Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Thursday, August 30, 2007 – Joseph J. Vechiarelli, 26, Pleads Guilty To “Grave Robbing”
- Dana discusses the strange crime in which the perpetrator “molested the bodies looking for jewelry.”
Visit SCAREDMONKEYSRADIO.COM to hear today’s commentary.
Posted August 30, 2007 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Deceased, Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments |
The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio – Wednesday Night at 9PM Eastern – Guests Include Ed Lozzi, Mike McIntyre, Randy Shaffer and Pastor E.J. Scott
This week’s guests include:
- Ed Lozzi – Former Publicist for the late Lana Clarkson. Music producer Phil Spector is currently on trial for her murder.
- Mike McIntyre – Host of the Mike on Crime Radio Show. Mr. McIntyre will be discussing Serial Pedophile Peter Whitmore, and other high-profile cases.
- Randy Shaffer – Father of Brian Shaffer, missing since April 2, 2006.
- Pastor E.J. Scott, author of Hurricane Katrina: The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me on the 2nd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall.
CLICK HERE to listen to this week’s show.
There’s the Ticket: Cuban Communist Leader Fidel Castro Endorses a Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama
Just what every future American President and Vice President should have … A declaration of victory from a Communist leader.
Fidel Castro, the Cuban Communist dictator since the 1959 revolution, has endorsed the Democratic ticket of Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama as a winning one. Castro stated, “they would make a winning combination”. There’s the endorsement everyone in politics is looking for. Then again after Castro has voiced his opinion, John Edwards is probably now waiting for the Hugo Chavez endorsement.
“The word today is that an apparently unbeatable ticket could be Hillary for president and Obama as her running mate,” he wrote in an editorial column on U.S. presidents published on Tuesday by Cuba’s Communist Party newspaper, Granma.
Castro: Clinton-Obama ticket ‘invincible’ … So says Castro.
Posted August 29, 2007 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Politics, Presidential Election 2008 | 12 comments |
Miss Teen South Carolina Laren Caitlan Upton Stumped by “Edumacation” Question
WOW. Although the pressure of being in the spot light can be humbling, this is a perfect reminder to always believe in your answer not just memorize it.
Miss Teen South Carolina, Lauren Caitlan Upton, found out the hard way that not all questions in beauty pageants are about world peace.
One thing is for certain, Laren Caitlan Upton, because of her gaff is now an internet You Tube sensation and is more of a house hold name than the actual winner.
The video actually brings out the very essence of the question. It was not about whether one could find the USA on a map, but more of education. The stumbling and stammering over her response kind of answered the question … didn’t it.
Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Wednesday, August 29th, 2007 – Law Enforcement Officer Loses His Life While Trying To Protect The Life of President George W. Bush
- Dana comments on the motorcycle officer Jermaine Casey’s recent tragedy
Hear today’s commentary at SCAREDMONKEYSRADIO.COM