Daily Commentary – Wednesday October 25th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • Jeffrey Lundgren and the Death Penalty

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site or download the podcast here. Running Time —  1 minutes  45 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Posted October 25, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | 4 comments

Hollywood Celebs Guzzling Gas … I drive a Hybrid, Pay no attention to my Private Jet

Now how typical is this? Hollywood pretending to be one thing, when in fact its just an Hollywoodappearance. Guess that’s why they call them actors.

Hybrid cars are all the rage in Hollywood. Celebrities drive them like they’re a badge of honor. You save a few gallons of gas, you save the planet. Right? Well, not when you hop on a private jet and burn enough fuel to propel NASCAR through 2050.

Why does this come as no surprise to any of us? Those that complain the most, usually are guilty themselves or are describing themselves. That little fact works for all facets of life and people.

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Posted October 25, 2006 by
Celebrity, Energy, Hollywood | 2 comments

Cindy Sheehan is all About Free Speech … Except When its About her … Then its about Suing

“These people are using our tragedy for profit,” she charged. “They always accuse me of exploiting Casey’s death for profit, and what are they doing?” Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan

Did Cindy Sheehan just admit profiting from her son’s death in the above comment? What is most amazing is the hypocrisy of Ms Sheehan. She is allowed to circumnavigate the globe protesting a war, the Bush Administration and everything in-between. Sheehan meets with dictators and embraces Hugo Chavez, then denigrates the USA. All this is fine and falls under free speech.  However, when it comes to other practicing their free speech, she suddenly has a problem. What does anyone do he wants to prevent someone else’s free speech? Sue of course.

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Midterm Elections Look like they are a Toss Up Again, Did Democrats Celebrate Too Early?

With the 2006 Mid-term elections getting closer, so are the polls. The once insurmountable and some what skewed lead in House and Senate seats for Democrats known as the “blue wave” has dwindled. What, the Democrats overplaying their hand, never. There is one thing to keep in mind when the actual election dates draws closer when it comes to polls. Even polls that purposely skew results have to maintain a more realistic result as a poll is judged on its effectiveness in predicting the actual voting outcome. No one gives any credibility to a poll that is consistently wrong.

The latest polls show something very strange and quite encouraging is happening: The Republican base seems to be coming back home. This trend, only vaguely and dimly emerging from a variety of polls, suggests that a trend may be afoot that would deny the Democrats control of the House and the Senate. (VOTE.com)

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Posted October 24, 2006 by
Politics, Polls | 3 comments

New David Zucker Commercial Takes On Taxation

David Zucker, know for as the creator of the Airplane movies, has come out with a new advertisement taking on the tax and spend prowess of the Democratic Party.

Be afraid, be very afraid.


Posted October 24, 2006 by
Politics | 8 comments

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