Serial Rapist: DNA Link Between Missing Brianna Denison and December Sexual Assault of University of Nevada-Reno Student


19 year old Brianna Denison has been missing since January 20, 2008, when Brianna Denison_10she went missing without a trace from a Reno, NV friends home. Blood was found on her pillow and her cell phone and purse were left behind.

Police are now saying that there is a DNA link between the missing Brianna Denison and a prior sexual assault that occurred on December 16 of a University of Nevada – Reno student. The DNA was a match. It would appear that the Reno, Nevada area has a serial rapist on their hands.

Police said Sunday a DNA link between the disappearance of a 19-year-old woman and the December sexual assault of a college student leads them to believe a sole attacker was responsible for both cases.

DNA taken from the scene where Brianna Denison was last seen Jan. 20 matches DNA gathered after the Dec. 16 sexual assault of a University of Nevada-Reno student who lived several blocks away,
police commander Ron Holladay said.

Police believe a white male in his 30s is responsible for Denison’s disappearance and the attack, Holladay said.

“Our chances of capturing the suspect are exponentially increased now because of the DNA,” he said. “He probably lives in the area. It’s still my hope that Brianna is alive, and we’re expending every resource possible to get her back safely.”

Holladay said the victim of the earlier attack was interviewed again after the DNA match was made and that a more detailed description of the suspect was developed.

That victim was abducted outside her home on Dec. 16, taken to another location and sexually assaulted, then brought home by her
Holladay said. She also was the victim of a Jan. 19 attempted burglary at her home that may be connected to the attacker, Holladay said. (KOLO-TV)

Denison abduction linked to previous case

Police are trying to establish a link from the Nov. 13 sexual assault on the female UNR student to the attempted burglary at her home in the same neighborhood.

Police described the suspect and his vehicle: A white male, 28 to 40 years old, long face with a square chin, taller than 5 feet 6 inches but not much, very strong but not with a significantly muscular build. He had a belly that was described as not excessively large and firm but not flabby, an “innie” belly button, shaved pubic region, a light covering of hair on his arms.

The man had no jewelry or wristwatch, facial hair about a quarter to a half an inch long below his chin and was soft and not prickly as stubble normally is.

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  • Comments

    16 Responses to “Serial Rapist: DNA Link Between Missing Brianna Denison and December Sexual Assault of University of Nevada-Reno Student”

    1. buster on January 28th, 2008 11:11 am

      The suspect sounds just like that guy on aruba

    2. Courtney on January 28th, 2008 1:48 pm

      Please stay positive and keep praying for Bri’s homecoming!!! BRI IS COMING HOME!!!

    3. Darnell on January 28th, 2008 3:40 pm

      I have never really followed many of these stories because they happen too often and especially in tragedy, but this story is one that i often check the net for updated information regarding bri’s disappearance that seems not to make much since to me since the police doesn’t have much of a lead. I also find it strang that if she slept with her dog he/she did not respond to anything pertaining to her “abdopting”. It really sounds as if someone else was involved the dog was either friendly etc… with everyone or friendly with the person who could of entered the house and taken Bri. Hum…Were there any form of foot steps outside the house leading to the door or away from the unlocked door? There are a lot of things in question.

      In any case i hope she is found safe and not hurt.

      Wishes go out to her family and friends.

    4. Judy on January 29th, 2008 2:42 am

      Darnell, I think you mis read something. Brianna was not sleeping with her own dog or anyone elses. One of the girls in the house was sleeping with her own dog in her locked bedroom. Apparently, she either did not hear her dog bark or the dog did not bark.

    5. brenda on January 29th, 2008 1:29 pm

      Yes, it was another young lady sleeping with her dog. We do not know all of the circumstances as to why the dog would not bark, but I have one possibility for that.

      Many people both young and old sleep with music on…sometimes rather loud music. If that is the case (I am only speculating), maybe the dog did not hear anything either. Clearly no one else in the house did!

      I wonder what the DNA evidence was they found that identified the fact the man involved was the same as the previous rape/abduction? Of course, first thought is semen,,,but maybe was only hair.

