Paul Mc Cartney & Heather Mills Divorce Battle getting a bit Nasty

Well Paul Mc Cartney and Heather Mills will not be singing a duo of “We Can Work it Out” anytime soon. The divorce battle between ex-Beatle Mc Cartney and Mills is in full knock down drag out mode. It was reported in papers filed with the court that “portray him as a ‘vindictive’ man who once tried to choke her and even attacked her while she was pregnant”. What creates a situation so fierce? How about a  £1 billion divorce battle.

The claims in Heather’s court papers

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Posted October 18, 2006 by
Bizarre, Celebrity, Media, Personal | 17 comments

Here it Begins, The Internet attacked from Both Sides … Private lawsuits and FBI

It was only a matter of time following the landmark purchase of YouTube by Google that lawsuits would follow in the video sharing on-line world. The first is Universal suing

In separate lawsuits, Universal alleged that – recently acquired by Sony Pictures Entertainment – and had built up traffic by encouraging users to share music videos from its artists without their permission. In one incident, it claimed a video for the Mariah Carey song “Shake it Off” was viewed more than 50,000 times on Grouper without the company’s permission.

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Daily Commentary: Dana Pretzer – Wednesday October 18th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • Kitten Abuse 
  • John Mark Karr On Greta and Larry King
  • Upcoming Show with Larry Garrison, Wednesday at 9 pm

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site or download the podcast here. Running Time – 2 minutes 20 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries.

Hillary Rodham Clinton Finally Admits she was not named after Sir Edmund Hillary of Mt Everest Fame … Really?

Really? Hillary Rodham Clinton was not named after the man who conquered Mount Everest Sir_Edmund_Hillaryas she has claimed for so many years. Say it isn ’t so. Not like any of us in the blogosphere didn’t know about that lie early on. Everyone knows that on May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal became the first human beings to conquer Mount Everest.

For more than a decade, Sen. Clinton’s informal biography repeated the story, and it was recounted in former President Bill Clinton’s 2004 autobiography, “My Life.”

The problem with the tale, however, is one of timing. Sir Edmund and his Sherpa guide, Tenzing Norgay, became known to the world only in 1953, after becoming the first men to reach Everest’s summit. Sen. Clinton was born in 1947. (World Net Daily)

So how exactly does Hillary Diane Rodham born on October 26, 1947 get named after a man who the world came to know some 6 years later? Now its one thing to humor your Hillary Clinton liesmother with this cute and inspiring fable; however, why would Hillary Clinton continue to tell the same story over and over knowing that it was impossible to have occurred? Don’t they tell us that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the smartest woman in America? So Hillary cannot tell the truth as to the origin of her name, something as simple as that. What else is a fabrication? Next thing you know Hillary is going to tell us that her family was named after Dennis Rodman. Oh that’s an “m” and an “n” not an “h” and an “m” … nevermind.

Years after alternative media pointed out the virtual impossibility, Sen. Hillary Clinton finally has admitted she was not named for the famous conqueror of Mount Everest, Sir Edmund Hillary.

The New York Times, which repeated the claim as fact in a story just one week ago, reported Sen. Clinton’s campaign issued a correction yesterday.

Beth Twitty asked to Talk at the Crystal Cathedral and the Hour of Power with Dr. Schuller


Drs. Schuller I & II

When talking with Beth Twitty this past Friday in Kansas before leaving, I asked what was she up to next and where was her next speaking engagement. To my surprise Beth was on the way to California to speak at the Crystal Cathedral during the “Hour of Power” program with Dr. Schuller. I mentioned to Beth that I grew up on this show with Dr. Schuller on Sundays when the snow accumulations made it impossible to leave the house during the winter to attend church. This is truly an amazing place to speak as there are nearly 3000 worshipers for Sunday services.


Beth Twitty spoke during the “Hour of Power” program this past Sunday. From what I understand it will be aired this coming Sunday in its syndicated times. Beth Twitty discusses her faith and how it has helped her through the disappearance of Natalee and the fight to continue to search for answers as well as help others.


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