Oduber still met with Nicolai: To be a Fly on the Wall in that Meeting between Aruba & The Netherlands

As reported yesterday, All is not well in paradise between Aruba and the Netherlands, FLY_ON_THE_WALLhowever, Aruban Prime Minister Nelson Oduber and Dutch minister of Kingdom Relations Atzo Nicolaà ¯ will meet after all.

The Dutch minister of Kingdom Relations Atzo Nicolaà ¯ (VVD) visits Aruba today.  Despite all the tension between the Netherlands and Aruba, a meeting with amongst others premier Nelson Oduber (MEP) was on the agenda.  “It took a lot of effort, but I am pleased that the two are talking again:, said Rens Knecht, Representative of the Netherlands in Aruba.

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Posted October 24, 2006 by
Aruba, Economy, Politics, World | 68 comments

51% of Mexicans Against Increased Illegal Immigration

Sneaking_across_borderThat is, increased illegal immigration from those coming into Mexico from their southern border with other Central American countries. It seems the Mexicans are getting fed up with the amount of undocumented workers coming into their country from the south and want their government to increase patrolling the borders.

A poll (link in Spanish) published by the news paper El Universal shows that 50% of interviewed Mexicans are in favor of redoubling the police security in the border with 51% of the Mexicans wanting immigration with Central American citizens to the country to diminish, according to a survey published Monday by the newspaper El Universal. In the USA, 39% think the same in regards to total immigration. via Silent Running

Yet, if we in the United States want to build a border fence, we are racist xenophobes? Give me a break and build the fence. When we get ours done, we can send the crews down to Southern Mexico and help them with their fence.

Hattip Instapundit

Posted October 24, 2006 by
Illegal Immigration | 5 comments

Daily Commentary – Tuesday October 24th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • Midterm Election
  • Politicians Respect For the Process

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site or download the podcast here. Running Time – 1 minutes 45 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

November 1, 2006 Hearing for Deepak & Satish Kalpoe … Coincidence or Continued Cover Up?

On the eve of a new Dutch Cold Case Police team taking over the investigation into the Aruba deepakdisappearance we now learn that Deepak & Satish Kalpoe have a November 1, 2006 hearing to determine whether they will still be suspects. The Kalopoe’s are looking to be released as suspects in the same manner as Paulus Van der Sloot was. So why now? One thing is for certain, Aruba thought its tourism was down now? The release of Deepak and Satish Kalpoe as suspects after reading their statements will all but destroy what is left of Aruba’s tourism.  A single digit decline based off of last years poor numbers will be turned into double digits. Keep it up Aruba. Haiti will become more of an island destination if you keep your nonsense up.

David Kock – You know that was the date that was set by the judge because it’s been some time now that we already solicited the judge to instruct the DA either to proceed with the case and set the date for the trial or to dismiss the case. Because these people cannot be held in that situation not knowing what is happening we’re about 17 months later and there are really no new developments in the case.

It is hard to imagine that a judge would dismiss two or the three prime suspects in the Aruba satishdisappearance of Natalee Holloway as a new Dutch police team takes over the case. However, this is Aruba and what is black is white and vice-versa.

Dave Holloway – He mentioned something about funny that things happen that’s very coincidental that they are setting dates to get dismissed just when the Dutch are coming in and investigate it quite coincidental. A lot of things have been coincidental in this case by the way.

Megyn Kendall – At this point I got to image you have next to no or no faith in the Aruba courts. What do you expect to happen Dave what do you think this money is on.

Dave Holloway – Well I would hope that they would not allow for them to be freed. But if I was banking on it, based on what’s happened in the past it’s a possibility that they will be released.

The Line Up with Megyn Kendall – 10/22/06  (transcript)

You can also listen to Dave Holloway from The Scared Monkeys radio network  (48:40 mark of the podcast) discussing the situation as well.

President George W. Bush to Discuss Thriving Economy Prior to Midterm Elections

President George W. Bush will address the economy and its its recent positive economic Economy_upnews. The Bush haters and White House critics can spin all they want; however, the two most important facts of why we elect a President and a political party in Congress are based upon “safety/homeland security” and “the economy”. 

Let’s just have some honesty about the situation. 15 days out of a midterm election, all is not what the MSM and Democrats are saying.

Democrats have cried from the roof tops that we are not any safer today than we were before 9/11, yet they cannot point to one instance of an attack on the US. Democrats have complained of the economy, yet it is in better shape than when Clinton was in office. Democrats have criticized the Patriot Act and the program that allows the US to listen on telephone calls of potential terrorists calling abroad. They have criticized a fence between Mexico and the US. What is most telling is the MSM and the Democrats certainly brushed over the US/Britain Airplane plot that was prevented due to great work to prevent terrorism against the US. Democrats have criticized an economy that sees more home ownership than ever before and a stock market based on solid financials, not speculation.

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Posted October 23, 2006 by
Economy, Politics, War on Terror | 43 comments

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