need to

      replay how he thinks & what he did.

      He cares about Aruba about as much as he

      cared about Natalee. -j4n

    40. moldy on February 8th, 2008 3:20 pm

      I think relying on the seizure thing to be the proof of corruption is a little misguided. However, there seem to be a lot of other good reasons to suspect a coverup of some sort.

      I would think the PM of Aruba should be doing something to address those questions.

      Is that what this post is refering to? I didn’t really understand exactly what you were upset with the PM about. There were no links, quotes or dates related to things he was saying.

    41. Bob on February 8th, 2008 3:39 pm

      In the UK, if the Prime Minister makes a gaff, people stand up and say so.

      In the US, if the President makes a gaff, people stand up and say so.

      In every other decent country in the world, when their elected leaders make a gaff, people stand up and say so.

      In Aruba, when their Minister makes a public gaff, people lie down like whipped dogs and say nothing. The citizens of Aruba deserve to feel the effects of the BOYCOTT up to this point. The next BOYCOTT wave will finally determine if anyone who has the misfortune of living there has any balls.

    42. Achilles on February 8th, 2008 3:46 pm

      Deetch on February 8th, 2008 1:06 pm
      They’re not mad about what Joran did to Natalee, they are mad he talked about it.

      They will now scapegoat Joran, anything to protect the adults in the story, keep the attention away from the crime scene. The VDS house.

      He won’t see Aruba again. Do you really think they want the next “trial of the century” to be held in Aruba?

      Case will be closed, it’s the compromise.


    43. SUPER DAVE on February 8th, 2008 3:52 pm

      did anybody actually believe there would be an arrest? there are no aruban or holland investigators, police with enough compassion or intelligence to see this case through. this is just another game played by both parties and sloot knows it. the laws are just too lax and will not be enforced as long as daddy’s influence is involved.
      evidently you can murder . this psycho can do whatever he pleases in either country at will and the law enforcement just bends over for him.

    44. SUPER DAVE on February 8th, 2008 3:58 pm

      aruba’s losses will now go in the hundreds of millions, then hundreds of billions. oduber loves to see his citizens and their families suffer. i think he gets his willies off on seeing this. sort of like a sick power trip.
      he was probably involved in this coverup and may even be the main instigator. most weasels like him need this to make himself feel big & important.
      the plagues will continue.

    45. MBS on February 8th, 2008 4:06 pm

      So Joran was questioned for 2 whole hours (ooh, that sounds tough) and is sticking to his prior “story” that he left Natalee alive on the beach. Of course, why wouldn’t he, it worked before. If he just shuts up now, he probably figures they can’t do anything, after all, they never did anything before. I hope the Dutch authorities get more involved and make sure he doesn’t get away with this. Joran seems to have really pissed off the Dutch population, much more so than Arubans were ever upset.

    46. brie on February 8th, 2008 4:07 pm

      Joran wants to go back to Aruba but he is not welcome, I think the next thing will be to ask his family to leave, I don’t imagine they feel too good about walking out of their house and what are the kids going to say to their younger children…not a pleasant situation….so what is Joran going to do, go on hiding in the Netherlands…I won’t say it’s to safe for him to come out…Koen isn’t in a safe place to be either…

    47. brie on February 8th, 2008 4:09 pm

      Kalpoes are pimps too, guilty of drugging and raping young American girls…

    48. WHERE'S NATALEE, AZZHOLE JORAN? on February 8th, 2008 4:25 pm

      “ARUBAN TOURISM FOR DUMMIES” — (Subtitled: “Stay the Hell Far Away, ‘Cause Nobody Down There Cares if You Mysteriously Disappear”) — But, judging by the Aruban economy, I think the world knows this by now.

    49. brie on February 8th, 2008 4:35 pm

      Hey Oduber, what happened to your son after he raped the family maid????

    50. Bob on February 8th, 2008 4:43 pm

      Isn’t it a shame we have to root and even gloat that other average people (Arubans) in another country have to suffer economic hardships and loss of wages income and business profits, just because they are controlled and intimidated by corrupt power figures: top leaders, government officials, police, investigators, and corrupt prosecutors? I think it is a shame. I also think and believe it’s not going to change or improve until they finally band together and demand change.

      Until that happens, we will stick the Holloway travesty into their eyes, and keep her story and murder splashed in every news medium we can, every day, every night. Count on it.

    51. Richard on February 8th, 2008 4:50 pm

      Something else that I don’t understand … if use of marijuana is legal in the Netherlands, how can its consumption be cited as justifying a lie?

      I can’t imagine that anyone, even the Dutch police, are going to swallow this.

      Wasn’t Joran filmed some ten times or more? And each time, he was so stoned that he couldn’t come out with the truth … EVEN THOUGH, according to deVries, he consistently came out with the same story?

      The marijuana impeded his judgement, so he couldn’t tell the truth … yet his stories were consistent day after day ….

      I guess there’s no provision for common sense in Dutch law.

      Here’s a link to the full AP article:

      (AP) Aruban investigators in the Netherlands again questioned a Dutch college student Friday in the Natalee Holloway disappearance as they sought a court order to detain him as a suspect based on a hidden-camera interview.

      Police questioned Joran Van der Sloot for about two hours, and he again denied any role in the May 2005 disappearance of the American teen in the Dutch Caribbean island, the Aruban prosecutor’s office said in a statement. The 20-year-old Van der Sloot was detained previously in the case but was released for insufficient evidence.

      Van der Sloot, who was accompanied by a lawyer, claimed he was under the influence of marijuana when he said in a secretly taped video that he was with Holloway when she died and that he had a friend dump her body at sea, the prosecutor’s office said.

      He was not taken into custody.

      Last week, a judge in Aruba denied a prosecution request to detain Van der Sloot based on his statements in the video, surreptitiously recorded in installments inside a Range Rover by a man working for a Dutch television crime reporter.

      Aruban authorities appealed that ruling on Tuesday and expect a decision next week.

      Holloway, an 18-year-old from Mountain Brook, Ala., was last seen leaving a bar in the Aruban capital Oranjestad with Van der Sloot and two Surinamese brothers on the final night of a high school graduation trip to the island. Extensive searches have found no trace of her.

      Van der Sloot has denied to authorities any involvement in her death. But in the video – first broadcast on Dutch television – he says she collapsed on the beach after they left the bar and that he called a friend to dump her body at sea.

      Aruba’s top prosecutor has called the video “impressive” and said he believes it is admissible in court. But Van der Sloot’s lawyers insist it was not a confession and their client told a Dutch news program that he lied on the videotape.

    52. Carol Armstrong on February 8th, 2008 4:51 pm

      Lorenzo was 23 in 2005…guess that makes him 25 now? Didn’t Joran say “Daury”, who disposed of the body, was 25?

    53. Bob on February 8th, 2008 4:52 pm

      Taco better re-visit his Joran defense file. If he expects to generate any buisness from the Gambino gangster roundup, he’ll need to impress the “boys” he has the qualifications to win a case. That said, he’d better not point to Van Der Sloot. The ‘boys’ may or may not be gangsters, but their code includes respect for women, and daughters from involvement or harm. Joran, you have no future, do magazine subscriptions in 6 month segments.

