Kentucky Couple, Charles Hope Jr. and Amber Revlett Accused of Selling Kid for Cash

Once arrested the Kentucky couple, Charles Hope Jr and Amber Revlett, accused of selling their kid for cash claim it was a joke.

OWENSBORO, Ky. (AP) — A couple are charged with trying to sell a 15-month-old girl for $3,000 and a sport-utility vehicle.

Charles G. Hope Jr., 32, and Amber M. Revlett, 26, both of Owensboro, planned to use the money to pay off his fines for previous criminal charges, said Daviess County Sheriff’s Lt. Bill Thompson. They were arrested Friday.

Thompson said it started out Wednesday as a joke between the couple and two women, but it became apparent that Hope and Revlett weren’t kidding.

Hardly seems like a joking matter, nor the truth.

“They said something to (Revlett) about giving us $500 for temporary custody to take her to New Mexico and I said, ‘Well, give me $3,000 and your truck,’” Hope said. “The next thing I know, I’m sitting here accused of trying to sell my kid … . I know they don’t think I’m serious, they just want her.”

Posted March 24, 2007 by
Bizarre, Child Welfare, Crime | 3 comments

What Do 6th Graders Know that Al Gore Doesn’t? Global Warming … Humans aren’t to blame.

Kids say the most amazing things … Humans aren’t to blame for global warming.Al_Gore_map

This is a perfect example of what education should be. Allowing a debate to be just that, a debate. Also, allowing students to think for themselves presented with ideas and facts vs. having a political agenda forced on them as the gospel.

Global warming was on trial at Trail Ridge Middle School and the verdict was … Humans don’t cause global warming. What a great lesson for Al Gore and the Left to witness, a debate where others are not demonized as heretics for having an opposing view point. Isn’t it amazing what can happen when individuals are allowed to debate issues without person attacks. This is a civics lesson that all students and adults should learn from of all ages.

“The earth has warmed and cooled over many years. If it’s caused by CO2, why haven’t the charts shot up?” Poppe’s son and lead prosecutor Caleb argued during a rebuttal.

In a climax that sent half the class to its feet and forced the judge to call for order, opponent Monique Nem slapped a contradictory graph onto the prosecution’s table.

“We’ve proven you wrong! The CO2 levels have shot up,” she said.

The jury responded more warmly, however, to Caleb Poppe’s response: The graphic cited a Hawaiian source; Hawaii has volcanoes; volcanoes emit CO2.

Check out the two sides closing arguments and hear whether this doesn’t sound like the familiar fact vs emotional argument that is overly perverted by political agendas today of adults.

In closing arguments, Alexia Hegy said global temperatures actually decreased in the 1960’s, while the global population rose. Humans cannot be at fault, she concluded.

With the final word, defense attorney Sarah Steed countered: “It all comes back to us, the people — not the sun, not the weather. We need to turn off lights when we don’t need them. Bikes can work. The environment can be richer.”

Palaeontology teacher Ken Poppe who conducted this debate should be commended and given a teacher of the year award. He presented the issue for the debate and actually allowed his class to think and debate for themselves without what has become all too common “leftist” teacher tactics. Some parents were worried when this topic was to be debated as they feared it would be the same old “brain washing” techniques regarding global warming.

“What I think is not the issue. It’s what the students dig up and how they present the case,” Poppe said.

Only one parent questioned Poppe’s decision to hold a global warming debate. That mother expected him to present Al Gore’s global warming movie “An Inconvenient Truth” as indisputable facts, Poppe said. After he explained his neutrality in the classroom, the mom allowed her child to participate in the debate, he said. (Longmont FYI)

Aminopterin, A Rat Poison, May Be Culprit in the Menu Foods Food Recall

For those following the Menu Foods Pet Food recall, the substance that is making so many of the pets ill has been found by scientists. The substance, aminopterin, is a rat poison that may have been in some Chinese wheat that had the aminopterin sprayed on it to kill rats.

The most common side effect is kidney failure that is affecting many pets as we have previously reported. The official death toll is 15, but a noted Vet has been tracking the cases and has found 241 deaths with more to be expected.

The good news is that by knowing what is causing the illnesses, Veterinarians will be able to treat the symptoms better for the pets who have eaten the tainted products.

Read more

Posted March 23, 2007 by
Main | 15 comments

The Stories are Flying as to How Anna Nicole Smith Died,Toxic Level of Sleep Medication is the Word

The autopsy is supposed to be finally released on this coming Monday as to the cause of Anna_Nicole_Smithdeath of Anna Nicole Smith according to a press conference from Medical Examiner, Dr. Joshua Perper . Its about time, its not like they have not had the results for weeks. The buzz and rumors out their is that Anna Nicole Smith died of a lethal and toxic level of sleep medication, chloral hydrate.

At therapeutic doses (and without the introduction of alcohol and other depressants), chloral produces few negative side effects and is competent in promoting sleep. Although chloral hydrate is still encountered today, its use has declined with the introduction of other barbiturates.

Chloral hydrate info

Toxic level of sleeping medication? Blood infections? Non-sterile needles? 105 degree temperature? Didn’t Anna Nicole Smith pay people to handle her?

Anna Nicole Smith died of a lethal level of a potent sleep medication, but she had a raging blood infection that could have killed her had she not overdosed, an exclusive report revealed yesterday.

Smith took the speedy sleep-inducer chloral hydrate, which is sometimes used in “date rape” drugs, the night of Feb. 7 and never woke up, according to a joint investigation by sister publications the National Enquirer and the Star.

In its most stunning disclosure, the report says Smith’s life might have been saved had she simply gone to a hospital rather than treating her severe fever, nausea and other infection symptoms on her own. (Daily News)


Publications are also stating that Anna Nicole Smith’s infection that caused a 105 degree temperature was apparently caused from a non-sterlized needle. All this under the steady care of Howard K. Stern. Maybe Howard K. Stern can explain what was the importance of having Anna Nicole Smith get on a plane so ill and why he left her alone in a hotel room. Maybe a doctor or a hospital might have been the answer? You really took care of her well, didn’t you?

The ENQUIRER learned that just before she left the Bahamas for Florida on February 5, three days before she died, Anna Nicole received an injection in her left buttock.

Tests did not reveal what that substance was.

“As she boarded the plane for Miami, Anna Nicole developed a painful abscess at the site of the injection,” said a source with knowledge of the case. “The needle wasn’t sterile. The pain kept getting worse as the abscess got larger and larger very quickly.” (Star Magazine)

Read more at some other celeb sites:

Daily Commentary – Friday March 23rd, 2007 – The Smokin’ Judge

Dana discusses the actions of:

  • The Smokin’ Judge

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