Joint Court of Justice for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba … Oxymoron?

The battle for the future of the Joint Court of Justice for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba rages on. The power struggle, autonomy and who will play what roll is at question. One thing is for certain as outsiders look on; Aruba still do not get it. These days to reference justice and Aruba in the same sentence makes ones eyes role. Justice is supposed to be blind, not purposely bias and playing favorites.

The Natalee Holloway-case is still in the back of the Aruban government’s mind when it comes to taking a position on the future judicial system.  According to a source inside the committee, the government has not yet forgotten the criticism that it received on its own judiciary at that time.  If the Aruban administration of justice becomes a matter of the kingdom, the accusations that the judges are not independent will then relate to the judiciary of the entire Kingdom and no longer just to Aruba, says the source. (Amigoe)

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Posted October 19, 2006 by
Aruba, Judicial, Natalee Holloway | 29 comments

Daily Commentary: Dana Pretzer – Thursday October 19th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • Larry Garrison Recap
  • Training Police Officers

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site or download the podcast here. Running Time – 2 minutes 20 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Scared Monkeys Radio: The Dana Pretzer Show – Special Guest Larry Garrison

The Dana Pretzer Show – Special Guest Larry Garrison 9:00PM

The NewsBreaker


(Click on icon to listen live)

Dana will open up the phones at 8:30PM

Call in with your questions: Toll free number 1-877-842-7884

Posted October 18, 2006 by
Bloggers, Media | 20 comments

TAG Now Outlawed in Schools … whats next Dodgeball???

That recess right of passage known as “tag” is now being outlawed at Willett Elementary DangerSignSchool in Attleboro, MA. What’s next Dodgeball? Woops that’s right it was already banned, too exclusionary and dangerous. Now “tag” is being deemed to dangerous that it will cause injury or the dreaded liability that the school will meet in a lawsuit. We are not talking laser tag, just simply school ground tag. Where does the madness end?


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Posted October 18, 2006 by
Child Welfare, Education, WTF | 19 comments

Isn’t This Interesting,Gottenbos MySpace account claims that Aruban friend of Joran Van der Sloot living in GA is wide open to the internet public and so too appears to be the following that was located on the popular networking site. According to the information on the the MySpace site of allegedly Sander Gottenbos, he lives in in USA in Hoschton, GA.

Sander Gottenbos provided witness statements in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway; however, his older brother Koen seems to have not found the courage to do so.

Hat Tip: Klaas


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