      Perhaps you might make a future Time cover: Van Der Sloot – Man without a Country.

    54. Karel on February 8th, 2008 4:54 pm

      What it comes down to:

      -Didn’t Joran say 2 days before correting himself?
      -Paulus was in the casino too?
      -Did they know eachother allready?
      -To what kind of person would you run to on Aruba if you wanted to hide?

    55. Richard on February 8th, 2008 4:55 pm

      Remember, Bob (#50) … We owe Arubans NOTHING.

      I was talking today with a friend of mine who has two friends who have timeshares in Aruba. They don’t use them anymore, but when they last were there, it appeared that a huge number of upscale shops, etc., had been put in.

      So who are the intended customers? Not the Arubans; incomes don’t justify it.

      More to the point, who are the investors?

      Drug money, was the conclusion.

      So the drug barons are laundering their cash hordes via the innocent American tourists.

      I take a great deal of glee in thinking that by promoting a boycott of Aruba, we’re also doing what we can to stick a finger in the eye of the narcotics trade.

      Too bad for Arubans? Maybe … then again, do we question the embargo on North Korea because that country’s insane rulers screw its people over?

      Nope. And ditto here. If our people are prey, then don’t go there and encourage others not to do so. Pretty simple, seems to me.

    56. JusticeforNatalee on February 8th, 2008 5:13 pm

      Persona non grata? How about making Joran persona non grata to
      ALL OF SOCIETY and putting him in jail!

      He is a danger to society.

    57. Betsy on February 8th, 2008 5:18 pm

      I guess Scared Monkeys will have to shut their blog down. Apparently, Joran and his inner circle are feeling harrassed and the Aruban government wants it to stop.

      From Aruba Get A Grip, the post-INTERROGATION press release:

      press release

      Postbus 1163, Oranjestad, Aruba ,

      Havenstraat 2

      Oranjestad, Aruba
      To all media
      From the Public Prosecutor’s Office
      Date February 8, 2008
      Pages 1

      J.v.d.S. interrogated at Police Station in Rotterdam

      This morning, between 10:00 – 12:30 hours (Netherlands time) the police interrogated J.v.d.S. at a police station in Rotterdam. J.v.d.S. was interrogated by police officers of the Aruban Police Department and the Netherlands National Police Department. His lawyer was present during the interrogation, which lasted about two hours.

      During the interrogation J.v.d.S. indicated that during the conversations he had in the car he was under the influence of marihuana. Furthermore, he sticks to his statements made earlier during the investigation. He denies to have anything to do with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

      The decision of the Court of Appeal of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba is crucial to the possibility of further interrogations of J.v.d.S.

      As already stated on February 5, 2008, the Public Prosecutor’s Office lodged an appeal against the decision of the investigating judge to deny the re-detention of J.v.d.S.. The decision of the Court of Appeal is not expected until after the weekend.

      Under the direction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Aruban Police Department is still investigating this case. In the interest of the investigation, the Public Prosecutor’s Office appeals to the press to please refrain from a witch-hunt or private investigations or fishing expeditions (all this in the broadest sense of the word),

      The Public Prosecutor’s Office doesn’t fail to notice that the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway draws a lot of interest from media and general public. However, this interest seems to be turning into a witch-hunt in which several persons are being harassed.

      The Public Prosecutor’s Office regards this as not acceptable. In the first place, without any confirmation persons are being labeled as a suspect, and harassed as such. In the second place, journalistic investigations and the subsequent reporting thereof, at a time the investigative team is still busy trying to get an answer to many questions, can seriously harm the criminal investigation. Not only does it cause a lot of unrest, or may generate misinformation, it may also harm the outcome of the investigation itself, e.g. when witnesses questioned by the judge at trial can’t be sure if they witnessed something themselves or they know a fact from the media.

      Without questioning the value of freedom of the press, it would be desirable if the press would act a little distantly for aforementioned reasons.

      For any further information, you can call:

    58. Karel on February 8th, 2008 5:23 pm


      Am I going crazy or is this just very plausible?
      SM: You are crazy and FOS. Give it up already, we aren’t buying it (klaasend)

    59. Bob on February 8th, 2008 5:29 pm

      Richard #54

      Prior to the Natalee murder, we owned 2 shares at La Cabana. When we did taxes in 2005, our accountant recommeded we sell them, as his advice was that he followed the disappearance story and didn’t believe what was going on would somehow help timeshare prices going forward. We did, he was right. We bot in 2003, sold Jan. 06, made a $6,000 profit between both. Checking the “owners board” recently found one of the rooms we bot-sold, was back up for sale. I bot that one at $4,500, sold it for $6,700. It’s back up for sale today for $2,950. How’s that for the Natalee effect. And no, I have absolutely no desire or intent to ever return. Business isn’t good, hasn’t been good, and isn’t going to improve much in the future.

    60. lisa on February 8th, 2008 5:38 pm

      Boycott this corrupt island! I agree with Richard #3 completely. Daddy Sloot is involved in this entire cover up. Wonder who got paid off? If this judge decides to not arrest Joran then woe be to the country of Aruba. My husband and I have a FREE trip available to us in Arubu in Oct. 08. Regardless the fact that it’s a free vacation I refuse to go. I refuse to spend my money on as little as a soft drink on that hell hole corrupt island. What a shame that their corrupt government will let the citizens and natives of their island suffer due to the horrible van der sloot clan. It all goes back to the drug lords. Money talks! I am from Georgia and work for a company which has publications in over 100 markets across the U.S. I will be sure to spread the word to all of the thousands of people which read these publications. Justice for Natalee and for her parents too!

    61. Tazman on February 8th, 2008 5:40 pm

      Aruba’s tourism advertising should go like this:

      Come to Aruba where Joran Vandersloot got away with murder and its costing us big bucks!

      Come to Aruba where Joran and his friends and father are laughing at all of us!

      Come to Aruba where you can join in on a search for Natalee Holloway!

    62. truthseeker2 on February 8th, 2008 5:59 pm

      Can someone please explain to the people like Oduber that YOU CANNOT PUT A DOLLAR VALUE ON A HUMAN LIFE?

      Joran says Natalee started shaking and thne (in his feeble little mind) died.

      ALE asked Natalee’s parents within days after she went missing if she ever suffered from seizures.

      On June 10/11 her family was told that someone confessed and that ALE was being led to the body.

      Then they took it all back.

      Van Der Straten told a reporter on June 12 that he believed Natalee was no longer alive and when asked why he said that he said it was because he had seen the evidence and the reporter had not.

      Why hasn’t Van Der Straten been brought back to Aruba to answer a few questions??????

