American Tourist Had Date Rape Drug Slipped into Drink in Bermuda Bar … Tourists Beware

Female tourists beware. It can happen within seconds. It can happen when your head isRohypnol turned for the briefest of moments. It can even happen if the bartender is the one who spikes your drink with a date rape drug. Thus was the case in Bermuda just recently when an American tourist was slipped a date rape drug in her drink. However, she lived to tell about it and was one of the fortunate few had more than just hazy memories and nothing to tell police.

A warning about the dangers of date rape drugs was issued last night as it emerged that a woman had a narrow escape after her drink was apparently spiked. The scare, which happened at the weekend, saw an American tourist rescued by friends who feared her drink had been laced at a Hamilton city bar. Despite only drinking half, she was left with no control over her body – and her limbs “felt like lead”. Penny Dill, executive director at the Women’s Resource Centre, yesterday urged women to be on their guard and warned – “It could happen again.” She added: “Watch your drink, do not accept drinks from people you don’t know. Even if you do know them, be extremely careful.” The tourist, in her 20s and now back in the US after visiting friends in Bermuda on vacation, had the lucky escape at about 1.30 a.m. on Saturday.

Roofies drink2

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Posted October 17, 2006 by
Crime, Travel | 47 comments

Amber Alert Issued for 10 Month old Saige Terrell from Henderson, KY

Amber alert

Kentucky police have issued an AMBER ALERT for 10 month old Saige Terrell from Henderson, KY. A state social worker was found dead at the home of Renee Terrell. The victim was been identified as Boni Frederick, 67, of Morganfield, KY.

For more details and descriptions go to Missing & Exploited.

Larry Sanger to create a new and Better Wiki … new version called “Citizendium”

Larry Sanger, one of the original creators of Wikipedia will be creating a new on line competitor … Citizendium. Sanger has become one of Wiki’s fiercest critics. Frankly, I do not blame him for the criticism. The partisan and subjective editing that takes place these days on Wiki makes it nothing more than a “club house” joke.

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Posted October 17, 2006 by
Bloggers, Internet, Media | one comment

Daily Commentary: Dana Pretzer – Tuesday October 17th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • Shift Work
  • Upcoming Show with Larry Garrison, Wednesday at 9 pm
  • Talk Radio
  • John Mark Karr

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site or download the podcast here. Running Time —  2 minutes 17 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries.

Posted October 17, 2006 by
Main, Podcast | 13 comments

WOW, How much Did CBS Pay for the Perky Katie Couric to come in Third Place?

CBS was all smiles when they signed Katie Couric away from the NBC “Today Show” to Katie Couricbecome the first news woman anchor of a network evening newscast. That coup came with a expensive price tag. CBS has gone out on an all out marketing blitz to promote Couric. It appears that it may have been all for nothing. CBS News  is right back in the cellar.

Couric is earning $15 million to $16 million a year under the contract she signed in 2001 and CBS is expected to exceed that. The domino effect of her decision will clearly impact all three networks. (Washington Post)

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Posted October 17, 2006 by
Media | 5 comments

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