      I fear that this girl is no longer with us. I cannot fathom the abductor taking the chance of keeping her now that he is aware his DNA has been left behind. What a very, sad happening. He has had plenty of time to get her far away. Certainly he targeted her. She is so pretty and being so small (what…5’2″ and about 100 lbs??), any man would have no problem overpowering her at all.

      God bless her family.

    6. nurturer on January 29th, 2008 2:27 pm

      So, the blood found at the scene was his, not hers?

      Could mean she clipped him one. Too bad she didn’t take out an eye, and a nut.
      SM: No, if you read the entire linked article they say the blood drop found on the pillow was hers. The DNA (they aren’t saying what type of DNA) that was also found at the scene belongs to him. (klaasend)

    7. brenda on January 29th, 2008 3:51 pm

      Hey girls! Here’s something you must keep in mind. Was told by the Chief of Police when I was working in dispatch to NEVER forget you have TEETH!!!

      If ever attacked, bite the hell out of the guy…in the face or neck if possible. My plan would be to rip out his juggler if at all possible. Besides the fact he would have an injury quite difficult to hide…good change a human bite would get infected (hooray!!) Also, would leave YOUR identifying mark on the attacker (scum that is).

      It baffles me more women don’t bite when attacked. Hell, what is the first thing a dog does? You are smarter than that….

    8. da_wench on January 29th, 2008 7:13 pm

      I remember being told when I was younger NOT to fight back and you may live. BS! Not these days. Fight back with everything you have because your life absolutely depends on it. If he’s going to kill you anyway, you might as well bite, kick, stratch…whatever it takes. Hurt him and you may get away. Comply, and you’re finished!

    9. Carpe Noctem on January 29th, 2008 7:33 pm

      …and the old saying still rings true…

      “Sometimes ya feel like a nut,
      & sometimes you don’t!”

      -The Late
      J. Ritter

    10. brenda on January 30th, 2008 9:24 am

      Dear da_wench…I was told the exact opposite….to fight for your life (this too comes from my old Chief). He told me that in his nearly 40 years of working in law enforcement he has found that nearly 100% of the time, anyone who has premeditated (and I stress PREmeditated) an attack on either a man OR woman has already decided if he/she is going to or willing to kill the victim. That said….YES! Fight for your life and hurt them in any way you can.

    11. LilPuma on January 30th, 2008 12:40 pm

      If someone wants your wallet or your car, give it to them. If someone wants to take you away in their vehicle or yours, you fight like your life depends on it. It does.

    12. brenda on January 30th, 2008 1:48 pm

      Da_wench…ok…I see you point on that one.

    13. brenda on January 30th, 2008 3:30 pm

      oops!!! Meant to say LilPuma..I see your point.

      oh well, what I get for blogging at work :>/

    14. Jake on January 31st, 2008 10:09 pm

      We just got more DNA evidence linking this crime with a third that happened in November in the same area. Also on Jan 30, yet another woman reported a gunpoint sexual assault that she endured on campus on October 22. The description is similar to the other one.

      Ladies and gentlement, we have a serial rapist…

    15. Shannon on February 22nd, 2008 6:13 pm

      This is exactly why I started carrying a Taser C2. Doesn’t even look like a gun. I don’t want to fear monger anyone, but truth be told, there are scary things out there.

    16. Eva Feldman on June 16th, 2008 12:12 pm

      Shame on the University for not making women aware of the risk to them of rape and sexual assault. I believe they had an obligation under the Clery Act,Timely Warnings, to make women on this campus aware that there were previous sexual assaults on students and other women in the vicinity of this crime.

      The U.S. Dept. of Justice warned universities for more than 20 years of the significant risk to female students of rape and attempted rape. In 2000 they were warned that 1 out of 4 students (women) will be raped or experience attempted rape during their college careers but have done little to make incoming students aware of the risk to them.

      In a huge number of cases the student will know their attacker on some level and often alcohol is involved.

      If you know a student who has experienced a sexual assault please convince her to report it and to get immediate help.

      An excellent resource if you fee your University has not done their job with regard to your reporting a rape or sexual assault is or contact for assistance.

      My heart goes out to this family they are in my prayers.

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