    63. LilPuma on February 8th, 2008 5:59 pm

      29. Hoepleman. I don’t know about the Antillean thing. Maybe they don’t like Antilleans. I know Canadians don’t like being confused with Americans (even though they are from North America) but they like us a lot. Well, some of them do. :-)

      41. Bob. That’s what so many have been asking for 2+ years. The only possible “out” is if organized crime factions are actually running the island and it’s government, and the people are afraid for their lives and those of their families.

    64. brie on February 8th, 2008 5:59 pm

      A witch hunt…he’s a murderer…lying again as usual…what does it take for justice to be served…the media will do what it wants…hurting the investigation, ha ha ha ha, you mean don’t interfere with the corruption…got to be kidding…and no private investigators…got to kidding…Peter is the only one outside of Jossy that has ever helped…so put a sock in it…your not going to murder an American and tell us to shut up….no way!!!! Almost 3 yrs of torture to Natalee’s family, that will not go away. You’ve got a criminal on your hands…. and by the way Joe Taco looks like an overfeed hamster funded by the AHATA…

      Anita probably caused the ruckus…it’s too late lady….no one is going to stop until Joran is in prison where he belongs…

      Joran is always under the influence of drugs, so what’s new…looked to me like Joran was smoking a cigarette….here’s our appeal to you…arrest and convict him…you don’t have a choice..

    65. disgustedmom on February 8th, 2008 6:02 pm

      Did the headlines on this page say Patrick first went to the Dutch cops to see if they wanted him to help bust Joran?

      Oh, I feel sick! They probably alerted Paulus and this is all a game!

    66. Richard on February 8th, 2008 6:03 pm

      According to the public prosecutor’s office, an investigation is being made and comments about suspects are not helpful. (It’s very perceptive of them, though, to notice that the case is drawing a lot of media attention.)

      How long has the “investigation” been going on?
      And how many answers have they gotten so far?

      (Of course, since they formally turned the case over to the Dutch in August or so, one wonders why Aruban officials are even addressing the case.
      But no doubt we’ll get a lecture on Dutch law, the system that we “don’t understand.”)

      The number to call wasn’t given. I wonder if it connects with the van der Sloot residence….

      Come to think of it, if comments about suspects are an impediment … why is Joran suddenly persona non grata in Aruba? Or is that question too logical for the Arubans to handle?

    67. Deetch on February 8th, 2008 6:06 pm

      Just when you think Aruba can’t get worse they dig themselves a deeper hole. Telling everyone to leave them alone and their “investigation.”

      What kind of advice are they getting, when you tell reporters to back off, is like throwing blood in the water and asking the sharks to stay away.

      the corruption continues..

    68. Betsy on February 8th, 2008 6:08 pm

      Persistence needs our help. From the Persistence blog:

      The dedicated ocean search for Natalee Holloway has been underway since mid-November, 2007. What began in Louisiana during mobilization now culminating in Aruba, the search has utilized some of the best search equipment and personnel in the world. To date, approximately 900 miles of sonar data has been collected covering a geographic area 80% the size of Aruba. The search has required a painstakingly slow approach which in the end leaves no stone unturned.

      Although slow, this approach is extremely effective in marine search and recovery. Since the beginning, the search has been privately funded by Louis Schaefer Jr. of Underwater Expeditions who remarkably and gracefully accepted the financial burden when requested by Texas Equusearch and Natalee’s parents. John Silvetti of Marine Surveys, Greg Landry of Offshore Innovative Solutions, Erik McGuire of Seatronics, along with Agiosat and Wilkens Weather Service came beside Louis to conduct this humanitarian effort. To put this search effort in financial perspective, an equivalent search conducted for industry would involve costs well exceeding several million dollars. This project has been conducted for about 35 cents on the dollar, with costs still exceeding a million dollars.

      Although we have searched and ruled out an extensive portion of the original planned search area, a substantial portion of the high-probability area yet remains to be explored. Now, following a publicly confirmed admission that Natalee Holloway was disposed at sea, we are confident that completing the focused search area will bring closure. We therefore formally invite and request anyone who this humanitarian effort has touched to get involved and to help support the remaining search efforts. Donations are being handled by Texas Equusearch, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Please come beside those who have already given so much to help ensure a proper funeral in Alabama for Natalee Holloway. Please make all donations marked as: “Holloway search”.

      To learn more about Texas Equusearch and to help support the search for Natalee Holloway, check out:

    69. Karel on February 8th, 2008 6:09 pm

      But he did say he knew her two days and that’s just very interesting information in an investigation like this.

      Help me out people, other things supporting or not supporting this:
      -Two totally weird, ungraspable and contradicting revelations within two weeks.
      -”Higher power, no, Higher powers!”
      -The only real emotion Joran ever showed on TV when he said to peter: “But will you say you are sorry if you find out the truth, I don’t think so”

      Question in general. Did Natalee have any real tight friends? I only read about beth and other people and friends of hers and just “friends” from school. Nobody specific.
      I can’t find anything on it.
      I have to cry now.

    70. Richard on February 8th, 2008 6:10 pm

      Ponder this irony of ironies:

      I guess we can accept that the two black security guards arrested early in the case, solely on the word of J2K, are “average Arubans.”

      So who spoke up for them, secured their release, and saved them from being convicted for harm to Natalee that they didn’t commit?

      Beth Holloway Twitty.

      In her quest for justice, she ALSO stood up for the “average Aruban” in a way that nobody else on the island did.

      More recently, who said not only “what they did to Natalee” but “what they did to their country”?

      Beth Holloway Twitty.

      What did the van der Scums say? Essentially, they couldn’t care less about a boycott of Aruba.

      So, Arubans, you have the suspects and you have Natalee’s family. Who has done more to fight injustice against your people? Who has done more to bring disgrace and ruin on your “happy island”?

      And so who have you spoken out against so far?

      You’re right; it doesn’t make sense that you berated Natalee’s family and cheered the vdS scum.

      Anyone think that you ought to make amends now?
      Maybe those of you who were willing to parade in public telling Beth to shut up and go home …

      Why aren’t you, NOW, parading in front of the vdS compound?

      And you wonder why we call for a boycott of Aruba?

    71. aruba is a hell hole on February 8th, 2008 6:14 pm

      SANDRA K is sorry ?????????

      you are apologizing to the wrong people

      you owe beth and her whole family an apology
      you rotten wench

    72. Jerry from Ohio on February 8th, 2008 6:16 pm

      To #60 Lisa . Thank you Lisa great Post and thanks for standing with us and for Natalee you put the word out Lady it will help all of us a lot we need Monkeys like you . Jerry from Ohio

    73. disgustedmom on February 8th, 2008 6:16 pm

      Certain shameless individuals have wanted everyone to give up looking for Natalee for a long time. Matter of fact, they have been wanting people to not look for her since Beth got to Aruba on May 30, 05.

      Go have a beer, she’ll show up.
      How much money do you have?

      The rumored phone call from Natalee saying she did not know these people. She KNEW Joran!

      Something’s rotten in the Netherlands. They have no jurisdiction in Aruba, and then again they do. They don’t have financial control of Aruba, and then again….so why do they even give a crap about Aruba anymore?

