Karma, Poetic Justice or Just the Inevitable? … Drunk Driver Dies in Car Crash after being let Go
Jason Stacy, 29, was ticketed for speeding but not intoxication after he had tested over the legal blood alcohol limit. Maybe this was not such a bright decision by the officer that pulled Mr. Stacy over.
Janesville police records indicate that Jason Stacy, 29, was seen speeding and driving erratically downtown shortly after 1 a.m.
According to an analysis of police records by WISC-TV in Madison, Stacy was stopped and given a Breathalyzer test that indicated a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 percent. The legal limit in Wisconsin is 0.08.
Stacy was ticketed for imprudent speed and failing to stay in the center of his lane. The officer didn’t arrest Stacy but did prevent him from driving until a friend picked him up, the television station reported. (AP)
A little under 3 hours later at 3:45am Jason Stacy’s car hit a tree, burst into flames, and killed him. At least he was driving alone and no one else was injured. Why do I sense a law suit coming by the family? Some one is about to try and cash in for this man’s irresponsible and bad behavior. Even though the police should have arrested him for “our” safety.
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7 Responses to “Karma, Poetic Justice or Just the Inevitable? … Drunk Driver Dies in Car Crash after being let Go”
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What if he wipes out a family as I have seen happen before.You lock him up for a while,PERIOD
While the police should have arrested him, I’m glad he didn’t kill anyone else. I have a problem with putting all the blame on the cop, though. We need to take responsibility for our own actions.
You’re right, he should have been arrested for OUR safety. Liency toward lawbreakers needs to stop.
I heard on the news today that the panel that is investigating the murders at VA Tech was denied access to school records of the murderer (who in case anyone doesn’t know was a student at VA Tech as were all those killed either students or professors there). The panel’s task is to find out how this happened so they can determine ways they might prevent such things from happening again. It would seem to me the murderer’s school records (which we already know includes suggestion that he see a shrink) would be imperative to the panel’s purpose; but no, his privacy needs to be protected.
I understand we all have rights to privacy, but I think once a crime is committed your rights to privacy should go out the window.
Actually the officer did nothing wrong. He called and waited for a friend to pick the guy up. Happens every day in every city/town in the country. The friend should be on the hot seat, unless he drove the guy home and put him in his house. Then the dead guy is just another dead drunk.
Unless the guy continued to drink, he should have been below the legal limit 2 1/2 hours later. So while I think he should have been arrested for the safety of the public, I am not sure that the police officer should be held responsible.
Can we not wait for toxicology reports before comdemning a dead man?
There is other reasons why he may have blew a .12. Maybe he only had one drink about 10 mins before being pulled over? And your right maybe after he got pulled over he went to eat and by the 3 hour mark when he wrecked he was not even drunk at that point, just driving insanely crazy or had a blowout etc. Out of the respect for the family please dont think he was a horrible person when we dont know the whole story yet.
RIP Jason
I have no problem not condeming a dead stupid man who even **if** not legally drunk when he died WAS drinking drunk earlier.
I DO have a problem with the police officer NOT arresting him for breaking the law. Unless it is policy that ALL drunk drivers are allowed to call for rides then this should not have happened and in this instance a lawsuit should be filed. If it is policy, what the hell?