Don’t Get Sick Aboard a Crusie Ship … Just ask Yvonne Boike & Nick Panos (Travel Insurance, what Travel Insurance?)

The incredible stories of what can occur on cruise ships continue. If a cruise ship vacation is Panoswithout incident, one needs to consider themselves luck. Such was not the case for Yvonne Boike and her fianci, Nick Panos.

It all started when Nick Panos woke up six days into his cruise sick to his stomach and coughing up blood. Little did he realize that it would get worse, much worse. Vacation planning can no longer be taken for granted.

Panos asked if they could delay until the cruise reached Greece, where he had friends.

No, said the doctor.

They asked whether Boike could remain aboard since she wasn’t sick.

She couldn’t.

Read more

Posted November 6, 2006 by
Bizarre, Cruise Ship, Travel | 15 comments

Daily Commentary – Monday November 6th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • The Case For Saddam Hussien’s Death Sentence 

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site to download or listen to the podcast here. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Dana Pretzer Show – Sunday Night at 9 PM Eastern

Tonight Sunday at 9pm et “Dana Pretzer Show”
Scared Monkeys Radio

1st Guest – Joseph O’Donnell from Investigative Management Group. Are we safer today then we were Sept 10th 2001? What Is A Terrorist ?

2nd Guest – Glenna Trout – Expert In Face Reading. A new technique to assist law enforcement in solving crime. Also she reads yours truly. Its very interesting. Her web page is

Update: To listen to the show online or download the podcast, click here.

Posted November 5, 2006 by
Scared Monkeys Radio | 3 comments

Massive Rally in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez opponent, Presidential Candidate Manuel Rosales

It does not appear that all in Venezuela agree with Hugo Chavez. Hundreds of thousands of Venezsupporters turned out to support the opposition presidential candidate Manuel Rosales. Obviously Chavez is up in the polls. Many think that Hugo Chavez has created black lists and is using voter intimidation. Chavez would use any fear tactic to remain in power. Its worked for him so far. Venezuela’s only hope for any type of future is to rid themselves of Chavez. Unfortunately, dictators have a way of winning elections. Wonder how democratic a process this will really be?

“Rosales is our last hope to prevent this country from becoming another Cuba,” said 53-year-old engineer Antonio Romero, who marched with his family carrying Venezuelan flags.

Rosales promises to end Chavez’s confrontation with the Bush administration, redistribute bountiful oil revenues and reduce soaring crime rates throughout Venezuela. (Reuters)

Saddam Hussein Sentenced – Death By Hanging is His Fate

How_to_hang_saddamThe sentence for the atrocities that have been committed by Saddam Hussein is death by hanging according to the Iraqi Court today. The leader who caused turmoil during his reign as leader of Iraq slaughtering thousands of his civilians and using biological weapons on them was convicted by those same people in an Iraqi court this morning.

Of course Saddam was defiant in his delusional way.

“Allahu Akbar!” (God is Greatest) and “Long live the nation!”, he shouted, pointing defiantly at the judge as the verdict was delivered. Looking away in disgust, and then staring angrily back at the judge he continued to shout “Long live the people and death to their enemies. Long live the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!”

He had refused to stand for the verdict and had to be lifted to his feet by two court bailiffs. “Make him stand,” the judge ordered as the former president stayed seated. He then stood in silence and waited for his fate to be announced to the world.

Saddam_to_be_hungSaddam was convicted of ordering the deaths of 148 Shia men and teenage boys in the town of Dujail in 1982. via SkyNews

From us at Scared Monkeys, we welcome the hanging of Saddam as it will weaken those in Iraq that think he will return and thus make life safer for our troops. It will also punish one of the worst despots of our generation.

Other Bloggers covering the story.

Posted November 5, 2006 by
War on Terror | 30 comments

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