      The Netherlands has legal prostitution. For that they could use a few girls. Anita was in Holland with Paulus…Paulus came home early. Natalee disappeared the day he got back to Aruba.

      Somebody check out Anita’s timeline. She’s the one who said out of the blue something about ‘this was not about making an ayrian nation.’ What the hell does that mean?

      And those jackleg psychics talking about Natalee being pregnant….is she being used to make blond haired blue eyed babies?

      They want us to think Natalee is dead. Is she?

      (I appologize for this odd post. I got a wild hair!)

    74. aruba is a hell hole on February 8th, 2008 6:18 pm

      paul vander scum wanted to take money from every person that lives and works on aruba. he wanted to steal your wallet. he already stole a family’s daughter and that wasnt enough.
      if i lived in aruba, i would not be happy living next door to a murderer and a thief.
      he wanted a big fat compensation check.
      HA HA HA HA
      you protected a murderer
      youre island is done. have fun losers

    75. brie on February 8th, 2008 6:20 pm

      Aruba take up a donation and help out the search for Natalee and maybe your island can have some peace….you can help us out…we have been your friend and neighbor for many years and supplied 80% of your income….now it’s time to lend a helping hand…

    76. brie on February 8th, 2008 6:21 pm

      To the Aruban authorities, after what you have done to Natalee’s family I think you need to reach deep into your pockets and HELP!!!

    77. aruba is a hell hole on February 8th, 2008 6:23 pm

      k2 brothers wont get a dime from dr phil.
      the lawyers for these 2 clowns are losers.
      they are killers. hey aruba you can have joran and k2 stay right there.
      keep paulus too. if he survives the tormenting.

    78. Dar on February 8th, 2008 6:34 pm

      Talk about stone walling. Wow. I had no idea that there was so much corruption in the Netherlands. I mean I knew that they are responsible for propagating and working with the drug kings in the Middle East and Far East (Heroine and Opium Hash and Weed) supplying the majority of the drugs destined to Golden Triangle and eventually to the addicted Americans with more money that brains. But these guys are just cold blooded cut throat scum….And we/us American keep them steeped in money buying their toxic poison how do we break this cycle I wonder?

    79. brie on February 8th, 2008 6:35 pm

      I think we should appeal to our gov’t for help to aid the Persistence in pursuing the search for Natalee…

    80. super dave on February 8th, 2008 6:37 pm

      karel: crying because you are ignorant is not going to help you!eat a handful of apple seeds and you will be all better.
      i thought you and charlie were going to give us more of your clown acts so we could have another good laugh.

    81. Mike on February 8th, 2008 6:37 pm


      What are you still doing here?? Go make yourself useful and make a donation to the search!!!

    82. kayjay on February 8th, 2008 6:40 pm

      Folks…..sign the petition on BOYCOTT ARUBA JUSTICE FOR NATALEE…and spread the word. Over 1400 signatures at present.

    83. brie on February 8th, 2008 6:45 pm

      Greta can you give us media coverage for financial assistance to the Persistence…Please!

    84. 2amforsure on February 8th, 2008 6:54 pm

      “I think I am incredibly lucky that she’s never been found because if she had been found I would be in deep shit”

      Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.

      Paul and Anita, you need to make closure to this, you have other children to consider; do you want them to turn out like this? You have the opportunity as parents, to show what character really is about. Do what is right and make an impression on your other children. Natalee’s parents are morally decent people and deserve the truth.

      The Netherlands is as upset as the US is about this. I hate to think about what the consequences to Joran could possibly be, and you have two other children to think about, they would have to live the rest of their lives under this cloud.

      Joran can say what he wants, but WE KNOW.

    85. brie on February 8th, 2008 6:56 pm

      #70…Richard…excellent post!!

    86. RussVet on February 8th, 2008 7:02 pm

      Came across this on youtube … Trying to ignore the fact that these people look like bottom feeders, what is this about?
      SM: You are right, they are bottom feeders, psychics and this is OLD NEWS from last month. It’s all BS from 2 psychics that are trying to make money off of the NH case (klaasend)

    87. waterboy (Jerry) on February 8th, 2008 7:17 pm

      The only conclusions I can gather from Joran’s confession is 1. He was with Natalee when she died. (Not a conclusion, but I think he murdered her probable by chocking.) 2. He and others disposed of Natalee’s body.

      That’s it. He is not going to tell the truth, and so you have to ask yourself what is the real truth. That Natalee died from seizure, drug overdose, etc. is certainly not the truth. The ugly a$$ h$$$ knows he killed her, but he has almost convinced himself that he didn’t or that she deserved it.


    88. Donna on February 8th, 2008 7:26 pm

      Just heard on Nancy Grace with Beth Twitty tonight. Josse Mansur called into the show and said Arubans are disgusted with Joran and he has been declared by some high Aruban minister as “persona non grata” in Aruba……… in other words…….. he cannot go back there, he is not welcome! First time he has had anu consequence to his actions. Beth said she and Jug were asked many times in the beginning whether or not Natalee had history of seizures.

    89. Victoria on February 8th, 2008 7:27 pm

      If Natalee was given a date rape drug, why didn’t Joran bring his friends along to have sex with her also?

      Joran says he tried to help her. That honest response will be considered by the judge. Her death was not intentional. Or do you think so?

      Why hasn’t anyone mentioned that she probably took Esctasy herself, like many young people do before going out…

    90. brie on February 8th, 2008 7:28 pm

      #82…where is the petition?

    91. JM on February 8th, 2008 7:41 pm

      So how do they get the body from the beach onto the boat? Did they beach the boat? Or easier just to put the body in the back seat or trunk of K2′s car? It has to be one of the two.

      And I’ve always believed his shoes were missing because the shoelaces were used for some evil purpose.

    92. cybergal on February 8th, 2008 7:46 pm

      Looks to me that Aruba is afraid of Daddy Sloot…not sure why. From what is coming out, there is major corruption in Aruba that Daddy Sloot and baby son Sloot is privey to. Sounds to me that the reason Joran is off scott free to drug innocent female visitors to the island is because of the knowledge of corruption. Boycott this island…and continue to. We have got to be able to do something to hurt Arubas economy. I will never again visit Aruba and from the individuals I know here say the same. He is making a mockery of Aruban officials…and getting away with it. Most of all he believes he has gotten away with murder. And he is.

    93. brie on February 8th, 2008 7:48 pm

      Aruban Police Dept telling people to shut up…never gonna happen…and now it is time to speak even louder..and to say under the direction of Hans Mos…believe that one if you will…you and your corrupt judges and Aruban authorities have absolutely no credibility left…it’s have covered-up from the very beginning..and Dompig, this is the final phase, yea right, a drug dealer makes a statement and you try to convince us it’s authentic…you all need to be embalmed..

    94. brie on February 8th, 2008 7:49 pm

      Hey Joran, you hell is beginning…

    95. Sherry on February 8th, 2008 7:52 pm

      Okay so Joran is a liar but ALE believes him when he says he is a liar…hmmm doesnt quite make sense now does it.

