St. Louis Election Fraud or The ACORN Does Not Fall Far From the Tree

When you hear the term election fraud, you tend to think of the terms hanging chads or other tripe the democrats throw around claiming the republicans stole this or that election. Well folks, I hate to inform you, but the Democrats are knee deep in voter fraud, they just bring people back from the dead, get the underage, and provide van loads of people that take their walking around money and visit many different polling stations throughout election day.

And in St. Louis, the group ACORN got stone cold busted this time. Just like they have neen in Ohio, Minnesota, North Carolina and Virginia in past years.

At least 1,500 potentially fraudulent registration cards were turned in by the St. Louis branch of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, leading up to Wednesday’s registration deadline for the Nov. 7 election, said Kim Mathis, chairwoman of the St. Louis City Board of Election Commissioners.
Invalid registrations solicited by ACORN workers included duplicate or incomplete ones, a 16-year-old voter, dead people registering, and forged signatures, Mathis said.
“Fifteen hundred may not sound like a lot, but it is a big deal and it disenfranchises the election process,” she said. “It’s time someone be prosecuted. There’s a lot of taxpayer dollars being wasted on this.” via Yahoo! News

Now lets hope the federal government has the nerve to prosecute these people who committed the election fraud and send them to jail.

The Gateway Pundit has more information including how 16 members of ACORN have been sentenced for election fraud since 2004.

Posted October 12, 2006 by
Politics | 13 comments

Charity Navigator – An Honest Way to Give

Charity_navigatorAs the  Christmas season approaches, the telemarketers and mailed solicitations will start rolling in and leave the average American asking this question. Who should I give my donations to this year?

There is a web site that can help, Charity Navigator. This site covers the charity world, giving you information on the most effective and worst charities out there. It also lets you look up the charity that you were wondering whether to donate to.

We have used this site in the past and recommend it you for the upcoming Chistmas season.

Posted October 11, 2006 by
Charity | 4 comments

It’s The Economy, Stupid

As we head into the midterm elections, the stories that the press are covering are screaming at us. Failure in Iraq, Foleygate, Corruption on Capitol Hill, and North Korea  are blasted at us. But have you seen this simple fact reported anywhere?


Even the Federal government is having a hard time capturing these facts. Did you know that the Dow Industrial Average is at record highs? The deficit is dropping like a rock (The Congressional Budget Office estimated last week the deficit would be $250 billion)? That we had a correction in the jobs report, and now they found 810,000 more jobs that were created in the past year  than were reported?

And two surprises were in the report. The document also announced that an extra 62,000 jobs were created in the prior two months, bringing the total number of new payroll jobs to 113,000.More important, tucked away on a back page, was the preliminary announcement that our economy had created 810,000 more payroll jobs over the period April 2005 to March 2006 than had been thought. via the NY Sun

Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but you would think that the media would be working hard to make sure that the democrats won the midterm election. Read more

Posted October 11, 2006 by
Bloggers, Media, Politics | 8 comments

“UN”believable … Mexico Might Take Fence (American Border Security) Dispute to the UN

“UN”-believable that the Mexican government would even think to take the matter of US border security to the United Nations. How “UN”imaginable that the UN is going to decide US police.  The most useless and ineffective group of individuals ever assembled who live the high life in NYC while many other their own people live in poverty.  News flash Mexico … you nor the UN have any say over a sovereign nations right to defend itself and protect its borders. If the UN even thinks that they will hear such a plea, can we toss them out of this country once and for all and utilize that NYC address for something productive.

Mexico’s foreign secretary said Monday the country may take a dispute over U.S. plans to build a fence on the Mexican border to the United Nations.

The Mexican government last week sent a diplomatic note to Washington criticizing the plan for 700 miles of new fencing along the border. President-elect Felipe Calderon also denounced the plan, but said it was a bilateral issue that should not be put before the international community.

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Posted October 10, 2006 by
Main | 39 comments

Runway Bride, Jennifer Wilbanks Sues her ex-fiance John Mason for $500,000

She’s baaack … File this one under the category of “Only in America”. Or better stated, where there’s a Jennifer Wilbankslawyer there’s a lawsuit waiting to happen. Jennifer Wilbanks, the infamous runaway bride, who lead police and officials on a wild goose chase in April of 2005 searching for her only to find out she purposely disappearance is suing her ex-fiance. So in a bizarre twist of fate, the would be bride who ran off from the wedding is accusing her ex-fiance of running off with the money. Truth is stranger than fiction, you just can’t make this stuff up.

Lawsuit filed in Gwinnett County Superior Court

Wilbanks, who became known internationally as the “runaway bride,” alleges in a lawsuit filed in Gwinnett County that while she was hospitalized and under medication after returning to Atlanta, fiancà © John Mason obtained a power of attorney, which allowed him to handle Wilbanks’ finances.

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Posted October 10, 2006 by
Bizarre, Judicial | 39 comments

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