Friends Eulogize UVM College Student Michelle Gardner-Quinn

Friends, family and fellow UVM college students packed UVM’s Ira Allen Chapel in Burlington, VT to Michelle Gardner-Quinn3eulogize 21 year old Michelle Gardner-Quinn. A sad conclusion to yet another crime in a college campus setting.

With her parents, sister and brother sitting in the front row Sunday, the Rev. Sue Marie Baskette, a campus minister, spoke of Gardner-Quinn’s love of nature.

“We are angry and wanting to shout and scream at the top of our lungs. Why? Why, God, why? Yet there is no answer, only the stinging reminder of our frail existence here on earth,” Baskette said. (WCBS-TV)

Michelle Gardner-Quinn Remembered

Hundreds gathered at UVM’s Ira Allen Chapel Sunday night to share their memories of Michelle Gardner-Quinn, and to celebrate the life of the student who loved music, nature, and yoga. 

UVM’s Campus Minister, Rev. Sue Marie Baskette, presided over the memorial service. “In the time Michelle was in Burlington, she made many, many friends,” said Rev. Baskette. (WCAX News 3)

Posted October 15, 2006 by
Crime | 20 comments

White House Upbeat About Upcoming Midterm Elections for Republicans

Among the panic within the Republican Party regarding the upcoming midterm elections, the White House and Karl Rove appear more optimistic.

Some Republicans on Capitol Hill are bracing for losses of 25 House seats or more. But party operatives say Rove is predicting that, at worst, Republicans will lose only 8 to 10 seats — shy of the 15-seat threshold that would cede control to Democrats for the first time since the 1994 elections and probably hobble the balance of Bush’s second term.

In the Senate, Rove and associates believe, a Democratic victory would require the opposition to “run the table,” as one official put it, to pick up the necessary six seats — a prospect the White House seems to regard as nearly inconceivable. (Washington Post)

One thing is for certain, I am not buying the polls that state that Allen and Webb are in a virtual tie for the Virginia Senate race. I am more apt to go with the Rasmussen Polls that have been proven time in and time out as the more accurate polling source, Allen 49% Webb 43%.

Posted October 15, 2006 by
Politics, Polls | one comment

A Tale of Two Disgraced Congressmen … Mark Foley & Gerry Studds … Amazing what a Party Affiliation Does for you

It is simply amazing how two political parties and the media both look at people who have basically committed the same act. Actually one Congressmen’s actions were far worse, but both reprehensible. However, one gets praise while the other get condemnation. Too bad both did not get the same treatment and asked to leave the US Congress in permanent disgrace. However, thats the double standard that exists when one has a (R) or (D) in front of their name.

Former Democratic Congressman Gerry Studds passed away over the weekend and was regaled, even though he has actual sex with a Page not just emails. Amazing what a “D” does for you.

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Posted October 15, 2006 by
Media, Politics | 4 comments

Murder Charges likely Against Hans Reiser despite missing body of Nina Reiser

It appears that murder charges will be filed against the estranged husband of missing Nina Nina ReiserReiser. Hans Reiser will be charged that he killed his estranged wife, Nina, prosecutors will be moving forward even though her body hasn’t been found. So much for “no body, no crime”

When Hans Reiser appears in an Oakland courtroom today on charges that he killed his estranged wife, Nina, prosecutors will be moving forward even though her body hasn’t been found.

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Posted October 15, 2006 by
Crime, Missing Persons | 6 comments

Shawn Bentler, 22, Arrested … Son Suspected As 5 in Iowa Family Slain

Shawn Bentler, 22, was arrested Saturday on an unrelated charge of possession of drug paraphernalia. However, Shawn Bentler is also a suspect in the murder of three high school girls and their parents.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP)  Three high school girls and their parents were found dead Saturday morning at their home in eastern Iowa, and the couple’s son was arrested in Illinois and considered a suspect, officials said.

Parents Michael Bentler, 53, and Sandra Bentler, 47, were found dead with their daughters Sheena Bentler, 17, Shelby Bentler, 15, and Shayne Bentler, 14, Van Buren County authorities said.

Posted October 14, 2006 by
Crime | no comments

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