      Fishing Wire his testicles!!!
      No Balls=No Evidence

    96. 2amforsure on February 8th, 2008 7:55 pm

      #93 No he’s not getting away with murder, he just thinks he is. WE KNOW, and he has to live with this. The eyes of the world are on him, thanks to the Scared Monkeys, and this he has to live with, along with his family. Paulus and Anita, DO WHAT IS RIGHT before it is too late!!

    97. cybergal on February 8th, 2008 7:58 pm


      Thank you

      We have received your question and information. Netherlands Front Office (NFO) will respond within 48 hours.

      Submitted Information
      Name Janice
      Address 1
      Address 2
      State/Province MA
      Zip/Postal Code
      Email {{edited out your personal email}}
      Question Type Other:
      Question Don”t you feel it is about time you do something about Joran Van Der Sloot?

      He seems to be making a huge joke about how stupid Aruba officials are with his getting away with ”murder”.

      No one I speak with wants to risk sending their children or visit Aruba for that matter…..and well, let”s face it, covering up something like murder of an innocent 18 year old girl being drugged at a local restaurant is not something that will promote tourism. Get a grip, deal with the fact that there has been a coverup and do the right thing, handle it so that Aruba can regain it”s clean name once again.
      There is corruption in Aruba, it needs to be cleaned up. Don”t let a snotty nosed brat like Joran continue to make a laughing stock out of you.

      Sector 850 Health and Welfare

      Contacted NFO before No
      Referral to NFO Other: Scared Monkeys dot com


      Netherlands Front Office for the U.S.A. & Canada
      Phone: 1-877-DUTCHHELP (1- 877-388-2443)
      Office hours: 7AM–7PM Central Time (14:00-2:00hours Netherlands time)

    98. cybergal on February 8th, 2008 8:01 pm

      Oh and by the way I have not heard from them (like they promised within 48 hours)…interesting….if you ask me (Netherlands that is).

    99. 2amforsure on February 8th, 2008 8:02 pm

      Sorry, meant #92!

    100. buster on February 8th, 2008 8:13 pm

      Wonder how urin is going to take the new that the cowpoo’s will get componsation and urin get a lawsuit from the guy he named, This will make urin spew his guts

    101. Tazman on February 8th, 2008 8:21 pm

      Well, this is a mystery to me!!

      We need to look deeper into the Vandersloot connection with Holland and Aruba. I mean how in the world could or would anyone in the government in Holland and/or Aruba, not have any kind of a conscience?? Does this mean that anyone in Holland or Aruba that is seriously suspected of murder and/or disposal of a body is not to be held accountable even after being filmed in a car claiming that he is involved?? So what if he was smoking pot. Isn’t it legal in Holland to smoke pot?? He is on tape saying that he was involved and took credit for Natalee’s demise. And now he says that he was lying again??? I smell a rat and a big fat one!! That Joran is one ugly guy.

    102. katablog on February 8th, 2008 8:27 pm

      Third time a charm with the math question?

      #68 Thanks for the info. I made a nice donation. I challenge every Monkey here to make a donation from the heart. Donations can be as little as $10 and every little bit helps. Persistence needs our help.

    103. Sherry on February 8th, 2008 8:30 pm

      #89 Victoria

      I am interested in knowing where you live (so we can stay away)…where its considered the NORM for ‘many young people to take ecstasy’ before going out for the night.
      No one has mentioned it because that is the stupidest thing we have heard. You make ecstasy sound like drinking a beer. What a nut you are!!!

      I have raised daughters myself. I have been deeply involved with several sororities for years. While these young girls may drink beer and at times drink ‘too much’..most look at ‘druggies’ (their term not mine) with disgust and/or pity. Druggies are definitely someone they do not want to be associated with because they know people can look upon you by the company you keep.

    104. Karel on February 8th, 2008 8:32 pm

      Holland is a very good country. Just stay tuned USA…

    105. katablog on February 8th, 2008 8:33 pm

      ORANJESTAD – The mother of Joran van der Sloot, Anita, wants to clear up the rumours that Joran has a half brother; he does not; this half brother does not exist. She told the Amigoe this yesterday.

      In yet another press release: Anita van der Stupid went on to add that Joran was not actually born
      of two human beings, he is a new sub-species.

    106. Bob on February 8th, 2008 8:34 pm

      Here is the text of the Petition mentioned above in #82 post above: I will post the on-line sign link in a moment -

      To: Aruba Government

      I am a U.S. citizen. Since the initial story of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway broke in the press, I have watched with increasing frustration and disgust, as the Aruban Police Department and various government officials, including Prime Minister, Nelson Oduber, have acted with negligence in the handling of this case.

      It is apparent to me, that various Aruban officials have been conspiring to protect the three young suspects that were last seen with Natalee Holloway. This is based on a variety of actions, including:

      1) The initial questioning of the boys and their quick release from authorities.

      2) The fact that these boys were left free for over 7 days, when they clearly should have been considered prime suspects.

      3) The contrary actions regarding the two security guards in terms of their immediate arrest, continued questioning and prolonged detainment in spite of their apparent innocence.

      4) The lack of any search of the waters near the lighthouse where the suspects admitted having taken Natalee.

      5) The conflicting statements coming from Sr. Aruban police department officials, followed by retractions and ultimately a withdrawal of any communication to the Holloway family and general public.

      It is apparent, by their words and actions, that the Aruban government, in it’s attempt to demonstrate concern for Natalee Holloway, is interested in only one thing – the tourism revenue it receives from American visitors each year, which represents the vast majority of its economy. The Aruban government is fooling no one, and is acting in a manner that is both duplicitous and transparent in attempting to protect its selfish desires.

      By way of this petition, I demand the following:

      1) The release of all pertinent facts in this case to the family of Natalee Holloway and the international press, in terms of the statements made to the Aruban authorities by the three primary suspects: Joran van der Sloot, Satish Kalpoe and Deepak Kalpoe.

      2) A detailed explanation as to the facts surrounding the statements and subsequent retractions of Gerald Dompig, concerning a confession by one of the suspects and a statement concerning the suspect leading authorities to the whereabouts of the body of Natalee Holloway.

      3) Inclusion of FBI personnel in the interrogation of these suspects.

      4) That the U.S. administration act quickly and decisively on behalf of the Holloway family, to pressure the Aruban government to communicate the facts of this case in a manner consistent with US laws.

      As an American citizen and by way of this petition, I hereby boycott tourism to the country of Aruba, and vow to spread the word and encourage others to boycott as well, until such time that Aruban officials provide truthful and comprehensive details regarding this case.


    107. katablog on February 8th, 2008 8:35 pm

      #89, #103 there are rumors that Joran used X as his date rape drug of choice.

    108. Bob on February 8th, 2008 8:36 pm

      Petition link to sign the above:

    109. A New Girl on February 8th, 2008 8:58 pm

      #38…JE…. Your dialog in the “faux” interrogation today between Aruban Police & Joran really made me LAUGH OUT LOUD! Unbelievably funny and scary that probably not too far from the truth.

