Sara White, First There was a Runaway Bride … Now One Fakes her own Abduction


Doesn’t the following story remind us of the exploits of Jennifer Wilbanks, the runaway bride. 20 year old, bride to be, Sara White finds herself in a heap of well deserved trouble after Sara_whitefaking her own abduction to get out of an on-line internet date. Sara White faces misdemeanor charges for abusing emergency services and sending police on a wild goose chase. Approximately 60 police officers were dispatched to search for what turned out to be a hoax. Police found here at her home. With all the actual unfortunate abductions that occur every day that require the resources of law enforcement maybe states would like to change such false reporting from a misdemeanor to something with a little more teeth. 

A bride-to-be who wanted to get out of a date with a man she met on a phone chat line is in trouble with the law, but it seems her future husband is more forgiving.

Sara White is facing a misdemeanor charge of abusing emergency dispatch services for telling authorities she had been hit on the head and dragged into the trunk of a car while sitting in a Sacramento park.

White said she concocted the story Monday after agreeing to met a man — not the one she plans to marry — for a date in a Sacramento park.

Instead of going ahead with the date, she called him and told him she had been kidnapped. (CBS13)

The puzzling question still is why lie and create such an elaborate hoax just to not meet someone that you met on line? Seems a bit extreme. A misdemeanor charge may not be the only thing in Sara White’s future, therapy might be the call as well.

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  • Comments

    7 Responses to “Sara White, First There was a Runaway Bride … Now One Fakes her own Abduction”

    1. Carpe Noctem on June 9th, 2007 8:21 pm


      She really looks like she’s the life of the party! LOL

    2. MuffyBee on June 9th, 2007 11:59 pm

      Sara White should have to pay for the cost of services that were required for the search. How many resources were used for her false report, that could have been used for REAL victims? Sara White should have to do community service and pay the cost of this. There are too many missing men, women and children out there and not enough resources as it is.

    3. nurturer on June 10th, 2007 11:19 am


    4. justinsmama on June 10th, 2007 12:43 pm

      Those diagnostic wheels are turning in my head!

    5. Peaches on June 11th, 2007 7:05 am

      Send this silly woman the bill.

    6. Richard on June 11th, 2007 8:29 am

      She should be held up to contempt, but I doubt that she will be. Let her talk to the families of abducted children and hear from them how “funny” her asinine conduct is.

      Is it beyond belief to think that a predator might now target her, on the idea that she’s so discredited that police won’t respond to another such call?

    7. Dana on November 30th, 2008 5:59 pm

      I know this girl and I knew she was crazy back in High School…lol

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