      BOTTOM LINE ON 2DAYS INTERROGATION IS: Joran has absolutely ZERO CREDIBILITY with all his lying–so of course, today was just another in a long series. WHO CARES if he was stoned, and WHO CARES what comes out of this kids mouth anymore…OH, BOO to the HOOOO..Waaaaaa …Waaaaaaaaaaa.. Waaaaaaaaa.. I’n ebing harrassed, suicide watch, etc. Don’t come looking to Americans or ANYONE for sympathy–NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Enjoy your nightmare- you deserve every ounce.

      And YAY !! Carpe is back. Carpe, I really wanted to say good-bye as a poster and put my interest and obsession with following this case to rest as well… I just cannot. With every passing day it gets more intense now and quite strange. Some days, depending on what you read and view in the media…it is just so maddening, frightening and completely frustrating that justice is not being served…So, can we even BEGIN to imagine what these past 2.5 + years have been like for Beth & Dave Holloway and their families?

      So, tommorrow I will take pen in hand and make a donation to TEXAS EQUUSEARCH for the Persistence and all of their efforts. Not because I think in an Ocean so vast that any of Natalee’s remains will ever be found…but rather because I want to do something for all of those people like us..who have been so moved to try and help and make a difference.


      We will never forget you Natalee. Never!

    110. A New Girl on February 8th, 2008 9:04 pm

      Mistake in my math- meant 2 HOUR interrogation of JVDS of today, not 2 days. Doesn’t matter- you could interrogate Joran for a month straight— kid is twisted and will just mix in some truths & half-truths with all his lies…new and old.

      It’s nauseating! WE’RE MAD AS HELL AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE! Joran, just STUFU and please…go out in public real soon without protection…some one is going to beat your ass or take you out (completely) and I personally cannot WAIT for that day! (as bad as that sounds….!) =(


    111. katablog on February 8th, 2008 9:09 pm

      I’m from the US generation that smoke Marijuana. I can safely disclose that while it gave me the munchies and gave me a feeling (perhaps false)of well being – it never gave me the instinct to lie.

      Next, someone commented that it’s illegal to smoke Marijuana in a car in the Netherlands. Okay, so they Dutch police let Joran walk away after two hours of a little “chat” with him, after he admitted that he was smoking Marijuana in the car. Hummmmmm. Good strategy. Let this punk rule the Netherlands too.

    112. Betsy on February 8th, 2008 9:17 pm

      Katablog: Do you think you can make it a post topic to help Persistence. Challenge everyone to give just 10.00. Your readership is so huge that 10.00 each can make a huge difference. I will give more than 10.00 as I think most of your readers will too!

    113. Deetch on February 8th, 2008 9:21 pm

      Joran is telling the truth, he’s lying. The beach story is a lie, no matter how he told it.

      They concocted this story while the guards were in jail for 10 days to focus attention away from the VDS house, the only place, along with the dump, that has faced official resistance.

      He has been since day 1 a mouthpiece for Paulus van der sloot.

      Paulus spinning tales using his son.

    114. Patti on February 8th, 2008 9:21 pm

      Now… you know why I wonder about the radio address that was given the morning of the search. Could it be that what was found that morning could be considered part of their culture? As obsurd as it may sound to us. It would only be an embarrassment for them.


      Because Oduber was the first Arawak to rule Aruba. He was biased toward them and didn’t think that it would look good for him to be associated with those who practice the ancient aspects of the religion. Thus, the numbers that he quoted during his speech… 97,000.

      Some one said that Mrs. SnooT was a jew, as was her husband. What jew would openly display pagan gods, Buddha, and demonic fairies to keep the evil spirits away? Anita is an Arawak, by choice; and possibly by marriage. It is always the mother who makes the choice concerning religion. And it shows in the way the Sporter carries himself, flat headed and flat footed, as well his bursts of anger and uncontrolable urges.

      And… since Joran was in jail, I believe that it is the REST of the family that know how Natalee was disposed of.


      Justice for Natalee…

      Can you hear her wispers?

      Let’s save ALL the children that

      are captured and taken away…..

      But most of all…

      Let’s save Natalee!


      Let’s do the Oduber-do!

    115. mommytraveler on February 8th, 2008 9:27 pm

      Jossy just said on Greta that PAULUS SITS ON THE PRISON BOARD. Say What – the Prison Board? So that is how he had a direct line to Joran. Supplying cell phones, perhaps? Bibles? Jossy went on to say that there is a move afoot in Aruba to get him off of every single Board or Committee that he is presently on. Ban him from everything. Maybe Jossy can supply us with a list of where he is presently involved. I just cannot imagine him giving advice or making decisions for any Board or Committee anywhere.

      Aruba – why don’t you start with taking away his law license for lying during interrogations? Oh……he can’t rememeber anything so that makes what he does say is the truth?

    116. A New Girl on February 8th, 2008 9:30 pm

      #111- Katablog. Smoking marijuana in the Netherlands (i.e. Amsterdam, etc) is completely LEGAL. Possession of it is legal, although I would have no idea how much you are allowed to have for comsumption or other purposes.

      That is not the point anyway, Joran is so BUSTED in his admissions to Patrick….straight or stoned…that little pr*** sang like a bird once he thought he got off for good ! There will be more confessions which will be retracted and covered by more lies. Remember- ZERO CREDIBILITY. Aruba covered up investigation with lots of corruption…..Paul VDS, your service..he advised his Son and his son’s accomplices legally and assisted in getting rid of poor Natalee’s body. Yeah, like this is all a big news flash. Klaasend ( & Red and Pete) and SM have known this and been posting factual information about this on their website since the day this case began.



    117. Patti on February 8th, 2008 9:34 pm

      But I do find it amazing that


      Fits in Pocket of none other than

      Charles Croes!


      Pull a little string…

      and I’ll do most anything…

      I’m your puppet!

      Maybe that episode should be called:

      The early Crow gets the oduber-do…


      I do believe the house of cards

      is getting top heavy….

      Watch out Below!

    118. katablog on February 8th, 2008 9:45 pm

      #112 Betsy: don’t know that I’d call my readership “huge” (I sure don’t get many comments) but you bet I made a post right after making my donation. Anytime I can help Equusearch, Persistence, or the Holloway Twitty families, I’m ON IT! Just let me know. Well heck any time I can help the Monkeys, let me know too!

      #116 I knew smoking MJ was legal in the Netherlands, but someone recently made the comment that it was illegal to smoke it in a moving vehicle.

    119. Maggie on February 8th, 2008 9:48 pm

      Joran’s latest is just another.. cop out.. Pot made me confess to crimes!!!! How many people in the Netherlands, where Pot is legal, confessed to crimes under the influence. More defense lawyers talking..

      And no there is noone saying Natalee was using extasy.. Like I said before,, it wasn’t bad enough she met up with a sociopath that night, but then overdoses herself while she’s with him.. Right!!!!

    120. Carpe Noctem on February 8th, 2008 10:03 pm

      all the latest


    121. Carl the Detective on February 8th, 2008 10:04 pm

      all the crazy talk about complex cover ups and drug trafficing and mobs, etc., all takes the focus away from Joran. too many people are watching crime shows. dont lose focus. this kid and this dumb ass government are too stupid to pull this off without a hitch.
      joran told us what happened, and he said he would take the name of the friend to his grave, so dont put too much faith in the name daury. i also think its outlandish to think he was spiking drinks with X. that is way too risky and expensive for a highschooler to pull off routinely. keep it simple. probably without premeditation, he killed her while raping her, at the beach. suffocated her or broke her neck would make sense. he then panicked and called his friend. the friend pulled the boat up, did not beach it of course. joran walked her body out in about 4-5 feet of water. his friend may used the shoe laces to tie something to her. maybe her ditched the shoes because they were soaked. the disposed of her body in deep water. probably weighed it down. that’s it.
      he told us this. the arubans must use this to threaten him with time in prision. they must find out who provided the boat and dumped her body. i wonder if tourist pictures from that day could provide pictures of boats in the area or if could determine who he was closest with who was handy with boats and who had quick access. its not the kalops, they dont know a thing…
      someone in his inner circle know who he would have called either by instinct or they leaked it. circle up the pimps and find out. i think the blondish brown hair kid who’s put on all the weight is the logical choice, or the dark haired kid who’s been cropped out of the famous picture with joran and the kalpos. it’s one of those guys. seperate and conquer…you have the momentum now and the public sentiment in aruba right where you need it. pounce on the friends and make life miserable.
      if that doesnt work…joran should watch his back forever. the old boys in the south dont forget. clock is ticking on aruba. if you lock him up, we’ll come back in waves. if you don’t, we will forever consider aruba closed for business. one lonely island…

    122. LilPuma on February 8th, 2008 10:11 pm

      I’ve looked for a separate thread for Joran’s excuses but couldn’t find one.

      Didn’t like the way the American posse talked to him and his father
      Were afraid they’d get in trouble
      Under the influence of marijuana
      Told him what he wanted to hear
      In his book IIRC it was “easier” to lie.

      There must be others. So many lies and so little in the way of excuses.

    123. Bob on February 8th, 2008 10:15 pm

      And so the next Taco advised story line regarding Joran confessing because he was “high” on weed will be: he didn’t know what he was saying due to a drugged condition. Horsecrap. His next line will be the “amount” or quantity of joints he lit during each little car ride. For a kid like Joran who clearly ashes weed daily, I think he could do 3-4 in a 1-2 hour period, including liquor, and be just fine. The highest quality ground leaf has little effect on a 200 lb, 6’3 daily user, unlilke the effect on a 120 diminutive person. Amazing what gets put out as info, and people blindly accept it ice cold.

      Joran wasn’t high enough to falsely confess, he was at best emboldened to confess inner guilt thorough a fabric of false bravado, and screwed up big time.

    124. Betsy on February 8th, 2008 10:21 pm

      so is smoking it in a moving vehicle illegal for all or only the driver? Notice that Patrick was NOT smoking it and Joran the scum bucket was smokin’ mammoth doobies.

    125. suisse71 on February 8th, 2008 10:25 pm

      “Some MORE Special Thoughts” on Paulus and wanting him out of every single committee that the government has, hospital, prison, etc in Aruba.

      On Greta tonight: Watch from the beginning, here’s some highlights.

      JOSSY MANSUR: “…As things now stand, they [prosecutions office] have to remember the person who broke this news, the person who got Joran talking was a JOURNALIST, NOT a member of the prosecution..”

      GRETA: “……It was this Dutch journalist that got the prosecutions office a second chance…..”




      JOSSY: re: [Persona non grata] “ …. I don’t have any legal consequences because Joran is a resident of Aruba, he can not stop him from getting there, but he wants him to know publicly and for everyone else to know that he is not welcome here, and that finally the light has come true with the government, that THIS IS THE GUY RESPONSIBLE, NOT THE AMERICAN MEDIA, NOT THE LOCAL MEDIA, HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING NEGATIVE THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ARUBA.”

      Greta: “And what is it he said about Paulus, the father……?”


      J 4 N!!!!

    126. Bob on February 8th, 2008 10:48 pm

      Perhaps as each committee kicks Paulus out, he may be relegated to the status of Pool Boy-in- Training at his son’e favorite tryst spot…..the Holiday Inn. Perhaps fish scaler at the Aqua Grill? Maybe if he plays his cards right, he can be night watchman at La Linda. They always can use a local who is able to work in the dark.

    127. A New Girl on February 8th, 2008 10:56 pm

      #121- Carl the Detective- Not to be rude, but don’t quit your day job. You really are way off with some of your theories.

      While I never ruled out murder by Joran, I emphatically believe Natalee did accidentally overdose, while it wasn’t her by her own hand. It was a mixture of alcohol poisoning in combination with whatever date-rape drugs were slipped into her drinks at Carlos N Charlies that night. Friends/classmates with her at the time said she was out of sorts, completely acting erraticly and staggered out of that nightclub.

      What the crime was here is that Joran did NOT know if at the time she went into convulsions and then passed out- if she was still alive! She was most likely just entering the first stages of a coma or just possibly could have even been just passed out after her first convulsion. His crime was making the damn decision that she WAS DEAD and then getting rid of her body like she was yesterday’s newspaper. WHAT GAVE HIM THAT RIGHT? And, it’s obvious that he panicked because he wanted to cover up the fact that he had NON-CONSENSUAL sex with her and who knows what else he did to her when she was under the influence. His other crimes would be giving false statements to police, obstruction of justice, illegal disposal of a body…the list goes on and on. Also falsely imprinsoning and implicating others for his crime and HIS LIES. Of course, Paulus VDS was involved in the cover-up afterwards. Anita VDS was away in Holland on that fateful day/night- but her crime is being in complete denial about her son and not making him come clean and tell the truth. Remember her story to the press that when she came home..she was very, very upset and had a talk with him—she said she almost didn’t believe him at first and begged him to tell the truth…she warned him he would be in big trouble if he was caught lying…yadda yadda…ANITA! You SUCK as a Mother, ok and if your head was any farther up your ass you would suffocate yourself. And last, but certainly not least….all the corruption just ran rampant in Aruba over this case.

      Back to the point which is- PAULUS VDS & JORAN VDS are GUILTY AS HELL…along with whoever took that boat out to sea with Natalee’s body and EVERY ARUBAN/OR DUTCH GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL who has aided in the cover-up during the investigation. Kalpoes also should be punished- they were THERE IN THE CAR WITH HER…so at the bare MINIMUM- they know exactly what happened that night and have kept silent all these years and denied any involvement. I do think Joran lied about how much involvement- but I wouldn’t put it past that one evil Kalpoe brother who also publicly said Natalee “was dressed like a slut” that he was either lined up for or also took sexual advantage of Natalee. All of these people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Dutch law. And they all should be sued with wrongful death suits by the Holloways.

      Heartfelt thanks go out to Jossy Mansur, Peter DeVries, Patrick Van Der Eem and the innocent citizens of Aruba who have genuinely wanted nothing more than what we all do:

      JUSTICE FOR NATALEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    128. nychic (back in tx) on February 8th, 2008 11:37 pm

      Bob – Nice List (106)

      Have You Seen The Corruption Thread In The Forum:
      (takes awhile to read it all – but worth it)

      Let Us Not Forget How Aruba Imposed A Huge Tax On All U.S. Media/Camera Equipment Entering Aruba Following The Disappearance of Natalee – A Big Factor In The Cover-Up IMO – This Continues To Make It Impossible To Broadcast Live From Aruba -

      Note To Karel:(58)
      Don’t F With Klaas – You Will Go “poof”

    129. Open a Window on February 8th, 2008 11:44 pm

      Glad to hear that Joran is not welcome in Aruba. What about the Kalpooooos? Wasn’t it Deepak who said they ALL has sex with Natalee, you wouldn’t believe how easy it was? Ask the sweaty Paulus VS how easy it was. (“Your own father!”)

      As for the boycott, count me in. I don’t care to “hurt” the average Aruban, but I value the life of my beautiful blonde teen daughters too much. We have found safe places to go. Justice for the never to be forgotten beautiful Natalee Holloway.

    130. brie on February 8th, 2008 11:44 pm

      How many times can you cry WOLF Joran….this time no one is buying it…you lied so much, a lot of what you said is the truth….the rest will come from Koen…whom I’m sure will be next in line for the hate list….supplied you with GHB as always…drug them…rape them…Freddy will do the photos and videos and you collect your money…pimps, so you call yourselves…disgusting trash, makes me puck!!!

      I guess Freddy films Anita with her see-thru blouses and descriptive underwear and he goes to what’s underneath…Anita has a thing about that….what to see my bra…how completely cruel to sit in front of Beth and describe Natalee’s panties…you are a sick swine….you never saw them…liar! How hurtful that must of been to Beth….Greta said she wanted to crawl under the table…What child would ever want their mother to look like you….you have no respect!!!

    131. disgustedmom on February 8th, 2008 11:52 pm

      What’s this about Dompig saying Joran is a great poker player?

      Joran’s friends say he sks at it. He lost at the free game and only came in 4th with Paulus’ hand. He lost 250 bucks the next night, and it has been said he stole money from his parents for his gambling debts, and best of all tourists accuse him of cheating. He is allowed to gamble underage…..hmmmm….what does all this smell like?

      Dompig covering for Joran being a plant to try to cheat tourists at casinos? Yeah, maybe Dompig is saying Joran is so good at it so no one will get wise to what’s really going on with Joran being allowed to gamble underage.


      I think there needs to be a paternity test between Paulus and Lorenzo.

    132. disgustedmom on February 8th, 2008 11:57 pm

      Did anyone catch Joran saying on tape about how he went to a casino May 30 so he could be seen on tape?

      Why did he need to be seen on tape?

    133. Betsy on February 9th, 2008 12:13 am

      he wanted to be seen doing normal things (underage gambling is ‘normal’ for him)

    134. nychic (back in tx) on February 9th, 2008 12:25 am

      To Jurine The Pig -

      Looks Like That Big Fat Compensation Check
      Won’t Be Coming In After All -

      Oh And Your Weed Growing Biz – Damn – What A Bummer Dude – Can You Even Afford It These Days ?

      Too Bad About Your Pig of A Father – He Just Got Yanked From All of His Board Positions –

      Time to Start Selling Some of Your Crap on Ebay My Friend – Oh Sorry – Wasn’t That Confiscated By The Dutch Police !

    135. Betsy on February 9th, 2008 12:51 am

      The van der Sloots are all pigs. Can we make a place for them to live on Alcatraz? We really don’t want to see their ugly mugs anymore.

      Paulus zip up your fly you fat pig. Anita lose some weight, you are disgusting. Little Sloots, you are on your way to following in Joran’s footsteps. Daddy Paulus will make sure of it.

    136. Saoirse on February 9th, 2008 2:15 am


      The Monsters’s of Montanya home in Holland has been secretly bugged!

      According to insiders, this investigation has been instituted by the Netherlands to put an end to the fraudulent investigation and massive coverup by Aruban government and legal officials.

      All conspirators have been named by The Elder Monster of Montanya and The Monster of Montanya the Younger.

      Conspiracy involvement reaches the office of The Fetid Mongrel Arawak King.

      What is new to the case is that the corruption and conspiracy reach the palace of the Nazi Queen Bea herself!

      Shporta named names.

      Tick tock – tick tock
      no more tourist at the dock.

      Boycott One Nightmare Eiland
      Boycott the Nazi Regime of the Netherlands

      Hey Shporta, make sure the rope is rated for you weight.

    137. Karel on February 9th, 2008 7:44 am

      Stay tuned…;)

    138. Karel on February 9th, 2008 9:32 am

      “What is new to the case is that the corruption and conspiracy reach the palace of the Nazi Queen Bea herself!”

      The answers are definately not here. These kind of comments just show the panic of people realizing this thing is indeed much larger and if any country is involved, it’s the US.

    139. Richard on February 9th, 2008 12:45 pm

      So Dompig praises the poker-playing prowess of Joran.

      Interesting, given that he wasn’t of age to gamble in a casino. Or drink there, for that matter.

      Had this happened in the U.S., the authorities would have taken action against the casino.

      And on Aruba?

      Well, it was reported that Posner had mob ties … according to Jossy Mansur, these same mob ties disqualified him from running a casino in Aruba. At least, that’s what the law says.

      So what happened? Reportedly, somebody made a clerical error. And for some reason, that clerical error couldn’t be corrected or reversed … so he was in!

      Wonder how much green paper had to pass hands to ensure that nothing was done about the “clerical error.”

      Carl the Detective … methinks that a reputed drug dealer like Lorenzo van Rijn would be able and willing to get Joran the necessary drugs at low or no cost. Not to mention other people.

      After all, he was one of the “Pimps.”

      Come to think of it … now that Aruba seems to be a bit more leery of PvdScum, maybe they could ask him why he took down Joran’s Web site, which was used by the “Pimps,” as soon as Joran was taken to prison.

      In SOME countries, that might be considered destruction of evidence. Not to mention a trifle unseemly by an attorney and wannabe judge.

      In some countries, anyway.

    140. Saoirse on February 10th, 2008 1:08 am

      Breaking News!

      Bad News – Global Warming Has Been Confirmed By Scientists.

      Good News – Holland Will Be Twenty Feet Under Water.

      Monster of Montanya – cyanide is painless!

    141. charlie on February 10th, 2008 8:40 am

      boycott holland if by next week theres no solution to the circus,
      holland took over the investigation, lets see if the boeren are more intelligent then the aruba police, the fbi gave up long ago,
      joran has them crazy, mind game and he is just a boy.
      who can come with solid proves ?

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